Need MFP friends!!

Hi everyone!
I'm Jessica, and my goal is to drop 25 pounds by summer :)
I started using MFP 2 days ago and am very happy with it!
However I don't have many friends on here :( introduce yourself to me or add me!
A little extra motivation never hurt anybody ;)


  • Hi Jessica! Welcome to MFP! I joined about a year ago but was never really active in posting or had any friends for accountability. That's probably why I can't shake the last few pounds! hehe :) Some motivation definitely won't hurt. Good luck on your progress!
  • jessicaaa456
    jessicaaa456 Posts: 70 Member
    Thanks! this is the 2nd time I have joined, i had too many ups and downs on my last account, and i didnt log on much as i always felt guilty listing my foods! so i thought a brand new fresh account would be great :) good luck to you too!
  • jmvmisc24
    jmvmisc24 Posts: 85 Member
    I just started two weeks ago monday. my goal is 40 pounds. feel free to add me :D
  • acstellhorn
    acstellhorn Posts: 40 Member
    Hi Jessica,
    Welcome. I've been using MFP for the last 2 years. Was very successful and dropped 25lbs then got lazy and gained it back, so not as of the 1st on a mission for not only the 25 I lost but for another 25 on top of it. I'm not super large, and hide my weight well at 5'9" but definately feel better when I am at a lower weight. I'm currently engaged in a lifestyle diet that it's goal is to remove processed foods from your diet, so no artificial sugars, or processed flours etc. Check the recipe group I just started at Recipe Group (Sugar & Flour Free Recipes). Hope you can stay motivated, it can be tough but with support from family & friends and on here I am positive we can continue to eat healthy and loose the weight!
  • HotCuppaJo
    HotCuppaJo Posts: 476 Member
    I just started a few days ago and my goal is to lose 55... More friends=more support!!! Definitely feel free to add me... Best of luck to you! :)
  • acstellhorn
    acstellhorn Posts: 40 Member
    @jmvmisc24 Mine is 50/60. Hope you make it :)
  • Aw I understand, I used to feel guilty about listing my foods too. I don't eat healthy all the time and I LOVE food. After a while I decided life is too short not to enjoy food (moderately) so don't feel guilty about listing your foods :). The whole point is to be honest with yourself with what you're eating and being accountable to yourself :) And we all need a break from being "good" all the time hehe. As long as I don't fall off the wagon for too long I consider that a personal success. If I don't gain any weight that month I also consider that a success. So don't be too hard on yourself :)
  • HGChao
    HGChao Posts: 23
    Hi friends:...I'm trying to get rid of 8 pounds of stubborn belly fat! :happy:
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I'm Jessica, and my goal is to drop 25 pounds by summer :)
    I started using MFP 2 days ago and am very happy with it!
    However I don't have many friends on here :( introduce yourself to me or add me!
    A little extra motivation never hurt anybody ;)
    Is your profile picture current?

    You already look fit.
    Anyway, good luck to you.
  • Hi Jessica,

    I just joined 3 weeks ago and have lost 6 pounds so far. I want to loose 30 by my 45th birthday on May 27th....but doing the small goals each week of the 2 pounds and so for it is working. First time I have uses MFP but having to be accountable and loging my food is truly working. My boyfriend and I are doing it together. I have two out to eats this weekends for birthdays and the whole planning thing is great cuz now I already know what I am eating at Olive Garden on Friday night and at First Watch on Saturday. This program is amazing and helps me stay focused.

    Good luck and hope you do great!!!
  • I'm getting in shape for the summer (starting early) & trying for a flat stomach for the bikini! And I agree, if your picture is current you already look fit. MFP is great for just general fitness too.
  • skward04
    skward04 Posts: 81 Member
    Hi, MFPeeps! Feel free to add me! I log in daily and try to be encouraging and positive whenever I can :)
  • CessGill
    CessGill Posts: 25 Member
    Hi Jessica, Im from AZ and my goal is to loose 40lbs. I have been a member less than a year, had my ups and downs, but definitely looking forward to stick with my weight loss resolution. i dont have that many friends, only the ones I work with. Feel free to add me :)
  • redcut
    redcut Posts: 176
    you can add me if you like and I agree as long as you eat in moderation don't feel guilty what you log i don't eat that healthy either but I have lost 26lbs in 80 days so go for it
  • jessicaaa456
    jessicaaa456 Posts: 70 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I'm Jessica, and my goal is to drop 25 pounds by summer :)
    I started using MFP 2 days ago and am very happy with it!
    However I don't have many friends on here :( introduce yourself to me or add me!
    A little extra motivation never hurt anybody ;)
    Is your profile picture current?

    You already look fit.
    Anyway, good luck to you.

    Yes, it is. I am just trying to get down to my lowest weight again, at 125 pounds! I have been that weight all my life, but have put on 25 pounds recently and I decided now is the time to do something about it!
  • Hi Jessica, Welcome to MFP. I am a newcomer as well. I am already stuck with just 11 lbs lost, so I need the support and motivation that you need. Feel free to friend me so we can support each other.
  • misalillstead
    misalillstead Posts: 407 Member
    Welcome :) I'm fairly new myself, add me!
  • Hi Jessica,

    Welcome back...I just started on Monday its going pretty good so far. I think it would be nice if everyone would support each other and motivate as well... so here we go....Good Luck and keep going new friend:flowerforyou:
  • jessicaaa456
    jessicaaa456 Posts: 70 Member
    wow thank you all! i am trying to add you all, but MFP wont let me add more than 5 people in 10 minutes!
  • Hi - I'm Johanna. This is my first time on MFP - and I love it!! I was always told to keep a food log and never did. Now I see why it works. I started January 1 and lost 8 pounds already. My story is - I have always been up and down, but 3 years ago I got laid off from a job I loved and was laid off for a year - so I ate and drank way too much. Then I got a job - and I hated it - so eating and drinking way too much again - finally found a job I really love and it has taken me the third year to finally get in the right mindset. Anyway, I have 65+ pounds to lose. I've lost 8 since January 1st so I'm really motivated. I can use all the motivation I can get though so feel free to friend me. JROW0524.