Total Binge

Well yesterday didint start out well with all of that chocolate covered stuff that i grazed on all day. I pretty much figured out how I was going to save the day with a low cal dinner and a little run on the treadmill...but I continued to graze on that junk allllll damn day long, and even then, I went home and did my 2 miles, cooked my low cal meal..and WHAT did I do? Got out the ice cream, and didnt stop until it was gone. I convinced myself that my day was already shot, and that I should just chalk that day up to a free day of messing up and eating what i wanted, so I did. I convinced myself that I deserved it. I finished the ice cream. I am so ashamed and so embarrassed, and feel the need to tell on myself, maybe to just own up to my short comings. I know to just put it behind me and to move on, and that is what I am going to do...and just hope I dont have one of those days for a long long time.

I am determined to do this, and to change my eating habits for good. I know its going to take time, and by all means, I know there will be days when I dont do as well as I plan or hope to and all I can hope to gain from those days is a little bit of extra determination for the days moving forward and hopefully a little bit of knowledge as to why i do it.

I probably ate two days worth of calories yesterday by the time it was all over, maybe more since there was so much chocolate involved, so I am aware that there will be no possible way I will have a loss this week. Thats ok, I am still going to finish my week as strong as I can, and continue to eat as I SHOULD and exercise, and maybe even push myself a bit this weekend. I used to get in 5 miles on Saturday and Sunday, and I have only been doing 2 or maybe 3 once in a blue moon, so I KNOW I am capable.

I guess I just need to vent here, Thanks to anyone who has listened.
You are all awesome here and so much help to me.


  • DQMD
    DQMD Posts: 193
    It is hard sometimes not to binge when sitting at work. I keep my water bottle next to me so that every time I am tempted to eat something I drink water. I work in a *high* chocolate environment also. My good friend who I work with keeps peanut butter cups in her candy jar. She knows I won't touch them with a 50 foot pole - allergic to peanut butter.

    I can't have any type of junk in my house at all. Lately I have been doing things to keep my hands busy at night. I show horses and have thousands of ribbons sitting around. So I have been making framed posters of my favorite ribbons and I will hang them up. It is time consuming and tedious..but it keeps me out of the food.
  • dorieanne
    Shake it off! We all have days like that and the only thing that matters now is what you do today. And if you mess up today, there's always tomorrow, etc. As long as you get yourself back on the right track, there really is no harm done.