too scared to weigh myself

ive worked hard this week, and done pretty good! but im so scared to weigh myself this weekend... does anyone else get this way


  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    I weigh myself every day so there's no sudden surprises after a week or month, but that's just me...

    Just do it! What's the worst thing it could possibly say, right???
  • ashleylynnexo
    ashleylynnexo Posts: 51 Member
    I do often, because that day that you weigh, there's so many factors. You might be retaining water, etc. I'm always scared I'm going to be disappointed :(
  • ashleylynnexo
    ashleylynnexo Posts: 51 Member
    I weigh myself every day so there's no sudden surprises after a week or month, but that's just me...

    Just do it! What's the worst thing it could possibly say, right???

    Haha, I weigh myself everyday too :/ sometimes twice :/
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    Just remember that weight loss is just one of the benefits of a healthier lifestyle. If you've been working hard, and working out, you're probably developing muscle, as well. Try keeping a log of measurements as well as weight loss. That way, if you have a week where you don't lose pounds, you may still see some change in size.
  • kak2m4
    kak2m4 Posts: 167 Member
    I'm sure you have worked hard. It is scary to weigh yourself, especially when you HAVE been working hard. You worry about feeling as if you should have lost with how you will feel if you haven't lost, or if you have lost but not as much as you thought you should have or wanted to. (Sorry for the run-on sentence.)

    Just know that you've worked really hard this week, and even if the scale hasn't budged (although I'm sure it will have), you're one week closer to meeting your goal, whatever that goal is.
  • jennistokes
    jennistokes Posts: 5 Member
    I actually gave up weighing myself and went with how my clothes fit. I found I was getting too obsessed with the number on the scale and not focusing on the muscle I was gaining. Don't worry about that number so much, go with how YOU feel, how clothes fit and how healthy your lifestyle is! Keep up your awesome work :)
  • If you've worked hard and the scale didn't budge, then you have probably lost inches rather than pounds. Either way don't let one week discourage you! The first week after I started Weight Watchers I actually gained 2 pounds!! The next week they came right back off, so stick with it :)
  • grapenutSF
    grapenutSF Posts: 648 Member

    And I've grown to hate the little bugger. I now have a bf% monitor and use a measuring tape so I don't rely so heavily on what the scale tells me. It feels too influential for my mood- either way.
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    Yes I've gotten scared of the scales before and I let it turn into 6 months of not checking my weight. That resulted in reaching my highest weight ever.

    Just jump on those scales and take action appropriately.
  • Esmo23
    Esmo23 Posts: 32
    I am scared every week before stepping on to those scales!
  • cjpg
    cjpg Posts: 433 Member
    I'm the opposite.

    I weigh myself every morning just to see the daily fluctuations (confuses the hell outta me, I do not recommend this)

    I PROPERLY and OFFICIALLY weigh myself once a week every monday, but as soon as I see any progress made throughout the week I have to hold myself back from posting the weight difference because I'm too excited lol!

    In other words, don't torture yourself like I do - just weigh yourself once and whatever the number is just accept it and do what you need to do to see the next weigh-in number you're looking for :)
  • kayleystar
    kayleystar Posts: 51 Member
    Just do it! :) Even if you worked hard, and didn't lose (or not very much), don't give up. Sooooo many things factor into your weight and weight loss. I usually check my weight once or twice between weekly weigh-ins, just because I'm curious, but I have an official weigh in day, and post regardless of if I gained or lost. Just do NOT give up. Not an option. ;)
  • I actually gave up weighing myself and went with how my clothes fit. I found I was getting too obsessed with the number on the scale and not focusing on the muscle I was gaining. Don't worry about that number so much, go with how YOU feel, how clothes fit and how healthy your lifestyle is! Keep up your awesome work :)

    I totally agree with you!!! I just started lifting weights again and with muscle weighing more than fat...sometimes it is depressing to weight myself!! so i go by the way my clothes fit!:)
  • amandaguzman81
    amandaguzman81 Posts: 7 Member
    If you've worked hard and the scale didn't budge, then you have probably lost inches rather than pounds. Either way don't let one week discourage you! The first week after I started Weight Watchers I actually gained 2 pounds!! The next week they came right back off, so stick with it :)

    I totally agree! The scale can sometimes stay the same and discourage you. Check for inches as well!!!!!!!
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    I hesitantly weigh myself every day too. I always hate seeing that number go up a little bit from the day before, but I'm also playing around with my salt intake and like to see how that affects the scale

    But I actually record my weight only once a week, and that's the number that sticks with me.
  • I only really weigh myself when my jeans feel looser :) Also, If I do weigh myself I close my eyes and make my super nice boyfriend look at the results for me lol. Then I ask him if it's "good" or "bad." "Good" = below a certain number, and "Bad" = above a certain number, if it's good I'll ask him to tell me what it is and if it's "bad" I don't ask and just try harder to eat healthier and kick it up a notch in my workout. This might seem ridiculous, but then again, this is me and I can't help it lol. I don't want a stupid number to ruin my day, but at the same time I want to know if I'm making any progress.. This kind of softens any blows for me :] to each his own, anyways.
  • Loudmom01
    Loudmom01 Posts: 131 Member
    I always get nervous when its time to weigh. This is because I let the number that I see dictate how I feel about myself. I am only weighing once a month. This may not be right either but at least Im only depressed a few days out of the month not several days a week. I am trying to learn it is just a number and should not dictate who I am, but I am not there yet. Also, I took my measurements and will track those as well as weight loss because just focusing on weight can be frustrating.
  • I know exactly how you feel I felt the same way this week, however I knew If I was really going to make some changes about my eating habits and to lose weight I had to face the scale. I hope you get the courage to do it, I think it really helps with weight loss. just know you are not the only one feeling the way you feel right now. Well best of Luck !
  • Horskrzy
    Horskrzy Posts: 71 Member
    I weigh myself everyday to not only see if I lost but to also educate myself in regards to how what I eat affects me. I've found that this heightened awareness (or illusion of an awareness :tongue: ) has helped me getter a better grasp of what my body wants/needs and I adjust accordingly. What that has done for me is I now know that as long as I keep up the exercising (very important for me as Christmas week proved) I can also mildly indulge on occasion (feel free to view my diary and you'll see what I mean). Lastly, I don't let any temporary gains (1 or 2 days) bother me as they never get posted, only weight losses count in my mind! :bigsmile:

    I am currently losing an average of 2.6 pounds per week (started 10/22/11) and please trust me when I say that I know am one of the fortunate ones (at least to this point :tongue:) so I'm not bragging. On the contrary, I am in awe of those of you who have real struggles and STILL lose weight. You're my inspiration!
  • msu22301
    msu22301 Posts: 5 Member
    I have to agree with you on this. I do weigh myself way too often and it can be very discouraging if there are no changes over a few days especially if you have done a lot of exercise and have been watching what you are eating. I have been doing the MFP program for just under a week now and have not logged a weight because I plan only to do so once weekly. The reason why I responded to your post was that since I started I know that I have to had lost some amount of weight because I noticed today that when I put a shirt on that it was loose in the sleeves of my upper arms where before (last month) when I tried it on it was tight. It is amazing how we can lose inches and yet it doesn't always show up on the scale!