17yo bordering obese. Need guidance.

I'm Emma, 17 year old from the UK. Recently got on the scales and seen I'm the biggest I've ever been.
5ft 8 and 13 stone. I don't look huge I carry it well but the fact of being nearly obese scares me a little.
I've tried to lose weight many times before but I have 0 willpower. It takes a kick of realisation for me to do anything.
Last time I tried to cut back all snacks and keep to set meals but I was constantly hungry and just gave up sooner.
For work I help my mom with a gift shop and it involves me sitting on my bum for 8 hours, I have low metabolism.
I wanted to take up a hobby that included exercise, but never done anything.

Any help is really grateful, I'm so fed up!

Thanks x


  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Hi Emma,

    Wel you've made a good start by joining us here on MFP!

    You've identified that cutting out snacks didnt work for you - so build in healthy chocies for these into your daily plan. A piece of fruit, some dairylea light on a rice cake, a stick of celery - you know what you'll eat.

    How are your other meals - is your Mum in charge of those?

    And exercise is a great idea - start small, maybe going for a walk during your lunch break.
  • Ericgunner
    Hi Emma,
    This is a great site with people in the same situation of all ages. Part of the fun is supporting your mfp friends with words of encouragement and support.
    You need to motivate yourself physically and mentally you have to cut out the snacks, which if you can persevere for a couple weeks will become much easier. You also need to do some exercise, which can involve walking or as I do, I ride an exercise bike at home while watching TV. But you have to start somewhere and you've done that by joining this site.

    Best of luck

    . Eric
  • Emmalaaaa
    Hi :),

    I try to snack on rye bread and stick to brown bread all of the time.
    I do love many fruits, Kiwi being my favourite. I could just snack on fruit salads.

    Yes, Mum is in charge of those, she's a lazy cook. She cooks frozen meals like pizza and chips.
    It was the reason I gave up last time, one night she cooked me a stuffed crust pizza and the next night we had fish & chips from the chip shop. I have no idea what to cook for myself and feel bad if I turn down my Mums meals.

    As for exercise I bought a fitness DVD last week, I did it once and I haven't done it again since.
    A walk around the block sounds more realistic for me :)

    Thank you for your help!
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    Why don't you try offering to cook for you and your mum a couple of nights a week? Look up some simple recipes online. Learning how to cook good healthy meals for yourself will easily put you on the right track :)
  • zoodalia
    zoodalia Posts: 294
    Hey Emma,

    Good on your for joining for a start... there are people of all shapes and sizes on here so you'll find lots of people in the same boat with similar challenges who can support you. If you've struggled before I think you'll find the MFP support network really helpful!

    If you want some support from a fellow Brit, feel free to add me.

    Good luck!:)
  • Emmalaaaa
    Hi Emma,
    This is a great site with people in the same situation of all ages. Part of the fun is supporting your mfp friends with words of encouragement and support.
    You need to motivate yourself physically and mentally you have to cut out the snacks, which if you can persevere for a couple weeks will become much easier. You also need to do some exercise, which can involve walking or as I do, I ride an exercise bike at home while watching TV. But you have to start somewhere and you've done that by joining this site.

    Best of luck

    . Eric

    Hi Eric,
    Thanks for your support, exercise comes in small doses for me.
    I shall start the exercising as soon as. :)
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    Making small changes will be more sustainable, like others have said making healthier snacking options will help, and start getting in some exercise, finding something you enjoy will help massively!
    Have you spoken to your mum about your plan to eat/get healthier? Would be some much easier if you can team up, offer to help with the cooking, maybe go walking together? Logging your food was a massive eye opener for me about portion control!
    MFP is a great site, good luck. Oh feel free to add me if you like, all the cool kids are called Emma :wink:
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    What you need to do is talk to your Mom about this. Talk to her about your concerns and that you might need a few low calorie foods around to help balance out the high calorie foods. I lost weight by just limiting what I ate for the first few months. If I couldn't fit that can of soda into my night I wouldn't drink it. Self-Control is what you've got. Trust me, I've gotten so in depth into this thing I have to make it all complicated and had to hold my boyfriends bag of AMAZING smelling tacos and burgers on the car ride home so I could make a simple salad of my own. If you are serious, you will stick to simply watching calories.

    Remember, if you have no control over selecting the large meals you can choose to eat less of one and replace the empty space with healthier foods. Use MFP to help you keep portion sizes. Trust me, MFP will work if you stay in your calorie goal :)
  • GemaG
    GemaG Posts: 142
    Hi Emma

    Have you tried to talk to your Mum about the food choices she is providing and how you are feeling about your weight? As a mother I know that if my daughter was needing help I would do everything to support her. Maybe you could help in the kitchen with the preparation of the meals so that it is not all left down to your Mum and then she might not feel the need to go for the unhealthy options.

    And try to do your DVD again or more walks, the more exercise you do the better you will start to feel. Exercise is a feel good drug that is 100% legal!!!

    Fell free to add me as a friend if you want some support along the way. You CAN do it

  • takehimaway
    takehimaway Posts: 499 Member


    They're going to ban you.
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    Hi Emma,

    Welcome! I have immense trouble finding the motivation to 'exercise', but I'm quite happy to walk if I have to get somewhere. Could you build some movement into your day by walking all, or part of the way to/from work? I have a pedometer application on my phone which is also a great motivator - you can see how many calories you are burning off just by walking.

