Who else is working out twice a day?

I'm trying to get into the habit of working out twice a day. Is not that it bothers me to workout, but I'm not much of a morning person because I got to sleep late, so I'm training my body and mind to go to bed early and get enough sleep time.

At the moment I'm doing P90X Classics in the morning and at night I'm mixing it, depending on the day, with 10 miles bike rides, Insanity Cardio or Max Intervals and now I'll also mix it with JM's 6 Weeks Six Pack and 30 Days Shred. P90X is already designed to avoid plateau so by doing different workouts at night during the week I'm planning to keep my body guessing and not reaching plateau.

Of course, this means I must eat more, and stick to my routine of eating 5 to 6 times a day. I can already see that the days I skip a meal my body notice it in a negative way.

Anyone else working out twice a day too?


  • season1980
    season1980 Posts: 129 Member
    During the workweek my friend and I often do Insanity in the morning before work. Then I always jump on the treadmill during my breaks at work since I sit at a desk all day. Then 3 times a week I lift in the evenings and 2 days a week I go to Zumba classes because I love to dance.
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    I've worked out twice a day before. It's awesome. I wish I could do it again, but with a newborn sleep becomes more important.
  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
    Glad to know I'm not crazy lol.

    season1980, that's awesome. It really makes a difference in all aspects. It would be awesome if there were treadmills wherever I start working.

    luangina, I totally understand and agree with you, a newborn sleep is more important. And yes, it is awesome, even when I'm super tired I get so much energy out of it :)
  • theoneandonlybrookie
    I do, three times per week. I do P90X classic as well (I've done a few full cycles of it - now I don't ever do the Yoga and modify a few of the others...). I wake up and do that in the mornings during the work week. Three nights during the work week, I also run.

    On the weekends I do a long run and a short run, and sometimes skip the short run for a day off.

    Anyway, I love twice a days! I was a swimmer for years and years and morning / afternoon workouts were just a way of life.
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    Twice a day here, for 5-6 days a week.

    Was doing P90X (heavy weights) in the AM, 6 days a week (no yoga or stretch, I sub that with other routines)
    PM was ether P90X Kempo x or Plyo (both with weights), then I began swapping that out with Rushfit in the PM. (one rest day)

    Now I am doing P90X2 in AM, and PM workout are usually Tread climber for 45-60 min, 5 days a week, or sometimes a Rushfit routine (45 min) One day a week is treadclimber only for 60 min. (one day is rest day)

    It can be done, just be sure to consume enough calories, enough protein to repair and rebuild muscle, and enough carbs for energy.

    A rest day at least once a week is very important, possibly twice, depending on your needs.

    And monitor yourself for "overworked" stress, both physically and mentally.
  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
    theoneandonly, if only I had a pool close to where I live, I think that would be my every night workout, swimming as much as I could :)

    tangal88 I couldn't agree more with you about eating enough calories, resting and be aware of the overworked areas :)
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    I do, mostly because I split my runs and weight lifting/gym activities. I'm also mixing in a Pilates class twice a week. I actually like it. I love starting my day off with a workout at the gym, makes me feel productive, keeps me on track and it's WAY less crowded at 5 am than 5 pm. Then I get to enjoy the afternoon with a run or something else. My runs in the afternoon are just "me" time. Time to take care of myself mentally and physically so I can go home, make dinner and take care of everyone else.
  • SunshineCarrie
    I do that on weekends. In the morning, I strenght train or do a JM dvd, and in the afternoon I go for a run. That kind of system keeps me energized all day and stops me from falling into a lazy-weekend mode. Feels good!
  • StephanieHolloway
    I try and do 30 minutes cardio Monday - Friday (4-5 days a week) during lunch. Then I do 1 hour bootcamp class on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday afternoons, and sometimes 6 am Friday. Makes me feel like I am pushing myself harder to get to my fitness goals.
  • daphnemoon
    daphnemoon Posts: 216 Member
    I normally do back-to-back classes in the evening, but just went to do the lunchtime yoga class at my gym - and it was sooooo much nicer than in the evening. Going at a time when the gym, locker rooms, showers and class itself was so much quieter made it a completely stress-free experience (kinda the point of yoga!!) so I will definitely be working out twice a day now - conditioning at lunchtime and cardio in the evening.
  • kammy92
    kammy92 Posts: 408 Member
    I try and do between 30-60 min 6 days a week.......after I get home from work...................on my days off I'll work out 2 times a day................
  • AndiJ2011
    AndiJ2011 Posts: 82 Member
    Lately I've been doing 30 day shred each morning... Cardio at night & every other day lifting...
  • chezmoss
    chezmoss Posts: 79 Member
    Yep, at the moment I am. :-)

