Favorite running myths



  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Running is strongly linked to death. Anyone who has run either dead, or will die someday..

  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Sorry for the triple post, but here is an article someone in my triathlon mailing group just sent out recently.

    "Marathons Won't Give You a Heart Attack
    Marathon running is generally safe for your heart, but be cautious if you have an underlying condition."
  • Samerah12
    Samerah12 Posts: 610 Member
    I have bad knees!!! And they've only gotten better with distance running! Go figure! :happy:

  • sandy2006
    sandy2006 Posts: 483 Member
    Someone posted on here a while back that obese people have no business running.
    I am 180lbs and 5'5 that put me in the "obese" category and I run 5 days a week 4-5 miles!!
  • meganmorsey
    Here is a question: I have heard that you burn the same amount of calories covering a given distance whether you walk, jog, run, or sprint it. I thought that sounded false. Thoughts?

    Not according to my HRM!
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Running does not ruin your knees. Running with bad form, running with bad shoes, running on concrete all the time, running too much too soon, running without training properly, running a lot and wearing high heels every day, running when you already have underlying knee issues not caused by running, etc. can hurt your knees.

    Any form of activity can hurt any part of your body if you are not doing it properly...don't blame running.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    You'll ruin your knees!
    Running will ruin your knees which is why I play tennis instead....:huh:
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Someone posted on here a while back that obese people have no business running.
    I am 180lbs and 5'5 that put me in the "obese" category and I run 5 days a week 4-5 miles!!

    On this thread or another topic?
  • n8vchick77
    n8vchick77 Posts: 114 Member
    Last year I developed a bad knee from running but got those handy sport inserts for your sneakers fixed my problem (overpronation)
  • avaloneternal

    Your uterus will fall out if you don't stop that this instance.

    Oh, that's why I haven't gotten pregnant. I thought it was the whole abstinence thing :P
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Distance running will help you lose weight (you just eat more!).

    I think this one is true - speed work will help you lose weight.

    Here is a question: I have heard that you burn the same amount of calories covering a given distance whether you walk, jog, run, or sprint it. I thought that sounded false. Thoughts?

    But distance running can help you lose weight - if you control the calories in.
    It's all about the calorie deficit so if you bump up your deficit and don't eat it all back - you're going to lose weight!
  • sandy2006
    sandy2006 Posts: 483 Member
    Someone posted on here a while back that obese people have no business running.
    I am 180lbs and 5'5 that put me in the "obese" category and I run 5 days a week 4-5 miles!!

    On this thread or another topic?
    A different thread a few weeks ago
  • I'm doing the C25K as well.... up to week 3 day 2.... am really loving it!! I always said "I'm not a runner" but I am doing my best to change it... I have lost a total of 50kg, and now can actually jog.... who'd a thunk it!

    Are you still doing the C25K? or just running on your own?
  • beautyreaps
    I have a few:
    "If you run at night someone will grab and kill you"
    "You'll never be able to run if you have weak knees"
    "You can't run if it's cold outside, because your legs will freeze over and you'll get paralyzed"
    "Running will give you huge bulky leg muscles. You won't be able to fit into your jeans anymore!"
    "You're shins will snap if you run 5 days in a row"
    "Treadmills destroy kneecaps"
    "Girls can't run as well as guys, because they have boobs" LOL
    "If you eat before running you'll instantly throw up"

    Oh and this is the best on I've ever heard: "If you wear a sweater, cover it with a garbage bag and then wear a winter jacket and run; you'll lose weight faster while running!"
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Someone posted on here a while back that obese people have no business running.
    I am 180lbs and 5'5 that put me in the "obese" category and I run 5 days a week 4-5 miles!!

    On this thread or another topic?
    A different thread a few weeks ago

    Oh ok, just checking. I have this way of things coming out the wrong way and was hoping one of my posts didn't come out wrong, because I certainly didn't want to imply that.
  • sandy2006
    sandy2006 Posts: 483 Member
    Someone posted on here a while back that obese people have no business running.
    I am 180lbs and 5'5 that put me in the "obese" category and I run 5 days a week 4-5 miles!!

    On this thread or another topic?
    A different thread a few weeks ago

    Oh ok, just checking. I have this way of things coming out the wrong way and was hoping one of my posts didn't come out wrong, because I certainly didn't want to imply that.
    Oh gosh no! It wasnt you. This was a real blunt to the point statement that was made. sorry for the confusion..
  • bert16
    bert16 Posts: 726 Member
    "You can't run if it's cold outside, because your legs will freeze over and you'll get paralyzed"

    OK - who the @#%! said that one??? :noway:
  • Tan43
    Tan43 Posts: 87 Member
    I`m glad to say that I have just came back from a 4.5KM run over rough terrain and all my body parts are intact!! I was more worried about running over snakes than uterus`s though!!! :laugh:
  • run4yourlife
    run4yourlife Posts: 379 Member

    Here is a question: I have heard that you burn the same amount of calories covering a given distance whether you walk, jog, run, or sprint it. I thought that sounded false. Thoughts?

    I think I burn about the same whether I'm running 10 minute miles or 7 minute miles. I burn less walking than running.

    Same here! I burn the same no matter the time although when i walk i dont burn as much. So yes, i believe you burn the same amount of calories covering a given distance whether you jog, run or sprint it, but NOT walking it.

    I agree as well. You might be covering the same distance walking or running, but your heart rate is significantly higher running it so you burn more cals.

    My brother-in-law insists that a person's knees only have a certain number of "steps" in a lifetime, and once you've used them up, they're wrecked. Therefore, if you run, you'll screw up your knees that much faster. Not that I need to clarify, but I must say that he isn't exactly known for his smarts. And a side note, he won't be my BIL for long :tongue:
  • bert16
    bert16 Posts: 726 Member
    My brother-in-law insists that a person's knees only have a certain number of "steps" in a lifetime, and once you've used them up, they're wrecked. Therefore, if you run, you'll screw up your knees that much faster. Not that I need to clarify, but I must say that he isn't exactly known for his smarts. And a side note, he won't be my BIL for long :tongue:

    Does your BIL wear a pedometer so that he knows exactly when his last step is coming??? ;-)