I was 160 then...

How can I get a picture to upload? I tried the tinypic.com thing and none of the four will work!! I want to upload a pic of me at 160 pounds


  • paisley2288
    paisley2288 Posts: 913 Member
    <a href="http://tinypic.com?ref=1zf0axk&quot; target="_blank"><img src="http://i43.tinypic.com/1zf0axk.jpg&quot; border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>
  • karagav
    karagav Posts: 172 Member
    i have no idea how to upload pics but i looked at yours...you are gorgeous in all of your pictures! it's great to have a goal in mind...my goal is to be back to my picture in the dress on my page...and even a little smaller. i think it helps to have pictures of YOU because it makes it that much more real.
    one thing i did to motivate myself when i was at my highest weight was to put pictures of myself around my kitchen of when i was thinner. a little silly, but it definitely reminded me of what i wanted to look like again! then, when i had lost weight the first time, i replaced those with the bigger pictures so i knew what i didn't want to look like again.
    anyways, i'm on a ramble here! you've got quite a journey ahead of you (i think you said 150 to go?), but that doesn't mean you can't do it!! go ten pounds at a time or a reasonable goal! you can do it!!!
  • luvmybaby333
  • luvmybaby333
    You're beautiful! It's great that you have this picture to help remind you of your goal. :-D
  • paisley2288
    paisley2288 Posts: 913 Member

    ah! thank you! yes this is me at 160 and i couldn't figure out how to do a picture lol and thanks for saying im pretty! this is what i want to look like again. not a movie star or a model. just me at this size!
  • christ4life63
    christ4life63 Posts: 68 Member
    HI.. These are the steps to unload a picture.

    1 Go to Home.
    2. then go to YOUR PROFILE

    Good Luck.:flowerforyou:
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member

    Great post about uploading pictures onto posts. And I totally get it, 160 is right about my goal too :)