


  • KaitieBug
    KaitieBug Posts: 559 Member
    I think it tastes good. Everyone has different tastes but it's worth trying. The new flavor strawberry tropical comes on feb 14th. And for shakeology it all depends on how you make it. You do get different recipes so you can make it taste better of you don't like the plain taste. I made pb$j and it actually tasted like a sandwich. Look at how many ppl like that nasty chocolate peanut butter nutlia. That stuff is gross. Everyone now a days is used to getting bad food that when something healthy comes along they don't like it cuz it doesn't have the greasy taste. It all depends one what you like in the end

    You shut your mouth, Nutella is one of the greatest things ever

    hahaha i concur with this gentleman!

    lmao as do i!
  • dadoffo
    dadoffo Posts: 379 Member
    All you need to do is get a juicer and get fresh vegetables and fruits and start juicing taste way better then that crap and works a whole lot better 10 days and you will be amazed.

    And much cheaper.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I have been using Shakeology for almost a year now (not every single day, but a lot). I acutally couldn't tell much difference until recently when I was sick, and on the days I didn't have my shakeology I felt worst.

    With drinking I do not take any other supplements.

    I just recently learned that ALL of the ingredients are natural and that Carl Diekler (Beachbody CEO) actually pays people to inspect all of the incoming ingredients to ensure the best quality.

    You can ask your coach to show you the DVD on Shakeology, and on it it shows you what you would have to eat on a daily basis to get the same nutrition in one scoop of Shakeology. You should check it out. I was amazed! and I have been getting it ever since. So, yes, part of the reason I became a coach is to get the discount.

    Please stop lying to people, Shakeology is not all natural nor does it use the best quality of ingredients
  • sandy_taylor13
    sandy_taylor13 Posts: 194 Member
    I've been using Shakeology for a few weeks now. I have the Greenberry type. I have to tell you that if you drink it straight (just with water) it is NASTY!!!!! However, if you add fruit and/or juice it does taste better. But that will add more calories to the drink, so be careful. I tried the chocolate packet once, but didnt like it as it was too thick. I'm excited to try the new Strawberry flavor, hopefully that will be better. I've been working out with P90X and Insanity and have lost 7 lbs in less than 2 weeks, but I woldnt say that is because of Shakeology. I got great results a few years ago and didnt use Shakeology. But I do feel like I have more energy, so maybe it's helping??? I'm willing to give it a go for a month and I'll post about my feels/results.
  • sporter5
    sporter5 Posts: 71 Member
    You don't have to have a coach,, you can go order yourself,,, I'd say, try it for yourself! I personally love shakeology but, not everyone is the same! Shakeology tastes amazing compared to several other things I've tried but, I don't think this is a question you can ask others to answer for you, everyone is going to have different opinions . The shakes speak for themselves, more energy (natural with out a bunch of extra vitamins and additives)
  • mommyJto3
    mommyJto3 Posts: 139 Member
    The greenberry is disgusting and the chocolate is okay. I got wrapped up in the whole Beachbody coach thing and regret it now. It is very expensive and not worth it in my mind.
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    I have been using Shakeology for almost a year now (not every single day, but a lot). I acutally couldn't tell much difference until recently when I was sick, and on the days I didn't have my shakeology I felt worst.

    With drinking I do not take any other supplements.

    I just recently learned that ALL of the ingredients are natural and that Carl Diekler (Beachbody CEO) actually pays people to inspect all of the incoming ingredients to ensure the best quality.

    You can ask your coach to show you the DVD on Shakeology, and on it it shows you what you would have to eat on a daily basis to get the same nutrition in one scoop of Shakeology. You should check it out. I was amazed! and I have been getting it ever since. So, yes, part of the reason I became a coach is to get the discount.

    Please stop lying to people, Shakeology is not all natural nor does it use the best quality of ingredients

    Repeating something that I hear from a trusted and knowledgable friend does not make me a liar. I may be wrong but that still does not make me a liar.

