30 day shred?

new to this site. what is the 30 day shred everyone keeps talking about? pls give details! thanks!


  • littletiger97
    littletiger97 Posts: 49 Member
    It's a Jillian Michaels work out you can buy on video and it is crazy! I've only tried it a couple of times and thought I would die, but then again I am REALLY out of shape and need to start out slower than that. Lots of people have had GREAT success with it though!
  • JazzberryJam
    nice! thanks for sharing! i just ordered it on amazon :)
  • littletiger97
    littletiger97 Posts: 49 Member
    Good luck! I may have to pull mine out of the bookcase and try again!
  • JazzberryJam
    sounds good! let's do it together! i get mine on sat which will be my 1 wk anniversary & my first weigh in!
  • acbridges
    Hm sounds like something I need to look into!
  • alphabettie
    alphabettie Posts: 43 Member
    Funny you posted this topic... I'm on day three today. Ow.