I am going to a Naturopath...............

This afternoon to see what is wrong with me.

I have all the signs and symptoms of thyroid disease (hypothyroidism) and my family doctor says my blood work came back in the "normal range" so there is nothing wrong with me.

I am not buying it and I am tired of these Big Pharma Dr's...........

They won't do the more detailed blood test to see as I have read on a couple of different sites how a normal bloodtest can appear normal, but you still have hypothyroid disease.............

I have stopped losing weight, even though I am following Atkins to the book, no straying.............I have even stopped losing inches.

it really sucks, I am hoping the Naturopath can get me on the right path to heal my body naturally.


  • oEmmao
    oEmmao Posts: 466 Member
    good luck with it :flowerforyou:

    i hope you get some answers

    when i was tested for anaemia the doc said i was only borderline, but i couldnt stay awake and i felt really horrible, now im a totally different person as long as i take my iron tablets, i dont really trust some docs either

  • xmissxshelx
    My mom has the same problem. She has all the symptoms of hypothyroidism and can't lose weight to save her life. She's seen so many doctors about it and they all say her thyroid is fine. Turns out, she and her current doctor think she has PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). Check it out - maybe that's what's going on with you too. Just a thought! Hope I could help a little :smile:
  • naugustyniak
    naugustyniak Posts: 836 Member
    My doctors told me I was fine also but after I had my 2nd HUGE kidney stone in 2 years (surgically had to be removed) I went to a new family doctor who found out my calcium was sky high causing the stones. My thyroid levels were fine. I went to an endocrinologist who found out that my parathyroids (on top of the thyroid) were messed up. I had the left thyroid and parathyroids surgically removed. I had gained 30 pounds in 3 months. My levels (B12, calcium, vitamin D) all cleared up immediately after I had the surgery (they took blood from my foot while I was still under). I am on meds now for the rest of my life and they are still trying to adjust them but I have stopped gaining weight and am slowly losing it. Even when my thyroid tests come back normal, my doc says to call if I "feel funny" (her words) because the tests are not always accurate (obviously).
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    My mom has the same problem. She has all the symptoms of hypothyroidism and can't lose weight to save her life. She's seen so many doctors about it and they all say her thyroid is fine. Turns out, she and her current doctor think she has PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). Check it out - maybe that's what's going on with you too. Just a thought! Hope I could help a little :smile:

    I have already known that I have PCOS for over 6 years.............I lost weight fine when first diagnosed with a low carb diet (Atkins in particular) and I didn't make lifestyle changes permanently and I am also diabetic, so watching carbs is a MUST..............

    The other symptoms pointing to Thyroid disease have popped up in the past year............
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    One thing you can do to help is, eat just a small portion of protien first thing in the morning, before you even take a sip of coffee or anything else. The protien helps to stop your body from just dumping all of your hormones at once, which is what happens when you drink coffee on an empty stomach. Also the endocrine system loves routine. Get up and go to sleep at the same time every day...even weekends. Eat at the same time every day. Exercise at the same time. This is what helped me and I was also given a natural thyroid med that helped too but I haven't had to take it for years. This was all from a naturopathic doctor as well.

    Good luck and tell her everything, even if it seems trivial to you!
  • smagnan
    smagnan Posts: 53 Member
    I just starting seeing a naturopath (voodoo) doctor last month. I call her my voodoo doctor because she does applied kinesiology (sp?) I'm on quite a few supplements to aid my hypothyroidism and I am starting to notice slight weight changes and a rise in my energy levels AND my husband is even noticing it even though he's not a real believer.

    I highly recommend at least giving it a try.
    Good luck!
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    One thing you can do to help is, eat just a small portion of protien first thing in the morning, before you even take a sip of coffee or anything else. The protien helps to stop your body from just dumping all of your hormones at once, which is what happens when you drink coffee on an empty stomach. Also the endocrine system loves routine. Get up and go to sleep at the same time every day...even weekends. Eat at the same time every day. Exercise at the same time. This is what helped me and I was also given a natural thyroid med that helped too but I haven't had to take it for years. This was all from a naturopathic doctor as well.

    Good luck and tell her everything, even if it seems trivial to you!

    I am on a pretty strict routing, which is good for me.............

    My naturopath is a he and he is also a pharmacist that does his own compounding, so I have everything rolled into 1, which is fantastic!!!

    My appetite is rising, which he said is a good thing. That means my progesterone level is starting to rise.
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    I just starting seeing a naturopath (voodoo) doctor last month. I call her my voodoo doctor because she does applied kinesiology (sp?) I'm on quite a few supplements to aid my hypothyroidism and I am starting to notice slight weight changes and a rise in my energy levels AND my husband is even noticing it even though he's not a real believer.

    I highly recommend at least giving it a try.
    Good luck!

    My hubby is not a real believer either..........not yet!!
  • linz1125
    linz1125 Posts: 441 Member
    Don't be discouraged if your regular doc tells you your levels are fine. If you feel you really have the symptoms, follow up with the doctor that specializes in that like an endocrinologist. Even if the levels are "normal" they might not be right for you. Maybe your doc can at least start you on a low dose of hormone to see if there is any improvement at all.

    My best advice is to just follow your gut. If you feel something isn't right, it probably isn't. Dont give up and just be persistent with your doctors until you feel like you think you should.

    My dr told me that my thyroid condition was "manageable" and that I coudl go 20 years without having it removed. I felt it was best to remove it at that time, and I was sure glad I did. My thyroid was even bigger than they thought ( I had hashimotos), it was about 4x it's normal size and there were also cancerous spots (seriously not trying to scare you...but that's just what happened to me.)

