2 weeks in and low energy



  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    Your calorie intake might be too low... you might try to brake you meals in to smaller meals at a more constant basis, if you are firm on keeping the 1200.

    MFP had me at 1200 and I upped it to 1500 try my best not to eat the burnt calories... I usually hit the 12-1300 actual which is not bad at all
  • Lift_Run_Eat
    Lift_Run_Eat Posts: 986 Member
    I suggest checking your iron level and maybe eating more iron rich foods.
    Depending on what you are eating, it you are not getting enough iron, it will make you feel tired and worn out too.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I have been doing this for 2 weeks now.

    I am on a 1200 calorie diet and burn off about 380 a day through exercise.

    The last 3 days I have felt so tired and just blah!

    Is this a normal adjustment period??
    Has anyone else felt had low energy then came out of it feeling better?
    Glad to hear you are eating back your exercise calories. That can lead to what you're feeling.

    Also, 1200 is kind of low; be sure your settings are reflective of 1 lb per week weight loss.
    Don't self-sabotage trying to overreach.
    Steady, slow weight loss is best.

    And if you're sick, rest up and hit it hard when you're all better.

    Good Luck!
  • I would continue to exercise and, for a week or so, eat all your calories (1200 + exercise). See how you feel. If your still tired, I would go see a nutritionist or dietitian so they can give you sample menus and maybe provide a more accurate goal than the formulas used here.

    If you haven't had a physical in while (blood work especially), get that done as well.

    The formulas are not right for everyone, they are just guidelines.
  • For reference, I'm a small women, I work a desk job and the only exercise I've been getting is walking a couple of blocks to the bus each day and a ton of stairs. I'm trying to lose about 20 pounds, I'm on 1200 calories, it's been almost three weeks and I'm not feeling sluggish at all but I've been eating only veggies, complex carbs, protein and good fats. There are days I go a bit over and days where I have to really try to get those calories in.

    I bought an elliptical machine that will arrive next week and I'll definitely be eating my calories back.
  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
    I've seen people saying 1200 is kind of low, which I totally agree. Also, have you been eating enough carbs? People really believe carbs are evil, but they are the source of energy. So make sure to keep a balanced amount of complex and simple carbs in your diet.
  • Love this!
    Another 1200 calorie forum!


    Set calories to 1600-1800 and start cardio 3 times a week.
    Youll lose appx 1lb a week.
  • _Kitten_Kate
    _Kitten_Kate Posts: 520 Member
    since there is no such thing as 'starvation mode'..its a myth.

    anyways..since that, it could just anything really. You could try eating more. But I've done this before too. Its just one of those things. Our bodies are dynamic things. It changes and sometimes even when we havent changed any habits. I had low energy for about a month once over the summer. I got blood work done and everything was fine. I was eating 1800 cals at the time and doing no cardio, only lifting. One day literally I just started having energy again.

    If you really feel lethargic, I'd suggest a visit for a checkup to your doctor. Feeling worn down and tired could be caused by anything, from yes not eating enough, to abdnormal body chemistry, to depression, or just plain not getting enough sleep.

    Starvation mode isn't real? From what I have read on here and else where... it seems pretty real. ?? But I prob. know nothing.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    It takes days of not eating to go into starvation mode.
    People often think they are in starvation mode when eating a very low calorie diet but they arent.
    What they are doing is robbing nutrients from vital organs though.
    Its better to aim high with calories then create a deficit through working out.
  • make sure you are adding back the calories you burned back into your daily intake. Also make sure you are getting enough rest. maybe 2 days on 1 day off for your exercise. and don"t do the same thing each day. walk one day run one day bike one day. you use different muscles with each exercise and you shoud give the muscles used that day 48 hr for recovery. hope that helps.