Distractions from Eating

How do you distract yourself from eating? I have tried reading books, only worked for a little bit... There are times when I am not even hungry and still want to keep eating because I have nothing else to do :( ...Snacks are my weakness, I like to snack...I try to eat heathly snacks but sometimes I have cravings for saltly or sugary snacks....Any advice?


  • TriciaMaina
    If I'm feeling hungry, I generally drink two glasses of water and wait for about 15 minutes before I reassess my mood. Sometimes I mistake my thirst for hunger and end up eating 500 calories, when I could've just filled up on some water! It's best to cover your bases before you start snaking.

    Sometimes I substitute general productivity for snacking. If I have some work to get done, or mundane errands, or need to do some cleaning/organizing - I try that before I snack and see if I just forget about my urge to graze. Otherwise, I don't keep foods that I know I crave around. The more roadblocks I can put between me and my weaknesses, the better.

    On days that I work out hard, I tend to eat less. So sometimes I'll substitute a gym trip for snacking/mindless eating and see if that quells my hunger.
  • ItsTianLewis
    Couldn't have said it better than that. It seems the urge to snack is more a response to an idle mind than an actual need for food. Just keep yourself busy and you'll have less urges to grab a quick (usually unnecessary) bite.

    Also I find that I would say "oh i'm hungry", then get up and grab a snack to only find myself eating cookies 2 minutes later. Clearly I was never hungry cause if that was the case I would have opted for something more than 3 measly cookies.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Hot tea is a lifesaver when I get that bored eating feeling. Having something to drink nearby seems to help and hot drinks seem to be more satisfying to me. If you just have the munchies you can try a high volume/low cal snack like fresh veggies or popcorn-- just know that those foods won't fill you up for long and make sure you log everything. The main thing for me is to keep my hands and brain occupied and not get bored in the first place.
  • imworthit
    imworthit Posts: 165 Member
    When I am craving something, even though I'm not really hungry, I will drink a glass of Crystal Light with ice (I like it cold!) slowly, while I distract myself with something else. Usually cleaning. It helps pass the time until it's really time to be hungry.