
kellicarter11 Posts: 178 Member
Does B12 actually speed up your metabolism? is it worth the money? If it's not is there anything that will speed up my metabolism (vitamin wise)


  • branflake5
  • kellicarter11
    kellicarter11 Posts: 178 Member
    does anyone know the answer?
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I believe that exercise is pretty good at doing that. I wouldn't waste your money on vitamins to "speed up your metabolism".
    If you aren't actually deficient in that particular vitamin/mineral then most of them will just get excreted from your body when you go to the bathroom and all you are doing is making rather expesive pee. Some things get stored in your body but if you don't need them, they won't get used, again it's just a waste.
  • LethaSue
    LethaSue Posts: 285 Member
    I nevr heard anything about that. If your body is short on B12 because you are anemic or if you are short on b12 because you are a vegetarian, and you get a b12 shot it will give you some energy. If you are not short on it, then it does nothing for you.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    I don't know the answer, although I have read that taking vitamins can actually cause you to gain weight.
  • lifeismoto
    bump to hear more on that.... ^^^^^
  • RoanneRed
    RoanneRed Posts: 429 Member
    I'd suggest a low dose B-complex (that includes B12) as several of them have roles in energy conversion (not so sure about boosting metabolism). While B vitamins are water soluble and will flush out of your system within a day (bright yellow pee), be aware that other vitamins are stored in the body so, with over-supply, they can build up to toxic levels and cause a problem.
  • GreenEyedGrl86
    I don't know the answer, although I have read that taking vitamins can actually cause you to gain weight.

    Guess I'm in trouble...I take a multivitamin, garlic, fish oil, and maybe a b12 if I feel like I need an energy boost.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    I don't know the answer, although I have read that taking vitamins can actually cause you to gain weight.

    Guess I'm in trouble...I take a multivitamin, garlic, fish oil, and maybe a b12 if I feel like I need an energy boost.

    There is a ton of misinformation out there, so don't take that as gospel. If it increases your energy, it is likely helping you work harder when you exercise. That has to be better than worrying about a little metabolism boost.
  • Loves418
    Loves418 Posts: 330 Member
    I was truly B12 deficient. To the point it was causing nerve damage and I still think I have the damage to this day in my arm/hand. That being said..I would get shots in the beginning and let me tell you the first 24 hours you are like the energizer bunny then you crash and its over. It doesn't last that long.
  • charlybu
    charlybu Posts: 47 Member
    I would be careful experimenting with vitamins to boost metabolism, etc. Aside from the "expensive pee" mentioned earlier, some vitamins build up in your system and can be very dangerous. The most common culprit is vitamin A. B vitamins can boost energy (more energy = more exercise = better metabolism?) but some people can have a really bad reaction to excessive B vitamins. They can make some people extremely anxious, practically vibrating with anxiety. It's really scary, happened to two people I know when doctors recommended it to them. The only vitamin that has been extensively proven to do any good is calcium. The rest, who knows. If you're not deficient, don't bother with extra supplements.