depot shot???

buffjess Posts: 382
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Does anyone have any info on how it affects weight??I have been on it for 5 months now and cant seem to loose any weight..Any help welcome and appreciated!


  • marm1962
    marm1962 Posts: 950 Member
    The depo shot can affect your weight just like any other birth control pill. It may or may not cause a problem, depending on the person.

    I had no problems with it.
  • ktndj82104
    ktndj82104 Posts: 85
    I was 130 lbs when I went on the depot shot I gained 35 lbs. But i did not watch what i ate and I did not exercise regularly. That was 7 years ago and I still have not gotten under 165 but I had two babies since. I loved the shot but will never go back on it because of the wight gain. Everyone is different but it is known that it usually makes you gain more then other birth control methods.
  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    When I took the depo shot is when I started gaining weight, after talking with my doctor she took me off of it, and I just had a thyroid test done and got my results back this afternoon and it turns out that my thyroid is not performing as it should be, it's slowing down my metabolism among other things and i wish I woulda known about this YEARS ago haha but she said it could be linked to the depo, she's seen other people who have been on depo for a long time with the same effects, but she wasn't sure. Just like anything it varies from person to person.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I was on Depo for a longtime, it did affect my weight....likely alot of why I gained originally. I gained 45 pounds. The doctor explained that the hormones effected by the Depo cause your body to think that it is already pregnant thus causing no/reduction of lining of the uterus (cause for no periods), this also affects a hormone in the brain to think that you need to feed your you are hungry doesn't effect some this did me. I got off it and opted for Merina the 5 year IUC........much better on losing for me.

    Good luck!

  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    When I took the depo shot is when I started gaining weight, after talking with my doctor she took me off of it, and I just had a thyroid test done and got my results back this afternoon and it turns out that my thyroid is not performing as it should be, it's slowing down my metabolism among other things and i wish I woulda known about this YEARS ago haha but she said it could be linked to the depo, she's seen other people who have been on depo for a long time with the same effects, but she wasn't sure. Just like anything it varies from person to person.

    This is interesting, I was on depo for over 10 years.......wonder if I still need to go have my thyroid checked. Getting hitched in July (Yay for benefits), can use my honey's benefits then and will go have this looked at....I am still thinking this is a problem for me too.

    I am sorry that you have this problem with your thyroid, but I am happy that you now know and can get better :flowerforyou:
  • Tiddle
    Tiddle Posts: 762 Member
    I was 145 when I started Depo (last september) my doc told me that it might cause weight gain I told him "I'll be damned if meds make me gain weight"

    I currently weight 120.

    you just gotta be really careful! :drinker:
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
  • Vanessa414
    Vanessa414 Posts: 644
    I started depo after I had my son 2 years ago and didn't not see any weight gain. I actually lost 20 lbs last year and then gave up and gained it all back and then some but that was for other reason.

    The depo has had no negative side effects for me. Also, I got my thyroid tested 3 months ago and no issues.
  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    When I took the depo shot is when I started gaining weight, after talking with my doctor she took me off of it, and I just had a thyroid test done and got my results back this afternoon and it turns out that my thyroid is not performing as it should be, it's slowing down my metabolism among other things and i wish I woulda known about this YEARS ago haha but she said it could be linked to the depo, she's seen other people who have been on depo for a long time with the same effects, but she wasn't sure. Just like anything it varies from person to person.

    This is interesting, I was on depo for over 10 years.......wonder if I still need to go have my thyroid checked. Getting hitched in July (Yay for benefits), can use my honey's benefits then and will go have this looked at....I am still thinking this is a problem for me too.

    I am sorry that you have this problem with your thyroid, but I am happy that you now know and can get better :flowerforyou:

    thanks me too! I'm not sure what was the cause but I know it makes me feel like crap. Always tired and not feeling like doing anything, getting sick more often, sloooooow metabolism. Now hopefully with medicine to help it and this website I can finally get back down to my goal weight like i was about 8 yrs ago. It's definitely worth having it checked.

    As far as birth control, I use the ring now and I absolutely love it! I have no bad side effects, my periods are generally 1-3 days, all light no cramping, etc.
  • jdl249
    jdl249 Posts: 46
    I am on it and I have lost 12 pounds. Every woman is different so the shot affects everyone differently. I hope you start losing again soon! :smile:
  • linz1125
    linz1125 Posts: 441 Member
    Just like any bc, it effects everyone differently. Usually, you gain weight. I did gain weight (probably about 15 pounds) when I started it, but I had the worst gain with seasonale. They have replaced it now with seasonique, but I haven't tried that. I'm on yaz now, but i'm also on several others that could cause weight gain, but i'm sure it's not the bc. Also trying to get my thyroid levels right too. But the thyroid probably wouldn't be caused by any bc issues, it's totally seperate. but it might not hurt to check, so many people have thyroid problems and never know it.

    If you decide to go off of depo, make sure you take some sort of bc because if you were on it for some time it is about the worst ever when you get your period. mine was so bad i couldn't walk for 3 days and I have never really had that bad of cramps before. I guess it just really sucked because my new boss started that day and i had to work so hard from then on for her not to think i was a lazy worker! I was just in enormous pain, not being lazy! LOL. just really sucked. but she finally started having respect for me after a few months.
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    I was on the depot for about 5 yrs and I thought it was "heaven sent' I loved it. I didn't gain weight, I never had a period, I always felt good. I met my hubby when I was on it and he thought that the fact that I never had PMS was so cool... but alas, I had to get off when we decided to have a baby. It took about 6months for my periods to start and they really didn't seem any different. I got pregnant 6 months after that and never went back on them, I got the hubby to have a vesectomy. but I wish I could have it still. I hate PMS and That TOM. I would give anything to be done with it. "but I should watch my mouth or I will jinx myself, Menopause is not to far from my future.":laugh:
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    Does anyone have any info on how it affects weight??I have been on it for 5 months now and cant seem to loose any weight..Any help welcome and appreciated!

    Depo shot is what did me in. I had been 125 lbs most of my teen and adult life at 5'7 and ever since depo I gained about 30 lbs on it. I didn't realize it was the depo contributing to my weight gain until I started reading up on it from other users. I stopped it years ago though.
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