Early workout 5:30 what to eat or if to eat

ls_66 Posts: 395 Member
So I'm starting tomorrow a fitness class at freaking 5:30.... way to early but I want to do it, any way in the morning I take my medications with food so I'm trying to decide a) eat a banana take meds and go b) protein shake and meds c) eat breakfast after the workout and then take the meds....


  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I workout at that time as well before work. I always eat something before I head to the gym. Usually something with carbs and protein and I'm good. I also have something after a workout like Greek yogurt or string cheese as well.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    So I'm starting tomorrow a fitness class at freaking 5:30.... way to early but I want to do it, any way in the morning I take my medications with food so I'm trying to decide a) eat a banana take meds and go b) protein shake and meds c) eat breakfast after the workout and then take the meds....

    I would base this on your meds vs anything related to meal-timing.

    Is there ANYTHING negative in terms of your health or the function of your medication if you train fasted and then take the food+meds afterwards? Assuming the answer is no, then I'd give ALL THREE of the above options a try and see which one you prefer.

    In the grand scheme of things and assuming that you won't have any medical issues that are medication related, and assuming you are still hitting your end of day nutritional targets, it essentially won't matter.
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    I'm useless without coffee. If I have to hit the gym that early, I guarantee you that there's coffee in my water bottle.
  • ls_66
    ls_66 Posts: 395 Member
    talked to the doc office and they said they recommend taking the meds prior to the workout
  • GateCrasher1
    GateCrasher1 Posts: 108 Member
    If you've eaten a good dinner the prior evening, you should be good to go and eat after the workout. I usually run at 5am and do just fine. If I plan on running further than 5 miles, I will eat a waffle with peanut butter on it for extra energy, but that's all.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    I like to drink a protein shake before an early workout like that. The down side is I like to take it 45-30 minutes before working out so I have to get up that much earlier
  • If they say you should take the meds before the workout, I recommend that you get carbs more than anything beforehand. I like to charge up with a piece of fruit about a half-hour before I run. If that's enough for your meds, I'd say the banana. Then follow up with the protein shake afterwards to support your muscle strength and feed your workout.

    One thing to consider is whether the meds make you feel nauseous if you don't eat enough. Then I'd make sure you have a little more than a banana--maybe a banana and some peanut butter or something like that...

    Have fun! I love early morning workouts, but because I'm a runner who prefers to run outside, this time of year is hard for me...
  • it depends on what the meds for, i think the best bet is to have you breakfast ad protien shake take you meds to the gym explain to fitness instructor what the med is for and they will tell what they think, if its nothing serious then youll proberlly be fine.

    it usually only heart ungs or kidney meds they advice you not take while working out or if your on blood pressure tabs,

    id ask the instructor personally, you need to tell them if you have a medical problem anyway ;) x
  • Jessica0982
    Jessica0982 Posts: 209 Member
    I always opted out of eating before that class. For me, I had to get up at 4 am to hit the class for 5:30 am because it was close to work which was a good 20 mins away. I wasn't hungry yet so I'd just have a little (VERY little) bit of coffee and water. When I got to work at 8:00 I'd eat breakfast.

    I used to try for a protein bar or something that'd hold me over. But with all that jumping around in our Total Body Toning class, many times I'd feel it coming back up. So I opted out of eating that early.

    If the doctor wants you to take the meds before the workout, then can you make hard boiled eggs the night before so they're read to eat just before the gym?? Toast or something very light?
  • tbloor
    tbloor Posts: 56 Member
    I like a brown rice cake with natural pb before an early morning workout.
  • FionaAnne22
    FionaAnne22 Posts: 178 Member
    If I am up at 6 before doing a workout I never eat before it, large glass of water at least but personally it makes me feel a bit sick. Also, I take some meds after the workout with my breakfast.
  • hollyk57
    hollyk57 Posts: 520 Member
    I never workout or do anything in the morning before some breakfast - even if it's just something lite or a protein shake. I have actually passed out before when I've done something strenuous in the morning without eating.