    You and your mum could have quite a lot of fun together cooking, and it's a cheaper way to eat, which may help with the appeal, from your Mum's perspective.

    Baby steps - change one or two things at a time, and you'll get there. Good luck!
  • Emmalaaaa
    What you need to do is talk to your Mom about this. Talk to her about your concerns and that you might need a few low calorie foods around to help balance out the high calorie foods. I lost weight by just limiting what I ate for the first few months. If I couldn't fit that can of soda into my night I wouldn't drink it. Self-Control is what you've got. Trust me, I've gotten so in depth into this thing I have to make it all complicated and had to hold my boyfriends bag of AMAZING smelling tacos and burgers on the car ride home so I could make a simple salad of my own. If you are serious, you will stick to simply watching calories.

    Remember, if you have no control over selecting the large meals you can choose to eat less of one and replace the empty space with healthier foods. Use MFP to help you keep portion sizes. Trust me, MFP will work if you stay in your calorie goal :)

    It was an eye opener just to add my breakfast today and see how much fat it has in it.
    Thanks for your help.
  • jennyferann
    jennyferann Posts: 6 Member
    Please dont get despondent, do something about it. You have already taken the biggest step by admitting you have a problem. You dont have to do any fancy excercise if its not your thing, just walk. Walking is very theraputic as well as good for your figure, you think deeply, a sort of meditation. Good luck sweetheart.
  • Emmalaaaa


    They're going to ban you.

    I didn't come across any terms and conditions when I signed up.
    Thank you for the information.
  • eccels
    eccels Posts: 14
    Hi Emma, well done on your start. You have just crossed the biggest hurdle.
  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,498 Member
    If i were you...I`d try cutting the brown bread out altogether for a few weeks and see if you can kick start your metabolism. I love bread both brown and white, but i try to cut it out at least 6 days a week and i feel so much less bloated.

    Might be worth a try.

    Protein: size of your palm
    Carbs: a fistfull
    Veggies: as many as you want
    Fats: size of your thumbnail

    And try not to eat Fat if your eating Carbs. Especially after midday.
    Hi :),

    I try to snack on rye bread and stick to brown bread all of the time.
    Thank you for your help!
  • kwoody83
    HI Emma,

    I know how hard it can be to be motivated.

    This is the diet I eat

    Breakfast - Porridge with mixed seeds and blue berries

    Snack - Apple and 6 almonds

    Lunch - Soup with wholemeal pitta and a carrot with humous

    Snack - fruit and almonds

    Dinner - Stir fry, home made healthy curry (things like that)

    I find I am very rarely hungry and if I am then I snack on either fruit with nuts or rice cakes with humous.

    I try to have alot of beans (not baked) and pulses in my main meal to fill me up.

    As with the exericise I started small by going for short walks and if you have a wii/wii fit then this is a great place to start help you get motivated.

    I hope this helps. You can do it :-)

  • orlaoshea
    Hi Emma,

    Well done on deciding to actively tackle your weight.

    Find exercise that you enjoy like perhaps zumba or tennis or whatever. If you find something boring you will not keep it up.

    Regarding food you need to eat to burn fat effectively but it needs to be the correct foods, never go hungry but fill up on berries, veg, otmeal etc... Once you eat enough to effectively fuel your body to burn fat you can exercise and burn 2lb a week easily, thats 8-10 lbs in a month. After one month alone you will look great and can go from there to look even better.

    Book some classes and go food shopping.

    Good luck!
  • nettip
    nettip Posts: 113 Member
    Hi Emma,

    Im Just like you only im 29 with 2 kids and a husband, we share the cooking duty so only 4 days a week i get to say what i eat, i work in a window blind shop where im sat at a pc all day, when i get in i have to do dinner, clean up, get kids off to bed and get there lunches read 4 next morning( i used to snake while making there lunches). by time i have done that i dont want to exercise!!

    But last year when i was planning my wedding i found this site, an realised that having pizza for dinner isnt bad as long as you have one slice and add salad instead of chips and the rest of the pizza. then i started doing exercise and loved being able to see what i had eaten /gt left and exercised off. and lost 48lbs. then went on honey moon and took the business on and it went out the window. im now bc and have found zumba!! i do the 20min express almost every night as its not to time comsuming. And if i feel upto it i go on and the the 20abs dvd aswell. i have now lost 9lbs in ten days of being bc.

    so maybe just somthing that is is short may help you , oh and drink your water this reli helps, my sister is only 53kg and couldnt do up here brodesmaid dress, and drank nothing but water the week b4 my wedding and on the day she was 51.5kg and the dress looked great and on a plus she could breathe in it.

    Add me if you like. x

  • ednawhatnot
    ednawhatnot Posts: 93 Member
    Well done Emma, for recognising that you need to take action and get healthier. I really wish I had done the same at your age, then I wouldn't have spent the last 20 years making excuses not to do fun stuff with my friends and having my shopping choices limited to two or three (not very fashionable) shops. (In fact if I had a time machine I'd go back to 1991 and show my 17 year old self what my lifestyle choices would do to me in my 30s)

    The best thing you can do is move around more. Could you walk part of the way home from work or invite your friends to go ice skating/swimming/dancing on your days off? I always thought that I was the only chubby one in my group of friends but now I realise that everyone has their body insecurities and that if I'd spoken to them at the time they'd have been happy to do something active with me instead of loafing about in pubs. Basically what I'm saying is that I was an idiot and I don't want you to end up like me.

    Good luck!

    Dawn x