    You have a good day.
  • I am doing shakology now too. I had the same questions you did and for 2 months baggered my friends who were doing and researched it before I tried it. I so far am liking it and am feeling good about getting the nutrients without taking all the vitamins and stuff. I like the chocolate and the greenberry but alot of my friends aren' t fans of the greenberry. I use the shakology in the mornings and one for a snack. It has helped me so far lose 4 lbs. I am doing the cleanse now and can get back to you about that result in 2 more days if you want. I have done it for 2 wks now and again like it.
  • I actually tried shakeology.... I personally thought they were gross. I now mix visalus shakes, which are great, along with arbonne protein shakes, and it's definitely doing the job, plus I have a tooooon of energy all of a sudden lol
  • rileymama
    rileymama Posts: 196 Member
    I drank Shakeology for a couple months until I was pregnant and couldn't stomach it anymore :P Alone both flavors are pretty gross, but if you add fruit, PB, milk, etc. to the packet and blend with ice they can be good (I wouldn't say Greenberry was ever GOOD, but fruit made it more tolerable). Honestly, I was on it b/c at the time I was coaching, and could get it cheaper, plus with people I coached on it, I got a kickback on their purchase so I wasn't paying nearly the price non-coachs pay, so it was worth it. I think it helped with sugar cravings and maybe gave me more energy, but I was also doing P90X and walking 4 miles a day, so maybe my healthier lifestyle all over was the reason I was feeling better? I didn't actually lose weight while on (I had already lost 30 pounds in 3 months just eating better and exercising), but maybe b/c I was closer to my goal and its harder to get those last few pounds off? Like i said though, when I became pregnant it started making me sick to drink even half a scoop, so I dropped it, and then dropped coaching b/c my coaches above me were being too pushy and I'm not a pushy person, even if it means I could make money on people I coached buying Shakeology :) If your diet is really not healthy, it may be worth it to drink it as a meal replacement, even if all the ingredients are not all natural (as an above posted stated) it has good stuff , and may help with your health and energy levels, and may even help with your junk food cravings!!! I dont believe canadians pay extra, but I'm not sure. I would say give it a try if you are really interested. If it doesn't work for you, they do have the bottom of the bag guarantee, and you can get send it back and get your money back (minus the shipping cost). Or ask your coach if he/she sends out samples, so you can at least taste it (one time won't give you insight into energy boosts or anything, but at least you could see flavor). Good luck!
  • I have been using Shakeology since November and have lost 24 lbs. The chocolate is fantastic and can be made in so many ways that you don't get tired of it!
  • Cimolestes
    Cimolestes Posts: 33 Member
    Instead of paying for some unnatural 'food-type' substance, why not make the effort to eat a better diet with real food? The best food for your body is as close to nature and unprocessed as possible. How hard can it be?
  • inspirem
    inspirem Posts: 182 Member
    Funny how many reviews about Shakeology being overpriced and an inferior product are typically trying to promote their preferred weight loss gimmick! I love Shakeology because it has increased my energy! I DON'T use it as a meal replacement, ( i drink it for the energy and I am not disappointed with the ingredients) I DON'T have a coach, I DIDN"T sign up as a coach to get it cheaper, or to make money, or to push other people to buy it... I simply use the product because I like it. I was skeptical, still have mild reservations about spending that amount of money; however, my energy level is so much better and my waist has dropped 2 inches since using it (2 months) But I will admit, the shake goes farther and taste better when I add strawberries, black berries, or a tbsp of peanut butter, or almond milk and ice...must use ice, makes it more like a shake and less like cake batter! I've tried way cheaper meal replacement shakes and they just don't cut it!
  • inspirem
    inspirem Posts: 182 Member
    Instead of paying for some unnatural 'food-type' substance, why not make the effort to eat a better diet with real food? The best food for your body is as close to nature and unprocessed as possible. How hard can it be?

    I do eat very healthy foods! Some how though I get that you are NOT necessarily that much concerned about my well-being! Be mindful of your assumptions!
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Meal replacement dicussions on MFP confuses me.

    To my fellow UK poster, you've never heard of Slimfast?
  • I've been using chocolate Shakeology for a few weeks now. I typically mix it with water, a banana, and a tbsp of peanut butter and drink that shake for lunch. I have noticed that I'm snacking less at work (which was a HUGE problem before) and have less cravings but that could be the placebo effect for all I know. And this next statement is a major TMI but it's been giving me godawful gas. I feel like the price is too steep and will be purchasing IdealShape next month to see how that works.
  • Cimolestes
    Cimolestes Posts: 33 Member

    I'm sorry you seem to think I am criticizing you personally as that was not my intent at all. However it may have been me pressing the wrong link for reply as I'm new to this site, but my actual aim was to reply to the original topic poster who posted this:

    "What do you think about Shakeology? I don't eat veggies or fruit very much at all. I don't have a healthy diet. I'm a junk food junky. I am exercising though (Turbo Fire) and love it. But my diet SUCKS! My Beachbody coach is wonderful (WADE BOND) and he is really encouraging me to try the Shakeology."

    I assumed nothing about you at all - I was just a bit baffled by the original poster who seems to want to exercise, but then fuels up on self-admitted crap. You don't drive a Ferrari and put sugar in the tank! And their coach is not 'wonderful' if they are not advocating a healthy diet alongside the exercise.

  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I love Shakeology and it's worth the money to me. I don't drink alcohol anymore, and if I do it's rare and that was a waste of $$ - so Shakeology is no biggie to buy :)
  • kimsciolino
    kimsciolino Posts: 240 Member
    Hey everyone!
    I have been drinking shakeology for over 7 months and I have to disagree with everyone about the taste, the green berry is good but I think Chocolate is the best it taste like a chocolate milkshake, if you make it right. I put 8ounces of water, 1 small banana, a teaspoon of raw honey, a dash of cinnamon and lots of ICE then blend it in a blender till the concistancy is like a milkshake. I believe it is worth the money you can get it for $3.00 to $4.00 a shake and that is one meal. If you were to buy all of the ingredients that are in shakelogy it would cost you a lot of $. They are coming out with a Tropical flavor next month and I heard that it is really good, I can't wait to try it. They also say that it takes sometime to really start seeing the results, lose weight, hair, nails & Skin look better. And I just feel better. I am very passionate about this product and that is why I have been using it for over 7 months.
    There are hundreds of different recipes so you never get tired of drinking it.
    I hope this helps out.
    Good Luck on your health and fitness goals.
  • nursegnet
    nursegnet Posts: 155 Member
    I think it tastes good. Everyone has different tastes but it's worth trying. The new flavor strawberry tropical comes on feb 14th. And for shakeology it all depends on how you make it. You do get different recipes so you can make it taste better of you don't like the plain taste. I made pb$j and it actually tasted like a sandwich. Look at how many ppl like that nasty chocolate peanut butter nutlia. That stuff is gross. Everyone now a days is used to getting bad food that when something healthy comes along they don't like it cuz it doesn't have the greasy taste. It all depends one what you like in the end

    You shut your mouth, Nutella is one of the greatest things ever

    hahaha i concur with this gentleman!

    lmao as do i!

    Nutella has hazelnuts! Love it!