Help me with my protein

I'm vegetarian (eat eggs). I have an egg for breakfast most days. I don't like cottage cheese but like greek yogurt. I don't eat cereal. What can I eat with greek yogurt in the morning to make it yummier? I eat oatmeal sometimes but have to add sugar. Does that make it unhealthy?
My lunches and dinners are also low on the protein. I eat beans, chickpeas, lentils etc. but they've got so much carb. What are some of the vegetarian proteins you eat?
I need to add an extra 15g of protein a day. Whey protein shake is my last resort. I've done it before but dont particularly like the taste.


  • Whenever I eat Greek yogurt, my favorite thing to add to them is fruit! Depending on the flavor, I'll add strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, apples, pears, etc. You can cut them up and put them in it and it makes it sooo tasty :)

    Other good sources of protein: nuts, assuming you dont have a nut allergy. I LOVE peanut butter on rice cakes, apples, or you can buy some low calorie bread. Beans are really good for protein too. My favorite is black beans with some rice. Yummy!
  • Beans are a great source of protein and the carbs are very, very useful so you shouldn't worry too much. I eat beans with most of my meals. Adding low fat cheese will add protein. Start eating nuts, I have raw almonds on me all the time and the protein is good. They are high in healthy fats. You can also try vegetarian "meats". Veggie burger patties for dinner, Morningstar "chick'n" patties (I love these added to salad), I also add Morningstar Sausage Patties to my breakfast for added protein.
  • Also, add a little peanut butter to your greek yogurt and dip apples in it, adds even more protein.
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,628 Member
    I eat a lot of greek yogurt, chobani is good and I don't have to add anything to it. String cheese is a nice way to sneak some extra protein in as well.
  • krypt5
    krypt5 Posts: 243 Member
    I eat oatmeal sometimes but have to add sugar. Does that make it unhealthy?
    Only if it puts your over your calorie budget.
  • jdublis
    jdublis Posts: 3 Member
    How do you feel about tofu or like the other person said veggie burgers are good too . but in my opinion they have a lot of carbs too...i would just make sure that your carbs are simple carbs like fruit, beans, veggies. lots of fiber and they burn off quickly
  • I know you said that whey protein was your last resort but you can add things to it to make it taste better. You can add a banana or peanut butter to the choc and van mix and it tastes great. I am also a vegetarian so this is my way of getting the protein I need. You can also add yogurt or frozen fruit to the vanilla whey protein mix and it tastes awesome. I drink these after my workout. Just watch out for the extra calories in this one.
  • shalinimunjal
    shalinimunjal Posts: 192 Member
    I love PB with apples. My fave snack these days. My 7yo and I fight (jokingly & lovingly) over those LOL

    I find it so hard to balance the carbs with proteins. If I try to eat more protein (like greek yogurt), I add something to it and the carbs go up. Ok - I was adding tamarind chutney which makes it heavenly but carb heavy! I'll add blueberry, strawberries to it that sounds yummy.

    I have a dislike for boca burgers..I'm generally not as picky but I draw the line at fake meat burgers LOL

    Hmm PB to whey that's a great idea!
    Keep them coming guys. I do eat almonds, walnuts and peanuts for nuts. Beans, chickpeas for lunch and dinner. I need more variety!!
  • msgill40
    msgill40 Posts: 5 Member
    I use whey protein to increase the protein in my diet, especially after workouts - I like to blend in frozen chunks of banana into chocolate protein powder - tastes like ice cream - for a dessert.....or I add frozen mango, cherries etc.
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    I am a vegetarian - formerly a vegan - I do not eat eggs, but I do eat dairy now, so I do not consider myself vegan although 90% of what I eat would still fall in that category

    I always go over on my protein - lol - but I work out a lot and feel I need it - if you would like to friend me to see my food log, please feel free to do so - in the meantime, the following are where I get my sources for protein:

    Fage yogurt - I add berries OR agave nectar to sweeten it - not both together
    Soy products: Lighlife makes these chicken strips which are delicious stir fried. Or I will have morningstar Chik'n nuggets (not vegan), or Tofurkey Sausage (vegan)
    Tofurkey turkey slices (love them - I eat them rolled up and dipped in ketchup - rarely in a sandwich)
    String cheese
    Quinoa - it's a high protein grain
    Clif Builder bars - I recommend them only if you are working out though, as they technically are a meal replacer bar - I either have it for breakfast, or a sa snack if I am working out heavily that day
    Protein powder in a shake - we have a raw vegan powder we use which tastes like *kitten*, but is good for you. So we suck it up! :laugh:
  • kingkong123
    kingkong123 Posts: 184 Member
    Add a flavored whey protein powder to your yogurt. Isolates have even more protein in them with little to no carbs. I've been taking Isopure Cookies and Cream...very sweet, but very good. There are tons of others out there.
  • Emilia6909
    Emilia6909 Posts: 309 Member
    Spirulina tablets/powder is extremely high in protein and Quinoa is a protein superfood. I eat a raw diet and they are part of my daily protein intake. I take 10 tablets a day.