Fruit and Veggies....

I am not a veggie person. I try to have some each night w dinner but i HATE veggies. I use to eat them all the time but during and after pregnancy, i hate them.

how do you get your veggies in during the day? do you sneak them in your food? do you use baby food jars since it is pureed and easier to 'hide'?

And fruit. im in Pa and fruit around here is eh during this time of the year. what do you do for this time of year when fruit is very bleck?


  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    I don't really eat fruit, juice maybe?

    As for veggies I love em, eat a salad or two every day, love stirfry, etc.
  • JustineDianaD
    JustineDianaD Posts: 51 Member
    do you like smoothies? you could always do frozen fruit in a smootie?
  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    Grow up and eat your veggies! Lol.
  • Goose28in
    Goose28in Posts: 87 Member
    I live in Michigan, our fruit is probably the same as yours. During the winter we eat alot of oranges, bananas, apples and strawberries. Some grocery stores have frozen fruit that might work.

    Veggies. I eat about 10 servings of vegetables a day. I put veggies in seriously everything. Try using V8, potatoes (not fried). There are so many ways to hide the vegetables in your food.
  • jnbud2002
    jnbud2002 Posts: 216
    Drink those V8 fusions! They have servings of both fruits and veggies! I def like the smoothies! Maybe you can try and see what type of fruits and veggies you like and try to incorporate them into your meals? Or do you just dislike all of them?
  • Flash frozen fruit (berries, peaches, etc.) are good substitutes for fresh out of season. Blend with almond milk and honey, and ... YUM.

    For veges, I get almost all of mine from juicing. Kale, cucumber, celery, spinach, beets, fennel, radishes, you name it, you can turn it into juice. Add fresh ginger and lemon, and it all pretty much tastes like green lemonade.

    I can't say I exactly love the taste, but I sort of look forward to consuming it because I feel so good - more energy, more alert, etc. after drinking it.

    I use a Breville multi speed juicer for most fruits and vegetables, and a Hurom upright masticating juicer for leafy stuff.
  • my blender broke so i have to pick a new one up tomorrow hopefully. i want to try smoothies out and naturally when i go to make them...the blender isnt working.

    i like fruit...dont get me wrong on that one but around here its always high priced and crap quality during these months (working in produce years ago made me more aware of them) so it can be a battle.

    When my daughter was smaller, i would throw babyfood in the food i made since i had so much of it. this way we all got some extra veggie in the diet.
  • Alacey88
    Alacey88 Posts: 486 Member
    Drink those V8 fusions! They have servings of both fruits and veggies! I def like the smoothies!

    You do have to watch out for the sugar in the drinks as well!!!!!
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Clementines are in season right now, and they're awesome. Potatoes work well, too, but they are really calorie-dense by nature. Winter squash

    The V8 Fruit and Veggie drinks aren't bad and would probably be good in a smoothie.

    It's a little late for apples this year, but it's pretty easy to make your own applesauce, which freezes well, and can be used for all sorts of things (including as egg substitute in a lot of recipes).

    Kraft also makes "veggie pasta" macaroni and cheese if you like pasta (you'll probably find other veggie-based pastas if you look). It's made with cauliflower and is pretty good.

    Check out the flavored yogurts. They can have a lot of sugar, so be careful, but there are a number of varieties that have fruit mixed in them, or are made with fruit.

    Stir fries are also great. I've also take a liking to putting green peppers and black olives on my pizzas. Sauteing peppers, onions, etc can also make a great omelet (if you go to Bob Evan's, check out their "Border Scramble", it's delicious!).
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,447 Member
    There's some great veg that work really well in the "sneak attack" IE- my mom would make chili and grate in carrots and zucchini.. they cook so long they pretty much dissolve into it

    I do the same for my family now.. a grater is a wondrous kitchen gadget.
  • SeaSiren1
    SeaSiren1 Posts: 242 Member
    I live in Michigan, our fruit is probably the same as yours. During the winter we eat alot of oranges, bananas, apples and strawberries. Some grocery stores have frozen fruit that might work.

    Veggies. I eat about 10 servings of vegetables a day. I put veggies in seriously everything. Try using V8, potatoes (not fried). There are so many ways to hide the vegetables in your food.

  • I have the veggie pastas from Ronzoni :0) those are good and my kids like the 'color ronis!' as they call it.

    apples are NEVER a problem here.

    i do thank you all for your suggestions. i am going to have to really look through the store tomorrow while Ry is in preschool.
  • I_get_fit
    I_get_fit Posts: 145 Member
    As a veggie lover, I can't relate but I can give you some tips that might help.

    Spinach Protein Shake / Smoothie - frozen banana, milk of choice, frozen or fresh spinach (1-2 handfuls), fresh or frozen mango, pineapple or peaches, scoop of protein powder, sweetener if needed... blend until creamy.

    Carrot Cake Oatmeal - rolled oats, grated carrot, raisins, pumpkin pie spice, vanilla, chopped walnuts, sweetener (such as brown sugar or truvia or honey)... cook together for 5 minutes on stove.... serve with a splash of milk or half & half.

    Crustless quiche - lots of eggs with meat, cheese, and some minced veggies that you can hardly see or taste (think onion, spinach, peppers, mushrooms)

    regular or breakfast burritos - same as quiche (cut up veggies small) and you probably won't be able to taste them...

    As for fruit, it's typically a seasonally thing... I get fruit here in Washington State in the winter but most of it is tasteless and blah. I stick to things like clementines and apples but I mostly buy frozen fruit during this time of year.
  • I've had luck finding veggies that I like and actively rejecting the ones that taste like feet. Like broccoli. Broccoli is a crime against food. Rutabagas on the other hand are fantastic! Sugar snap peas are also awesome, and fun to chew; same with waterchestnuts and jicama. I wouldn't force yourself to eat something you absolutely hate: you'll be more likely to break into cookies out of sheer rebellion.