    I’m on week 12 of split sessions. A mix of road cycling/gym including spinning, Pilates and weights/ running.
    I’m new to running and Pilates and I’ve really enjoyed mixing things, up along with the new shape it's giving me!

    I’ve also subscribed to little and often with my food and eat as soon as I can, after I workout. I’ve only been over my daily target about 4 times and these are usually on my rest day.

    I’m considerably lighter, leaner and fitter than when I started. I’m really surprised and very happy with how quickly I've transform my shape given the time, focus and motivation. I’ve worked hard for the results I’ve achieved and it’s paying off.

    I still have 10lbs to go get to my goal weight and I’m sure a lot more work on toning. The great news is, there appears to be muscles under my fat.

    For me, progress is so motivational towards my ultimate goal.
  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
    Awesome!!! Glad to hear so many of you do it too! :)
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    I'm trying to get into the habit of working out twice a day. Is not that it bothers me to workout, but I'm not much of a morning person because I got to sleep late, so I'm training my body and mind to go to bed early and get enough sleep time.

    At the moment I'm doing P90X Classics in the morning and at night I'm mixing it, depending on the day, with 10 miles bike rides, Insanity Cardio or Max Intervals and now I'll also mix it with JM's 6 Weeks Six Pack and 30 Days Shred. P90X is already designed to avoid plateau so by doing different workouts at night during the week I'm planning to keep my body guessing and not reaching plateau.

    Of course, this means I must eat more, and stick to my routine of eating 5 to 6 times a day. I can already see that the days I skip a meal my body notice it in a negative way.

    Anyone else working out twice a day too?

    I work out 2-3 times, depending on how i feel, what else i have to do, and how early i wake up (i would rather chew off my own foot than wake up extra early to work out. i imagine dumbells being thrown through windows in sleepy frustration)
    And i had to up my calories FAST. I still haven't worked out exactly how much i need to STOP being hungry ALL THE TIME.
  • kayleystar
    kayleystar Posts: 51 Member
    I work out several times throughout the day; I'm unemployed, so really no excuse not to. My husband & I have a home gym in the basement, consisting of an Elliptical, Recumbent Bicycle, Punching Bag, and a 50 in one weight machine system, so I usually work out either there, or doing Aerobics from dvds or games for the Wii like Zumba, etc. I will usually do 3-4 spurts of 15-30 mins throughout the day.
  • Mist1981
    Mist1981 Posts: 145
    I was just wondering the same thing today! I am a single mom with 2 kiddos so I fit it in where I can. I have been waking up at 5:00 to workout, but it's only a 25 minute workout (ripped in 30). Was just thinking of adding 6 week abs at night when the kids went to bed, but kinda felt crazy too!
  • sara1923
    I have been trying to get in the habit of working out in the morning because it seems like anything can come up after work. I use my two fifteen minute breaks at work to go walking and 3 days a week I add a 30 minute kettlebell workout at lunch. If anything bothers me during the day whether its being stuck in traffic or stupid people.. I am also working out at night. So yes.. two times a day happens more than I care to admit and sometimes even 3 times. My workouts are always different though. I may do spin in the morning, kettlebell at lunch and then run after work so it does vary a lot. I have a different mentality though and refuse to sit at home and watch tv and will continue to take advantage of being active as long as I possibly can.