Banging my head on the laptop...

Went out to dinner with my son. We decided to go the local pub for dinner on the deck. Well....after I got home and did my journaling. I went over my daily allowence by 2100 calories !!!!
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :sad: :sad: :sad:


  • vickster82
    vickster82 Posts: 108
    holy crap! i know what that guilt feels like. this sunday i went over to my parents, and we had nice bbq dinner. i had mashed potatoes, bbq chicken, beet salad, and bread. all good till the cake. the four of us ate half of a giant cake! i ate the most! guilt used to really get to me, but i let it go by the end of the day. i tell myself "you fatso thats what you get", not work your *kitten* off the next day! that usually sets me in motion. OR trying on your favorite shirt that doesn't fit, and telling yourself you absolutely cannot repeat that mistake again. let me know what you do to ease the suffering
  • proctor0828
    proctor0828 Posts: 179
    I totally understand.... it seems like anytime we go out and I try to be as careful as possible but never fails... when I get home to log it, it sends me over buy 1000+ calories.
  • myabandit
    myabandit Posts: 21
    I will own up to my mistake. Especially tomorrow when I meet with my trainer at 6 and he goes over my food journal....he is going to kill me!

    :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  • PureAndHealthy
    I did the same thing Sunday... except I went over 2200 calories. :ohwell: So almost 2 full days worth of calories OVER. :sad: When I weighed myself the next morning I was up 3 POUNDS! :noway: But yesterday, I put my Mp3 player on and ran longer than I've ever run before and stuck *perfectly* to my calorie goal and you know what? This morning I got on the scale and was right back on track! Same weight as before my little Sunday fiasco. You just have to get right back up! Ate my calories today and got a workout in and am excited to continue to see those numbers on the scale go down down down! Stick with it!
  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    Ya gotta be careful in restaurants (which i'm sure you know). I've taken to ordering cesear salads with grilled fish on top and the dressing on the side. Even if the item is not on the menu, most restaurants have made healthier choices for me if I ask.

    Luckily, my local pub offers 300 calorie dinners and they're pretty good. Grilled mahi mahi, steamed veggies and a green salad.
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Went out to dinner with my son. We decided to go the local pub for dinner on the deck. Well....after I got home and did my journaling. I went over my daily allowence by 2100 calories !!!!
    :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    Sorry, but pure curiosity - what did you eat??? 2100's pretty impressive! :laugh: The only things that do that to me are hamburgers and pasta!
  • Lesli
    Lesli Posts: 46 Member
    At least you logged it. Better than not! :smile:
  • gustergirl
    gustergirl Posts: 534 Member
    You need to be smarter and find out whats on their menu or pick a sensible option. Another idea is to log before you go so you can guesstimate what your daily day is. I know that its one day. I ate like crap today but thats alot of calories and thats just not good decision making! Try to find tricks that will help you in the future. Make a little cheat sheet of what you should order out and keep it in your wallet so if you get stuck or are confused you can pull that out!! Good luck next time!
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    [Jillian's_voice] get on the tread mill and run run run until you puke [/Jillians_voice]

    Okay enough with the joking around. You can always get back on track tomorrow, maybe work extra hard a little. As long as you don't repeat it making it a daily habit then it won't be so bad. Just think of it as a minor setback instead of a failure.
  • Tofuheart
    Tofuheart Posts: 191 Member
    Holy ****e! That much over? I eat 1200 calories a day so to me that's like two days of food!! It's good you logged it all though. I find restaurants to be pretty bad for trying to stay on a diet. I've been in the food industry for years and the hidden fats and salt are over the top amounts. Even salads which you think can be good for you can be laced with high calorie salad dressings etc. I remember reading some chain restaurant in USA for salads and the average salad has 900-1200 calories in it.

    Make a game plan before you go out. Sensible dinner, order half orders of everything. If I'm going to a pub I would much rather eat my calories in alcohol than food. :tongue: