I'm new- and I need help!



  • joeljohn
    joeljohn Posts: 4
    Jess if your interested in jogging/running you should try 'Couch to 5K' its a great running program iam following...


    here is a podcast with music that will instruct you through the intervals while you run...


    I am also new... just started yesterday...

    Good luck!!!
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    Truthfully, Insanity and P90X changed me whole outlook on being healthy. And as for walking/running, i hate to say- i have three large dogs that i run with daily for about 10 miles...and it never made a difference in my weight or fat loss. Walking and running has to be more of a hobby than a fitness choice, because you have to log in the miles like crazy for it to lead to serious weight loss
  • does anyone have any good suggestions of home workouts?
    It would be awsome if anyone had suggestions of some kind of work out I could watch online, maybe on youtube or something, and do in my home daily?

    if not, how much walking or running do I need to do for it to really make a difference? I'm on my feet all day, I hardly ever sit down, but I don't feel like that's enough.

    My suggestion is find something that you find fun to do to keep you motivated. Even if it's something like playing your favorite music and dancing in your living room for 30 min. I love bellydancing and some yoga, I've also started running using the couch to 5k program. I also do a little weight lifting at home using a program involving a sledgehammer (I know it sounds weird, but I hate having a ton of equipment around!) Here is the site explaining the sledgehammer. http://www.shovelglove.com/

    Just make sure to be careful and listen to your body!
  • fionat29
    fionat29 Posts: 717 Member
    Any exercise that is over what you normally do will help.
    Anything that gets your heart rate up and makes you sweat.
    Even playing on a games console, if you get hot and sweaty enough will do the job.
    There are also plenty of DVDs on the market, if you look at the 30 Day shred thread (try saying that fast! Lol) there are loads of advice.
    Good luck, keep going!
  • iamMaLisa
    iamMaLisa Posts: 278 Member
    Hungry Girl is a great website, for taking high fat food and making adjustments to make them low calorie and better for you.
    I get daily emails from them.
  • freebird240
    freebird240 Posts: 33 Member

    Well here goes my eight hundred millionth time trying to lose weight again. I seem to motivate my self for a while and then just lose it. Or a friend trys to motivate me and then they disappear or they been have been at their goal already....sdo not like we are doing it together... I don't know... would be nice to have a work out buddy or some motivational helps and walk through at tough moments. So if anyone need a support buddy let me know????

  • reviens
    reviens Posts: 4
    Hello! I am new as well, my sister has been on for over a month and I finally looked into it.

    With the greek yogurt...a very helpful simple tip is add one splenda packet! It makes it have a sweeter flavor so it isnt so bland and mixing it with fruit is a great idea as well!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    make sure you learn how to read labels...what's 'high' and what isn't bad. Lots of fruits and veggies, minimize the pre-packaged stuff...buy the good bread not the cheap bread. If you're anything like me I hate to drink my calories, so I only keep water and green tea in the house. Also if you have the munchies, buy mini crisps or pita chips, and count them out...add some humus and tada you have a great snack...I personally love kashi honey flax crackers and almond butter when I get home from the gym...it fills me up and repairs my damage lol. As for online workouts, I don't know much about them, but if you walk, and do some squats/pushups/jumping jacks/etc you'll be fine. Go to bodybuilding.com (don't be afraid of the title, they have lots of beginner work outs too) or Women's Health is my other favorite, there's tons of work outs there too. Trust me, this takes practice...you might have to learn how to cook a little, but there's lots of recipes on here and on Hungrygirl.com. You'll do awesome
  • jessmew
    jessmew Posts: 8
    Jess if your interested in jogging/running you should try 'Couch to 5K' its a great running program iam following...


    here is a podcast with music that will instruct you through the intervals while you run...


    I am also new... just started yesterday...

    Good luck!!!

    ooohh! this is neat. I'm going to try this. thanks!
  • joeljohn
    joeljohn Posts: 4
    ^^^ glad you like....
  • chellekoren
    chellekoren Posts: 273 Member
    I love to broil my food, like broccoli, squash, etc. w/ a little spray oil with salt. Chicken and pork chops turn out great broiled with some cajun seasoning all over it. Easiest meals ever to make and uber healthy and broiling makes everything taste so good.

    As for what to buy, buy whatever fruit is in season and you can't go wrong, as long as you like fruit. Cherries are coming in to season and they are GREAT snack not only because they taste so good, but also because you have to take your time eating around those pits. ;) By the time I'm done, I feel like I've eaten a lot and log it and it's nothing!!!
  • A great replacement for Slimfast and the like - at least for filling you up without sugar and with some good nutrient - is what I call banana milk. It's not quite as thick as a smoothie, so easier to drink. Bananas freeze very well - I just put them in the freezer in their skins (when they start getting too brown for me), then run them under hot water for a few seconds and peel them when I want to use them. Or peel & put in bags then freeze, but that's too much trouble for me - YMMV.

    One frozen banana, run under hot water and peeled
    One non-frozen banana, peeled
    A cup of milk (preferably skim)
    If you want - a tablespoon or two of yogurt - great way to eat greek yogurt
    Flavor - a tablespoon of cocoa powder makes a dark chocolate flavor; try fresh (or frozen) strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, etc; for a slightly less healthy one, a tablespoon of peanut butter and a drizzle of honey. Or plain is pretty good, too!

    Put them all in a blender and whiz them up; drink immediately (it gets thicker as it sits, can get too thick to drink through a straw). If you use two frozen bananas, it's thicker.

    Delicious, quick (especially if I have to run out the door - I can take it with me in a travel cup), and fills me up nicely.
  • If you are used to eating a lot of junck food it will be hard to switch over to fruits and veggies right off the bat. Some things you can try to serve your cravings for junck food:
    Kellogg's fiber plus antioxidants bars to replace candy bars
    Snack factory pretzel crisps or veggie straws to replace chips
    Wheat thins are a tasty cracker
    Frozen fruit cups with Yogart to replace ice cream
    I also love to have low moisture part skim mozzarella cheese sticks be cause I love cheese.

    Also some thing that is FREE and easily accessible work out if you have stairs in your house or even one or two stairs. You can get a great aerobic workout on the stepps at any time.
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