Am I the only one who cannot hang with low-carb?



  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member

    I notice that the first tip everyone gives is something along the lines of:
    1. Kill or reduce carbs
    2. Kill or reduce sugary fruit
    3. Kill or reduce white foods

    So for me, I am not going to bother with the "low carb" diet and continue to incorporate beans, whole grains and fiber filled starches to keep my hunger at bay. I've been switching out rice/grains (I grew up eating rice daily. We did not have many potatoes growing up) for beans for around 6 meals a week. My body seems to counts beans as a starch.

    Assuming you are getting in adequate protein and fats, you can eat all the carbs you want as long as you stay within your calorie goals. If you can adhere better to your diet eating more carbs, then do it.
  • Not everyone can loose just by cutting calories. I happen to be one of them. I've tried it all, with a short time of success, but my body absolutely hoards fat. I have PCOS, metabolic syndrome, etc, etc. I've been on metformin for the insulin resistance which helps a lot of people lose weight, but me..nope. Now that said, I LOVE carbs!! I can even live on unprocessed, whole grains, however, at the moment, I have completely cut those out. My carb count is crazy low, I stay around 20-30 a day tops. I only eat lean meats and veggies, I do eat fruit a few times a week and don't get me wrong, I really want a potato! I can do without bread, but I want rice and potatoes!!

    I have chosen this because my fertility specialist recommended it as well as my ob. I've been at it for a month now, lost almost 20lbs. Now, in about a month, I plan to slowly add brown rice to my diet, and as long as it doesn't affect my cravings or loss, I'll continue to add new things. As for energy, the first week sucked, but then when my body started burning fat, it all came back as long as I take my vitamins, that's really important. I could never do this the rest of my life, but I will continue to eat lower probably under 100g a day on average the rest of my life. To get pregnant...start a family, I'll do anything! And...I haven't felt this good in years. ( I do wish I was one of you lucky people who could cut calories and lose consistently though, I envy you!)
  • You can't go low carb for a few days, not knowing how to do it, and expect any success. Anybody can do low carb successfully if you know how to. You need to first educate yourself so you don't blow it.

    If you truly go low carb you will never: be hungry, be low on energy, have a bad mood fom it, or any of the things unknowlegable people will say.

    If you truly go low carb all of your aspects of health both physical and mental will improve.

    Almost our entire population is addicted to carbs. You can see it clearly in some of these replies. To break the addiction, you need to go nearly zero carb for a couple weeks. Most people ,at that time, will realize that their cravings have gone away-and that's a liberating experience!

    My athletic son decided to accept my challenge to do low carb. He has always thought you have to "carb up" to work out. He has done triathlons and marathons. On Jan 1 this year (a few weeks ago). He went low carb. He came to me about a week ago nearly speechless. He has eaten more food than ever before and lost 5 lbs! He usually gets tired after 3 sets of basketball. Well now he played 5 sets and wasn't tired yet! He ran out of time to play more. This sort of thing is common for low carbers.

    I have been low carb since 2004 and have never been healthier. I dropped from 245lbs to 190lbs. My blood cholesterol went from bad to good. My energy is high and constant. I no longer take afternoon naps.

    In my studies I now have learned that people who eat low carb have very low risk of all of the modern diseases like: cancer, hypertension, ADD, heart disease, liver disease. You name it and historically it is rare except for people who eat high carb. High carb eating is a modern concept.150 years ago there was no such thing as breakfast cereal. That was invented by vegetarians in the late 1800's.

    Almost all of your body is fueled by ATP. Your body's first choice for making ATP is dietary fat. It's second choice is dietary carbs. If you are hooked on carbs, your body will convert back to using fat as fuel in a week or two of being off the carbs.

    By the way, you cannot get fat by eating fat. Your body has no way to store it. Your body's method for storing fat is by converting excess blood glucose to triglycerides for storage. There is only one fat storage hormone and it's called insulin. Your blood sugar does not go high eating fat or protein. It only goes high when you eat carbs. If you don't eat carbs, your body will make all of the glucose it needs from dietary protein and by converting your fat reserves for fuel. This maintains and regulates blood glucose. Eating carbs causes your blood glucose to go high and out of normal regulation. Your body then has to react by dumping large amounts of insulin to store that glucose and get your blood sugar back to safe limits.
  • You can't go low carb for a few days, not knowing how to do it, and expect any success. Anybody can do low carb successfully if you know how to. You need to first educate yourself so you don't blow it.

    If you truly go low carb you will never: be hungry, be low on energy, have a bad mood fom it, or any of the things unknowlegable people will say.

    If you truly go low carb all of your aspects of health both physical and mental will improve.

    Almost our entire population is addicted to carbs. You can see it clearly in some of these replies. To break the addiction, you need to go nearly zero carb for a couple weeks. Most people ,at that time, will realize that their cravings have gone away-and that's a liberating experience!

    My athletic son decided to accept my challenge to do low carb. He has always thought you have to "carb up" to work out. He has done triathlons and marathons. On Jan 1 this year (a few weeks ago). He went low carb. He came to me about a week ago nearly speechless. He has eaten more food than ever before and lost 5 lbs! He usually gets tired after 3 sets of basketball. Well now he played 5 sets and wasn't tired yet! He ran out of time to play more. This sort of thing is common for low carbers.

    I have been low carb since 2004 and have never been healthier. I dropped from 245lbs to 190lbs. My blood cholesterol went from bad to good. My energy is high and constant. I no longer take afternoon naps.

    In my studies I now have learned that people who eat low carb have very low risk of all of the modern diseases like: cancer, hypertension, ADD, heart disease, liver disease. You name it and historically it is rare except for people who eat high carb. High carb eating is a modern concept.150 years ago there was no such thing as breakfast cereal. That was invented by vegetarians in the late 1800's.

    Almost all of your body is fueled by ATP. Your body's first choice for making ATP is dietary fat. It's second choice is dietary carbs. If you are hooked on carbs, your body will convert back to using fat as fuel in a week or two of being off the carbs.

    By the way, you cannot get fat by eating fat. Your body has no way to store it. Your body's method for storing fat is by converting excess blood glucose to triglycerides for storage. There is only one fat storage hormone and it's called insulin. Your blood sugar does not go high eating fat or protein. It only goes high when you eat carbs. If you don't eat carbs, your body will make all of the glucose it needs from dietary protein and by converting your fat reserves for fuel. This maintains and regulates blood glucose. Eating carbs causes your blood glucose to go high and out of normal regulation. Your body then has to react by dumping large amounts of insulin to store that glucose and get your blood sugar back to safe limits.

  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    By the way, you cannot get fat by eating fat. Your body has no way to store it. Your body's method for storing fat is by converting excess blood glucose to triglycerides for storage. There is only one fat storage hormone and it's called insulin. Your blood sugar does not go high eating fat or protein. It only goes high when you eat carbs. If you don't eat carbs, your body will make all of the glucose it needs from dietary protein and by converting your fat reserves for fuel. This maintains and regulates blood glucose. Eating carbs causes your blood glucose to go high and out of normal regulation. Your body then has to react by dumping large amounts of insulin to store that glucose and get your blood sugar back to safe limits.

    By the way what does acylation stimulation protein do and what seems to activate it? Is protein insulinogenic? Under what conditions does DNL occur in humans?
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    In my studies I now have learned that people who eat low carb have very low risk of all of the modern diseases like: cancer, hypertension, ADD, heart disease, liver disease. You name it and historically it is rare except for people who eat high carb. High carb eating is a modern concept.150 years ago there was no such thing as breakfast cereal. That was invented by vegetarians in the late 1800's.

    Modern concept? hmmmm

    Eaton et al. Paleolithi­c nutrition revisited: A twelve-yea­r retrospect­ive on its nature and implicatio­ns. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (1997) 51, 207±216

    "The typical carbohydra­te intake of ancestral humans was similar in magnitude, 45±50% of daily energy, to that in
    current affuent nations, but there was a marked qualitativ­e difference­."
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    In my studies I now have learned that people who eat low carb have very low risk of all of the modern diseases like: cancer, hypertension, ADD, heart disease, liver disease. You name it and historically it is rare except for people who eat high carb.
    How do your studies account for China? Serious question, btw. I haven't researched a low carb diet at all but there are millions (billions?) of people on this planet whose diets are based around carbs who have extremely low rates of those diseases you're claiming are cured by a low carb diet. It just doesn't add up to me. Are there any studies to back up your claims or is it all anecdotal?
  • It's not a diet I'd recommend. I try and eat a grain free diet to manage eczema as every other therapy we've tried has failed. Words cannot express how much I miss grains. My diet isn't really low carb (I am a big fan of fruit and starchy veg and dark chocolate) but it's still really frustrating. I've had two binge days in the past week whereas when I ate a low calorie, moderately high carb diet I could go weeks without hitting up Subway in frustration.

    If I had to give up my chocolate and fruit I would probably just abandon dieting altogether. So unless you're someone who absolutely cannot lose weight any other way or has been advised by a real doctor, not some weird naturopathic quack type person, to eat this way, I say enjoy wholegrain carbs, for me at least (:
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    Honestly, I should go low carb (I have PCOS and low carb is supposed to help A LOT) but I just can't. Most of my favourite foods are high in carbs...and right now the most easily accessible foods are white rice, white pasta, and potatoes...stuff I don't have to buy and I can't afford to buy a lot of groceries right now so that's what I'm eating the most of...
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member

    In my studies I now have learned that people who eat low carb have very low risk of all of the modern diseases like: cancer, hypertension, ADD, heart disease, liver disease. You name it and historically it is rare except for people who eat high carb. High carb eating is a modern concept.150 years ago there was no such thing as breakfast cereal. That was invented by vegetarians in the late 1800's.

    Modern concept? hmmmm

    Eaton et al. Paleolithi­c nutrition revisited: A twelve-yea­r retrospect­ive on its nature and implicatio­ns. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (1997) 51, 207±216

    "The typical carbohydra­te intake of ancestral humans was similar in magnitude, 45±50% of daily energy, to that in
    current affuent nations, but there was a marked qualitativ­e difference­."

    Yes, but in absolute numbers the glycemic load was far less, as the calorie count per meal was less, and in paleolithic times intermittent fasting was the rule, not the exception.

    Also, citing one 1997 study is hardly "proof": I've read studies claiming 25% carbohydrate in the paleolithic diet. the point is, and you hint at that yourself: these carbohydrates didn't come from grains.
  • mousepaws22
    mousepaws22 Posts: 380 Member
    My trainer has told me to do low carb/high protein and I'm really struggling :-( I'm new to MFP and I honestly never realised how much carbs were in stuff- such as fruit. Maybe I was just being naive? I try to stay away from them, no bread or potatoes, only brown rice and wholemeal pasta but I don't have them often, but I still go over my carbs every day. For the people who do eat low carb (or no carb) what do you eat on a typical day? I'm just curious.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I'm reading a book right now called The Metabolic Typing Diet. It is not a diet book but a book about how we are each boichemically unique and need to find and maintian our own balance. An over siplification of his theory is that there are 3 fundamental types, Protien, Carbohydrate and Mixed that people fall into. Those that really struggle when carbs are eliminated for more that just a couple of days may be a carb type for example. His hypothosis is that there is no "one size fits all" solution to getting to and maintaining ideal weight and that when you get yourself balanced for your type it is not a struggle and you feel great. Just an FYI but Jillian Michaels practices this theory and approach. You can find the book on Amozon and there is a Kindle version available for fairly inexpensive. The idea is that if you are following a regimen that is not right for your Metabolic Type, you will not only be frustrated in trying but it may also be counter productive.

    Two disclaimers:
    I have not commercial realtionship with the author or anyone promoting this concept.
    I do not recommend wholesale changes and give credence to just eating whatever you want without taking the time to educate yourself on this.
  • PaulS70
    PaulS70 Posts: 70

    Here I go.... No population on earth ever ate the highly processed, low quality grain based diet Americans and some of the rest of western world gorges on today as their traditional diet

    Paleolithic people who were getting 45-50% of their calories from carbohydrates were not getting them from white flour, mutant wheat and refined and processed grain sugars.

    Western civilizations base their diets off of processed junk.

    I am a strong believer in traditional diets. If you look at every single one that has ever been properly analyzed they are almost always macro-nutritionally balanced and get 85-90% of their calories from whole food sources.

    I do think that a lot of overweight people today do need to make cuts from the carb side of the aisle to return to the traditional balance that humans once ate. This does not mean that you have to throw the baby out with the bath water. High quality, whole food meals that are rich in carbs will not harm you. What we consider to be a "normal" amount of carbs today just might...
  • Me. And I don't think I need to.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    Now that I think about it I've had pasta or pad thai for dinner every night this week. Still losing weight. For me it's all about watching my calories. Which is why I use MFP.
  • michiganderrdh
    michiganderrdh Posts: 151 Member
    Honestly, I'm not even concentrating on lack of carbs but trying to eat clean (which most breads/pastas do not fit into the category). Being a carb lover, I've not even realized I'm really not eating carbs. Obviously, If I choose to, it'll be in my calorie limit and a healthy serving vs engorging on a plate of pasta.

    Actually, I've had the best results since doing this!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Carbohydrates are an essential macronutrient.
    Your sustainable diet should consist of 30-50% carbs for premium fuel.
    Low carb craze can net you quick results but as soon as you add the carbs back youll most likely gain.

    Its a good idea to set protein to .60g-1g per LBW
    Set fat to .45g-.60g per LBW
    Then let carbs take up the rest.

    If you want to lose weight create a 20% deficit from your TDEE and do it!
  • HalloweenGirl7
    HalloweenGirl7 Posts: 123 Member
    Not all carbs are created =.
    There are fast carbs and slow carbs.
    Vegetables and fruits are carbs.
    If you learn the difference between glycemic index and glycemic load you will see that combining a portion of fast carbs, slow carbs and protein will keep your blood sugar level which in turn will (without getting into a science lesson) result in the body letting go of stored fat.
    So will eating every 2-3 hours.
    Otherwise, the body will not let go of it's stored fat.
    Cutting carbs out is not healthy, realistic or natural.
    Cutting certain processed carbs is.
    It is all about how quickly the foods are processed by the body into their usable form.
    Some carbs (like berries, green beans, apricots, grapefruit, most vegetables) take longer to get broken down.
    Like I said this keeps the body running and burning stored fat as fuel.
    To each his own though.
    I hope you find something that works for ya!
  • japruzze
    japruzze Posts: 453 Member
    Carb withdrawal is not fun or easy. Yes, when you first cut down (and I'm talking carbs from breads, pasta, rice not fruit and veggies) you can get hungry and/or a headache. I had a headache for almost 2 weeks. You don't eliminate carbs entirely you cut down to 50% or less of your daily calories. If you do eat breads, pasta, rice etc make sure its whole grain (read the incredients don't go by the "name" on the label or the tag line) and limit it to one meal a day. It can take a week or so for the hunger to stop (just like when you started reducing your calories to begin with). Its worth it but you have to work for it.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    The best way IMO is ensure the carbs that you do have a harder to break down and are divided out throughout the day. When cutting I have carbs 3 times per day and around 100g carbs or so tops, the most being made from protein and carbs.