    My doctor then apologized for not wanting to originally doing the surgery and said he was glad I followed my intution, because if he knew now what he knew they he wouldn't have told me to wait.
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    Don't be discouraged if your regular doc tells you your levels are fine. If you feel you really have the symptoms, follow up with the doctor that specializes in that like an endocrinologist. Even if the levels are "normal" they might not be right for you. Maybe your doc can at least start you on a low dose of hormone to see if there is any improvement at all.

    My best advice is to just follow your gut. If you feel something isn't right, it probably isn't. Dont give up and just be persistent with your doctors until you feel like you think you should.

    My dr told me that my thyroid condition was "manageable" and that I coudl go 20 years without having it removed. I felt it was best to remove it at that time, and I was sure glad I did. My thyroid was even bigger than they thought ( I had hashimotos), it was about 4x it's normal size and there were also cancerous spots (seriously not trying to scare you...but that's just what happened to me.)

    My doctor then apologized for not wanting to originally doing the surgery and said he was glad I followed my intution, because if he knew now what he knew they he wouldn't have told me to wait.

    I have been to endocrinologist that tell me the same thing............

    So, I am going the natural route.
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    I have no issues with going to a Naturopath but I am a bit confused.....

    didn't you just post your blood work results from your doctor to show how well the Atkins diet is working?

    Although I don't like Atkins I'm not trying to diss it here, just confused. What did your doctor say about the slowing of your weightloss?

    Do you exercise as well? You may just be at a plateau. How long have you been at the same weight?
    I was at a plateau for quite a while but finally broke through by upping my calories and trying some new exercises (I recently took up running).

    Let us know how it goes :happy: :flowerforyou:
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    I have no issues with going to a Naturopath but I am a bit confused.....

    didn't you just post your blood work results from your doctor to show how well the Atkins diet is working?

    Although I don't like Atkins I'm not trying to diss it here, just confused. What did your doctor say about the slowing of your weightloss?

    Do you exercise as well? You may just be at a plateau. How long have you been at the same weight?
    I was at a plateau for quite a while but finally broke through by upping my calories and trying some new exercises (I recently took up running).

    Let us know how it goes :happy: :flowerforyou:

    I have been losing and gaining the same 2-4 pounds for months now...............

    My blood work that was checked was cholesterol and A1C for my diabetes...........he would not check the thyroid at all.

    I will only go to a Dr so that I can get lab slips to make sure my numbers are in check, but anything else I will go to see the Naturopath.

    I know my body and it is not a plateau............A plateau is no weight loss or inches lost in 4 weeks, I was over 2 months with no further loss of any kind.

    I have known for years (knowing my body) that my thyroid is low functioning. Dr's don't believe you when you bring in the information and they tell you it is their job - yet they are not doing it correctly.

    It is my responsiblity to take my health into my own hands, which means going the natural way and not letting Dr's give me chemicals that mock your body's own natural chemicals.
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    I definitely think it is wrong for your doctor to not even explore the option and our instincts are generally a good indicator of when something is not quite right. However, I think everyone should be very careful about self diagnosis. I do think seeing a naturopath is a good idea. I lived with a herbalist for years so I know there are advantages to "alternative" medicine.

    I can't speak about your situation in particulat, but my plateau lasted for way longer than 4 weeks (more like 2 months) and it took a tweak in my diet and a major change in my physical activity to break through ...

    Now that being said my mom had an issue with her thyroid so I can relate and I wish you luck.

    Have you consulted other doctors about your concerns other than just your family doctor?
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    I definitely think it is wrong for your doctor to not even explore the option and our instincts are generally a good indicator of when something is not quite right. However, I think everyone should be very careful about self diagnosis. I do think seeing a naturopath is a good idea. I lived with a herbalist for years so I know there are advantages to "alternative" medicine.

    I can't speak about your situation in particulat, but my plateau lasted for way longer than 4 weeks (more like 2 months) and it took a tweak in my diet and a major change in my physical activity to break through ...

    Now that being said my mom had an issue with her thyroid so I can relate and I wish you luck.

    Have you consulted other doctors about your concerns other than just your family doctor?

    Oh yes, since being in the Military and ballooning up from a very fit, muscular 125 pounds to over 268 at my heaviest and then can't get down past 212 - I know something is wrong, my body won't budge from there and I am 5' 3" so my body is not comfortable at my current weight. I hurt after I work out, working and even doing housework......

    Over the past 10 years, I have been to over 25 doctors and I am told 1000 calories, low fat and exercise...........those low fat and low calorie diets made me gain even more...........

    If you have seen what I have been through with general practioners, specialists, etc - you would be through with main stream medicine too.
  • rocknrolla2009
    rocknrolla2009 Posts: 63 Member
    I was in the same boat you are in now, was frustrated with my doctor about not increasing my Synthroid dosage even though I felt awful. So I went to a Naturopath.

    After paying about $600 for different vitamins and supplements, and being placed on a really restrictive diet, I lost about 5 pounds in 3 months. The diet didn't allow me any carbs at all, not even wild rice or quinoa, no sugar, no red meats, no fruit..

    Just a heads up. :flowerforyou:
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    I was in the same boat you are in now, was frustrated with my doctor about not increasing my Synthroid dosage even though I felt awful. So I went to a Naturopath.

    After paying about $600 for different vitamins and supplements, and being placed on a really restrictive diet, I lost about 5 pounds in 3 months. The diet didn't allow me any carbs at all, not even wild rice or quinoa, no sugar, no red meats, no fruit..

    Just a heads up. :flowerforyou:

    I am doing Atkins and he told me to keep doing what I am doing and to see if the supplements I got the other day work with the way I am eating...........

    Right now I am up to consuming about 40 grams of carbs per day coming from mostly vegetables and fruit 3 times a week................

    I have only spent 32.00 on vitamins and supplements and that is for the first months worth of supplements to take.