Body by VI

Hi guys,

I just stared on the Body by VI shape kit and was wondering if anyone else here has tried it? I only have about 10-13 more lbs to go as far as weight loss is concerned. My main priority is building muscle, and seeing that toning/definition!

Let me know your thoughts on this program if you've tried it!



  • If you want to see definition then you need to continue to lose fat to expose your muscles. Building muscle requires heavy strength training, proper macros, and a calorie surplus.

    The Body By Vi is nothing special - overpriced and has little protein compared to what you could get. Will not help you lose weight faster than good ole lifestyle change and calorie counting
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    If you want to see definition then you need to continue to lose fat to expose your muscles. Building muscle requires heavy strength training, proper macros, and a calorie surplus.
    And not a fancy shake from a MLM style company. :drinker:
  • secrets_out
    secrets_out Posts: 684 Member
    At the risk of sounding stupid...what are macros?
    If you want to see definition then you need to continue to lose fat to expose your muscles. Building muscle requires heavy strength training, proper macros, and a calorie surplus.

    The Body By Vi is nothing special - overpriced and has little protein compared to what you could get. Will not help you lose weight faster than good ole lifestyle change and calorie counting
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    At the risk of sounding stupid...what are macros?
    If you want to see definition then you need to continue to lose fat to expose your muscles. Building muscle requires heavy strength training, proper macros, and a calorie surplus.

    The Body By Vi is nothing special - overpriced and has little protein compared to what you could get. Will not help you lose weight faster than good ole lifestyle change and calorie counting
    Macro-nutrients, fats, carbs and protein.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Alarms are going off in all of their distributors' heads now. One has already posted a link to their sales site.

    Gotta love it.
  • secrets_out
    secrets_out Posts: 684 Member
    At the risk of sounding stupid...what are macros?
    If you want to see definition then you need to continue to lose fat to expose your muscles. Building muscle requires heavy strength training, proper macros, and a calorie surplus.

    The Body By Vi is nothing special - overpriced and has little protein compared to what you could get. Will not help you lose weight faster than good ole lifestyle change and calorie counting
    Macro-nutrients, fats, carbs and protein.

    So would something along the lines of paleo be a good starting point for balancing my food?... its really tough to know how to eat right after eating wrong for so long ://
  • Tara4boys
    Tara4boys Posts: 515 Member
    When I switched gyms in the fall, the new gym had a deal where you got 2 bags of the stuff. It is tasty - best tasting powder I've had but it also has HALF the protein that most other powders do. It is also SUPER expensive.

    It is just a calorie reduction aid. It does have some fiber in it to help you stay full.

    Overall its a rip off.

    Oh and the icing on the cake.... I visited their website and got a HORRIBLE trjoan horse on my computer. Took HOURS to remove it.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    At the risk of sounding stupid...what are macros?
    If you want to see definition then you need to continue to lose fat to expose your muscles. Building muscle requires heavy strength training, proper macros, and a calorie surplus.

    The Body By Vi is nothing special - overpriced and has little protein compared to what you could get. Will not help you lose weight faster than good ole lifestyle change and calorie counting
    Macro-nutrients, fats, carbs and protein.

    So would something along the lines of paleo be a good starting point for balancing my food?... its really tough to know how to eat right after eating wrong for so long ://
    Paleo is not that bad, but I don't buy into the mindset that grains are evil. To each his own...but Paleo does at least encourage eating things that aren't processed which is a great start.
  • secrets_out
    secrets_out Posts: 684 Member
    At the risk of sounding stupid...what are macros?
    If you want to see definition then you need to continue to lose fat to expose your muscles. Building muscle requires heavy strength training, proper macros, and a calorie surplus.

    The Body By Vi is nothing special - overpriced and has little protein compared to what you could get. Will not help you lose weight faster than good ole lifestyle change and calorie counting
    Macro-nutrients, fats, carbs and protein.

