in the week before a half marathon...

So I have heard of carb loading, avoiding certain things in the way of food and drink and stocking our bodies up on other things before a half marathon. I have my first half on May 6 (yes its a little ways away) and wonder if I should alter my diet in the week or weeks before the race. I eat pretty good, everything in moderation really, but if I can or should be doing something else or differently then I am, I want to do well in the half and any advise would be wonderful! If you've run one before, what pointers or things should I do or avoid? Anything and everything that will help I welcome reading!



  • mhrhoades
    If you change the way you eat, do it at the beginning of your training. My TNT coaches say not to change anything in your routine in the weeks leading up to the marathon or half marathon. This includes carb loading as well as the type of nutrition and/or sports drinks you take in during your event. So, if you are interested in carb loading start a couple of days before each of your long training runs.
  • cacrat
    cacrat Posts: 336 Member
    Agreed. Don't change anything on game day. You're training runs are just that, aka practice. You wouldn't want to practice any differently than how you want to perform on game day right? Carb loading can happen in as little as a day. But usually takes about 3 days to fully accomplish. If you are fully glycogen depleted going into the loading you'll need around 12-15g/kg of lean body mass to replenish those stores. And don't forget to drink plenty of water. Not only to make sure you're hydrated normally, but glycogen also holds ~.3g of water.

    Good luck!