when people get gasto bypas surg. ......

how do they lose weight so fast if there cals have been cut down allot? wouldnt there body go into starvation mode? Just wondering, because I was thinking about dropping my cals Because nothing else is working for me but I was wondering about the starvation thing. I figure if people that get the surgery can do it and get results why cant I ?


  • Try raising your cals a bit more if you aren't losing. Try higher protein meals or snacks and try taking a b-12 vitamin as Im hearing lately that those help too.
  • MalibuBeth
    MalibuBeth Posts: 87 Member
    people who have gastric bypass have MASSIVE amounts to lose
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    I know several who have gained back a lot of their weight, so they probably did lower their metabolism a lot during their fast loss period.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,318 Member
    ....and they are on a doctor's supervised diet. They are generally better off eating very low calories, than remaining morbidly obese. They have special supplements and blood tests to back them up.

    Don't try it without medical supervision and a good nutritional plan to be sure your nutrients are being replenished.
  • i went on a all liquid diet for 10 months ..you basically eat what a post gastric bypass person eats but with liquid instead of surgery ...(the caloric amount that is) ....i was eating 599 calories a day and went from 250 lbs to 125 in 40 wks .....i never went into starvation mode ..i exercised every single day ..and did a hour and a half cardio .....BUT i also had folks testing my blood and had all my nutritional needs met with vitamins ....im not sure there is such a thing as starvation mode to be honest ...cause your right ...how can those folks lose after surgery and like me on liquid diets then ??? ....
  • oh and like a poster said above me ....i know personally 3 women that had the surgery and never got to their goal weight ..( or under 200 lbs for that matter) and they are all 3 gaining back their weight :( .....and when i came off the liquid, i went thru a crazy binging period ..where i was hungry and couldnt eat enough ......AND now i can only eat around 1200 calories max or will gain crazy amounts of weight .....
    when i first began to have trouble ..i gained from 118 (weighed on aug 25th) to 151 lbs on sept 2nd .
  • oceanrose78
    oceanrose78 Posts: 133 Member
    My understanding (and it's based on what I've been told) is they have 18 months to lose the weight. After that, their body doesn't lose much anymore. Which would be the response of starvation.

    My question to you, is what is more important? Being thin, or being healthy? If you eat for health you will eventually lose weight. It may be slower than you like, it may not be as drastic but it'll happen.

    And yes, they do go in for blood tests to make sure their levels are ok.
  • My ex and her mother got that done she was about 300 before and was 5'0 and shes now around 120 pound.
    I'm pretty sure her doctor told me to put her on a 800 calorie a day diet for the first month then got pumped to 1000
    But when we were together, for the first 7 days she was on a CLEAR liquid diet, then she got bumped to colorful liquids for 7 days, after that she had to drink that carnation instant breakfast stuff.
    No sugar, everything had to be sugar free or they got sick.
    either sea salt or the nu salt stuff

    This is usually what i had made for her throughout the day
    Small amounts of food,
    ( one egg and the instant breakfast stuff for breakfast)
    salad with a tpye of white meat with a light dressing

    Usually was a type of meat (very rarely was she able to eat red meats) with whole wheat items.

    Drinks. either sugar free kool aid/crystal light or plain water.

    So normally people who are post Gastric Bypass are on a VERY strict limited diet for 30-60 days, even after that she wasnt able to eat alot.

    Oh edit* its been a year and 3 months since her surgery and she still follows her diet and is still at 120 pounds so shes never gained anything back
  • well ...i work with 3 women that had it done ...actually i dont work with them anymore ..so i should say worked lol one i only worked with a couple of years after and like i said she was gaining the weight back when she left. the other two are now 6 and 5 yrs out and the one 6 yrs out has gained back about 80 lbs or so .....she was 450 when she had it done and got down to 220 or so and is now back up at 300 and might be over to be honest ..and the 3rd is a close friend ....she is 5 yrs out and was 280 when she had it done and got down to 199 ...and is back up to around 225 but i think she is heavier but wont admit it :huh: ....
    the one thing i will say about all 3 women is they all eat sweets like its going out of style lol ....candybars, cookies, pies ,, in fact they will eat those things in place of food cause they know they can only have alittle and would rather have the goodies then the food :grumble: ....and all 3 eat constantly for the same reason ..they eat what they can get down and then let it settle and then eat some more of the "bad" stuff they shouldnt have and its a cycle that never ends .....
  • lockleyc
    lockleyc Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks Everyone!!!
    I guess different things work for different people. I did increase my cals. and Im still going up and down between 205 and 200. So imma see what happens if I lower my intake to 1000 a day.
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    they have a lot of fat to lose, people that are morbidly obese don't have to really worry as much about starvation mode as people with only some pounds to lose. I didn't get the bypass, but did do some research on it. It's not a quick fix, it takes just as much hard work as does a healthy lifestyle change to maintain it.
  • Mustangsally1000
    Mustangsally1000 Posts: 854 Member
    I have several friends who went the by-pass route. They are still struggling after several years. Still puking, still can't eat anything left over (something about the bacteria that builds up), still struggle with getting enough protien...and they aren't exercising. One has gained quite a bit back and just can't see what she is doing. There really isn't the psychological follow-up for what happens after!

    I wouldn't recommend going there. Do it yourself!!! Good luck!!
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    People who have gastric bypass surgery literally have part of their digestive system removed from participation in the digestive process, hence the term bypass. Don't try to starve yourself just to lose some pounds, it's unhealthy.
  • Mustangsally1000
    Mustangsally1000 Posts: 854 Member
    Thanks Everyone!!!
    I guess different things work for different people. I did increase my cals. and Im still going up and down between 205 and 200. So imma see what happens if I lower my intake to 1000 a day.

    Sometimes, it depends on WHAT you are eating. When I eat too many carbs (LOVE toast, and potatoes), I don't lose anything, even if I am staying at my goal or just a hair below. So..I really have to watch my bread intake....
  • jcr85
    jcr85 Posts: 229
    You know starvation mode is as real as bigfoot right?
  • When you have gastric bypass surgery, you eat so little you have to lose. It messes you up though. You lose muscle mass and that may work short term, but for long term it is very bad. Slow steady weight loss is best. I am very sure that unless you have an eating disorder, you could never eat as little as a gastric bypass person eats right after surgery.
  • Both my Mom and Brother had gastric bypass. With that surgery, they actually make your stomach the size of an egg. After their surgery they were on a jello diet for a week. They do really well because they eat until they're full...all healthy stuff of course. They saw a Nutritionist that told them what to eat. They can't eat much because their tummies don't hold much.

    The only down side is that for my Mom, her hair falls out...it grows back, but still. When they do the bypass, it actually bypasses areas that take nutrients from the food they eat. They take lots of vitamins to get the nutrients.