    So would something along the lines of paleo be a good starting point for balancing my food?... its really tough to know how to eat right after eating wrong for so long ://
    Paleo is not that bad, but I don't buy into the mindset that grains are evil. To each his own...but Paleo does at least encourage eating things that aren't processed which is a great start.
    lol well a girls gotta have some bread so even Mr. Paleo is gonna have to deal with that lol but whole grain bread is ok :)
  • I would suggest making small changes to whatever you are eating now. Make small healthier options and you will learn quick :]
  • purplefreak60
    purplefreak60 Posts: 47 Member
    It does taste great. It has Sucralose in it. Its expensive. I did it for a bag. Then decided there were other, better ways so I stopped. It made my girlfriend really sick.
  • cashnhaydensmama
    cashnhaydensmama Posts: 41 Member
    It has Sucralose in it.

    ^^you beat me to it!
  • slbeutler
    slbeutler Posts: 205
    Hi guys,

    I just stared on the Body by VI shape kit and was wondering if anyone else here has tried it? I only have about 10-13 more lbs to go as far as weight loss is concerned. My main priority is building muscle, and seeing that toning/definition!

    Let me know your thoughts on this program if you've tried it!


    It has very little nutrional value so you could get the same results by eating a balanced diet and staying in your calorie goal. I acutally have a friend who had a terrible reaction to the shakes and have heard it referred to as "cake juice". I have never personally tried it, but if it is working for you and you feel you could maintain this way of eating/drinking for the rest of your life than do what works.
  • Thanks for all your feedback guys!
  • dwcouncil
    dwcouncil Posts: 1 Member
    A friend of mine turned me on to it. I have had good success with it. I lost 10 lbs so far. I feel like it gives me energy. I have been lax about eating a complete breakfast so this product is perfect to me,
  • Roshams
    Roshams Posts: 77
    I know people that are using it, and losing weight. But no more weight then good old fashioned eating better and working out will do.
    It's no different then Slim Fast, except that it's an expensive pyramid scheme that no one will remember in 6 more months.

    Once you stop drinking the shakes and eating normal again you will gain it all back, unless you actually eat healthier....which most people wont, because they want a quick fix.
  • I have been on body by vi for a month now.. i have only lost 5 pounds which i could have done eating healthier and working out... I am going to stop it soon because all it does is starve you!!!
  • xcrushx28
    xcrushx28 Posts: 182 Member
    I'm going to try writing this without sounding mean or harsh. Personally I don't agree with body by VI and these other programs. It's essentially a "modified" fast is what it is.

    1) You will lose weight (including muscle) 2) Expensive 3) It's not "real food"

    The biggest thing is that these programs don't help you with your relationship with food. Leading a nice balanced healthy lifestyle and working your butt off in the gym are going to produce a magnitude of better results.
  • ViSabbi
    ViSabbi Posts: 120 Member
    BBVI is a change of lifestyle. I've been doing it and I absolutely love it! 12g of proteins, low on carbs, sugar, sodium, fat and pretty much everything we look to get in small amounts. Also the type of proteins is unique, and it has a much better absorbtion rate. So far I've lost 12 pounds in 3 weeks and 10 inches in 2 weeks on the shape kit. I'm unable to eat in the morning so the shakes are perfect. For those who think you don't eat anything else, blah! I'm eating healthy snacks all day long plus a good meal.

    I'm reading that you can get much better for cheaper but honestly, I've researched a lot before getting started and no, you cannot. Competitors are way more expensive or have crappy products. Besides, how cheaper can it be when you get your products for free??

    I love the 90 day challenge!
  • ChantalD75
    ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
    I did the challenge and I found it very inconvenient for me. So now I am doing a shake i the morning. I don't have time in the morning to make myself something. It keeps me full until my morning snack. It is expensive but it's the only protein powder I can drink. I hate all the other 'cheapy' stuff. I am thinking this might be my last month. Haven't decided that yet.