New Guy

Hello, I'm new here. I just started seeing a new primary care physician and she told me about this site. I'm starting out today at 337lbs, I'm 30 years old and about 5'6". Despite my weight my new doctor gave me a clean bill of health this morning but also gave me some new ideas to help shed the lbs.

I'm looking forward to interacting with people, and using these site tools to help.

My short term goal for this year is to lose enough weight to be able to ride some roller coasters with my daughter this summer. I could ride everything about 30lbs ago so I know it can be done.

My long term goal is to get out of the obese range and to a healthy weight. I would like to run a marathon one day.


  • Welcome I am fairly new to this site as well. It is a great tool to track your food intake and manage your work outs. My kids are my main drive for losing weight. before i joined here i was 290 so i know where your coming from. keep on truckin man!
  • msrachel68
    msrachel68 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi New Guy, I'm new here too. Been on the site for about 3 weeks. The site is awesome! Your doctor did lead you to a good place. The tools for Food, Exercise, Reports, etc are all very good and easy to use. :)
  • Tiff587
    Tiff587 Posts: 264 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'll be here for support! It is a great site and people are so great at keeping you going!! xx
  • kbee0
    kbee0 Posts: 10
    I've been here for a few months on and off. Welcome! MFP is definitely one of the best sites out there- my personal favorite. It's a great place for support and encouragement. Good luck. I think it's great that you are wanting to get healthy for yourself and daughter. Those are great goals. Again, welcome to MFP and good luck. :) You can add me if you need some MFP friends, can never have too many.
  • debcoug12
    debcoug12 Posts: 5 Member
    I am new too, welcome!! I love being able track my foot without having to figure anything out, the hardest part I am finding is measuring out my food so time to buy a food scale. Good luck to you both!! We CAN do this!! This is our year.
  • eayal002
    eayal002 Posts: 186
    Welcome Doug, I think your primary reason is awesome. Having that experience with your daughter is a powerful motivator and keep that always in your mind. You will be able to power through tough spots because of her.