being a little obsessive?

Just wanted to know if any body else out there is trying to be as accurate in how manh calories you burn im the wjole 24 hours? It seems odd I know bit I try to include how many calories I burn when im doing computer work or just watching tv, because I k.ow my body still uses calories to function, and I want to make sure I get the balance right. Im thinking I may be obswssed, but at least it gives me something to focus on rather than focusing on wanting crisps :-S!


  • lada5574
    lada5574 Posts: 4 Member
    i think youre going over the top. im pretty sure the site makes corrections for those sorts of activities.. surely you should just be logging intentional exercise, not incidental exercise; otherwise youre going to be eating too much.
  • karagav
    karagav Posts: 172 Member
    i definitely know the feeling because i've been there! i think the main thing i learned about being so obsessive over my calories eaten and burned was that when i screwed up and wasn't so careful about it, i'd punish myself and then end up eating badly or sabotaging myself...i really don't know was just a pattern i started to see.
    what i've tried to do instead is keep a mental note on how many calories i'd be burning every day with regular activites like walking around campus, being at work, etc. i only worry about tracking the excess calories from workouts and exercise.
    i hope this makes sense and if anything, just something to keep in the back of your mind :)
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    You really shouldn't be logging activities which are already factored into your total daily energy expenditure. Not even sure where/how you'd get calories logged for doing computer work!!
  • striveforhealthy
    striveforhealthy Posts: 137 Member
    I think you're going a little over the top. It'll say you're getting too few calories.

    Generally, I wont log everyday activity...unless it is something like cleaning the house vigorously to the point where I break a sweat or something. I do log my everyday cardio since I generally run 5 times a week and whatever strength training I'm doing.
  • spiritedpixie
    i think youre going over the top. im pretty sure the site makes corrections for those sorts of activities.. surely you should just be logging intentional exercise, not incidental exercise; otherwise youre going to be eating too much.
    Thought it might, if I wasnt using the app I guess id have to know. As iy stands im not hitting my apparent calorie allowence even trying to take that into account lol. Trying to break the habit of thinking eating 900 cals a day is helping when apparently it means im 'starving' :-S
  • karagav
    karagav Posts: 172 Member
    i think youre going over the top. im pretty sure the site makes corrections for those sorts of activities.. surely you should just be logging intentional exercise, not incidental exercise; otherwise youre going to be eating too much.
    Thought it might, if I wasnt using the app I guess id have to know. As iy stands im not hitting my apparent calorie allowence even trying to take that into account lol. Trying to break the habit of thinking eating 900 cals a day is helping when apparently it means im 'starving' :-S

    it's a learning process!! we're all working towards similar goals, and we're all human so we slip up! it's just finding what works for know your body better than anyone else! :)
  • swimmchick87
    swimmchick87 Posts: 458 Member
    Yes, I think that is too obsessive. Your activity level on MFP already accounts for daily activities, so if you put them in there again you're counting something twice and therefore you're actually being more inaccurate. I'm a teacher and on my feet all day, so I set my activity level to "lightly active" and only log actual workouts.
  • spiritedpixie
    thanks guys , at least now I know its already taken into account. I just have to adjust accordingly on my days off lol x
  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    Do whatever you want as long as you lose weight. If that's helping you to stay on track then do it. It is just a phase and it is going to pass.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    BMR = calories burned doing absolutely nothing (ie: in a coma).

    TDEE = daily activity level = BMR + calories burned doing normal every day activities.

    When you go into settings and select your activity level (active, lightly active, sedentary, for example) you are already being given credit for the calories burned doing what you normally do in your life. This includes your job, taking care of chores/pets, housekeeping, cooking, sleeping, showering, watching tv, etc. It CAN include exercise if you choose a higher activity level. BUT, if you choose the lowest level that would NOT include exercise, then you should log the calories you burn doing purposeful, fitness-related exercise (classes, cardio, weight lifting).

    Adding calories for things that are already included in your lifestyle activity level will slow or stop your weight loss. The secret to making this work most effectively is to get as close to actual as possible, rather than cheat by adding calories that aren't actually extra or not logging snacks/drinks or even eating too little.

    Good luck.
  • sbrooks0387
    sbrooks0387 Posts: 167 Member
    i think when you pick your activity level it counts in those cals you burn on the computer or job or whatever. that is a little obsessive to log even the ones you burn on the computer. i took the kids for a walk and it took us a half hour to go a half mile round trip i dd not log that. and then when my hubby wanted to take the puppy for a run and i had to run her up and down the street a few times to get her started and show him how to get her going (she balks at the start) i didn't log that either that's just normal daily actvity that's already counted in.
  • carolann_22
    carolann_22 Posts: 364 Member
    I don't think so - I have a Bodybugg/BodyMediaFit, which is 90% accurate for the calories burned each day at all times. I LOVE having that info. For one thing, when I set my goal to 2 pounds a week MFP put me at 1200 cals (even though I weighed 250+ at the time so that seemed an appropriate goal, the 2 pounsd weekly). I ate that plus exercise calories and was losing SOOOOO slowly. I started looking at the information from the bodybugg and saw I was averaging a daily burn of 3400 to 3600 calories. I read more on here, decided at my weight a deficit of 1500 calories a day seemed appropriate, and started eating 2000 calories a day - and started losing weight MUCH faster. So for me, having that info was fanstastic - if I can lose MORE eating 2000 cals a day, you can bet I'm going to, lol.