I need exercise for Dummies!

Hi guys! Need some advice. I have recently started back at the gym after a little....ummm.....let's call it is a holiday hiatus. I have about an hour to an hour and a 1/2 to kill while my little man is in pre-school three days a week. (stay-at-home-mom so it is the ONLY freakin free time I have.....but that's another story). Anyway, since I am just starting back to it, should I be starting out slower with less calorie burns or just go for it??

Last week I was able to go 3 days and burned typically 500 a day. The rest of the week I chase my little man around, shovel snow (and ice), hardly ever sit down all day long, constantly going,etc. So far this week, I had one workout of 700 (currently on way to gym now). I wear my HRM and I have noticed that I am going outside my target heart rate (it's the elliptical, I am fat, what can I say??). For weight loss, should I be trying to stay in my target heart rate??? or does anything help?? I am asking since I have gained four pounds in the last two weeks. Trying not to freak, I know there is an adjustment period. Just want to try and get this right. Scale going in opposite direction is definately de-motivating.
Any trainers out there?? Slow and steady wins the race?? or every calorie burnt helps?? HELP!!!!!


  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    The book "Exercise for Dummies" is available at any book seller, I have a copy. Its a good, common sense book.
    You can get a personal trainer ,or go online for lots of advise and videos.
    Best of luck in your search for information, it is out there and readily available.
  • pagratios2
    pagratios2 Posts: 4 Member
    I , too , started the gym as a dummy . The first few weeks i used the treadmill in low intensity (115-125 bpm) and as the body adjusted i could regulate the incline of the treadmill , again walking not running , and the target HR was 140 bpm . The last few months i went using the elleiptic trainer , that i love very much and from 30 min and target HR 150 bpm i am now 40-50 min and the maximum HR is 150-160 bpm . So take it slowly , the body has ways to adjust. You can use the heart rate zones to burn more fat by doing mild excercise.

    best regards
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    So much good info can be found here...


    If you exceed target heart rate it's ok so long as you don't push it so hard that you make yourself sick. Don't get yourself worked up over fat burning zones and whatnot. Greater exertion is more calories burned.

    We all trust that you won't work so hard you collapse! :tongue: