Lurker turned serious... Need accountability

I have been lurking on this site for a few weeks now and am really inspired by many of the success stories but I have not been able to stay on track. I am looking for some friends to encourage and hassle me. Today I started the 30 day shred and would love to keep up with it for the next month but I don't know if I am strong enough for that! I would love to hear from others who are doing the 30 day shred as well. I am 23 and trying to lose about 60 lbs so if anyone has similar goals or age please add me as a friend!


  • BBLuv2walk
    Think positive. You can do this. Like you I also needed help with accountability. Therefore, I reached out to a coworker who agreed to be my weekly weigh in coach. This holds me accountable to someone other than myself and it worked like a charm. I just started last wednesday and weighed in today down 5lbs. I focused on the portion sizes and included my favorites everyday like a small bag of Doritos and 1-2 Pieces of chocolate and still lost 5lbs. Therefore, be sure to include what you enjoy eating the most so you want feel like you are on a diet. The bulk of your diet should consist of fruits, veg, and protein (lean meat, legumes, beans). Take it one day at a time and choose a goal to focus on over the next week. BB