Insanity Burn

For the past 3 weeks I've been doing insanity. The first week I had no HRM. The second week I got my HRM and found that I burned in the 400s during the 40 minute videos.

I have always been really active at the gym. I have kept my gym routine the whole time (these last 3 weeks). Which is about 1 hr to 1 hr and a half of weights, spin, pilates or cardio. I usually burn 300 - 400 cals there.

Anyway, this week my calorie burns for insanity have dropped to 300. I just dont get it. I'm working and sweating and thats all? So today I skipped the gym, took a nap and only did insanity for the day, cardio and cardio abs. 53 minutes only 312 cals on the HRM. I was working. So I'm just wondering if my monitor is broke or if I could just be in better shape or if its the HRM. Anyone have some ideas about this?


  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    You body is adapting to the workout. I do Insanity too..., love it! It’s like running, your heart rate will be up, but after awhile it will settle in over time.
  • apple2107
    How exactly is Insanity like? Does it include like 2 or 3 different levels so you can change every 10 or 15 days? Since as Silky said, your body will get used to the same workout, so for best burn you should always change your workout after at least 3 weeks :O
  • ItsLessOfMe
    ItsLessOfMe Posts: 374 Member
    About 4 videos rotated 6 days a week. Then a week of "recovery video" Then a whole new set of videos for another month. So next week is my last week and then I guess my body will be shocked by next week
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    Check out the science on heart rates and how they change.
  • kmillers
    kmillers Posts: 144 Member
    I was thinking the same thing. I only get about 350-400 or so doing insanity dvds for 40 minutes. I get more burn off of fire 45 from turbofire. However, today I was paying attention to the stretching vs actual workout time and you actually only work out for about 30 min hard. So, for only that amount of time, the calorie burn is pretty good. Plus I know you burn after with all those strength, power, and plyo moves. I also do other stuff after such as wogging (jogging/walking) for about 30-40 minutes after or lifting weights. I need to burn 600 calories in order to feel good for the day.