Subway Good or Bad for you?

So what does everyone think about Subway, for when you HAVE to eat out? What are some of your favorite things there? I had one yesterday but was surprised to see the cals and especially sodium. But Biggest Loser says that they are good for you. What do you think?


  • swilk627
    swilk627 Posts: 245 Member
    I think it's okay on occasion. No cheese, no mayo. Fill it up with veggies. If you want to cut more calories, hollow out the bread.
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    I lost a lot of weight and still ate Subway, but this is how I had it.

    Footlong veggie delight on honey oat with a lot of veggies with salt and pepper and vinegar as the dressing. A six inch doesn't do anything for me. It is higher in calories but I did it once a week and still lost.
  • bbabs93
    Very few things, outside of trans fats, are objectively healthy or unhealthy. Does the food fit into your macros? do you have room for a lot of sodium? that's all that matters.
  • cindywcs
    cindywcs Posts: 7 Member
    Lots of carbs with all that bread which is where most of your calories come from. I usually get black forest ham with spinach,tomato, banana peppers and mustard only. No cheese no oil and vinegar.

    I will say this however. I used to think carbs were bad. However if you exercise a few hours after you eat carbohydrates, instead of turning to sugar that gets stored as fat, you burn them off. The key is that you cant eat too much and you cant just sit on your tooshy after you eat all that bread.

  • sungod916
    sungod916 Posts: 8 Member
    Here are the stats on the sandwich I order at Subway.
    I modify it to have more protein.
    I admit it's high in salt, but it works for me as a decent lunch.
    I should order it on wheat, but I don't.
    I could save calories by skipping cheese, but I don't.
    According to their math on their website it's around 500 calories the way I order it.

    Subway - 6" Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki - Italian - Swiss, Onions - Extra Chicken

    Calories 500
    Sodium 1120 mg
    Total Fat 11 g
    Total Carbs 57 g
    Dietary Fiber 2 g
    Sugars 18 g
    Protein 45 g
    Vitamin A 10%
    Calcium 47%
    Vitamin C 34%
    Iron 22%
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    Not a whole lot of nutrition shoved between two giant empty carbs. You could do worse, but you could absolutely do better!
  • smacke43
    I agree with what people have said (No cheese, mayo, etc) Keep in mind that they will basically turn any sub into a salad which would be better and you can have them substitute the lettuce fro spinach (more taste and way more nutrients) Also the 9 grain wheat does have high fructose corn syrup in it so if you are getting a sub go for the "omega 3 wheat bread". Subway is definately a better option than other fast food places so long as you aren`t totally seduced by the `healthy image` because at the end of the day it`s still fast food.
  • sambo155
    I've tried the salads many times and I just don't like them. Today I went and had a 6" Turkey melt (no bacon) on white, with tomatos, grn peppers, red onions, black olives, jalpenos and brown mustard. 350 or so cals? I'll have to check. Not bad for eating out. I was between classes and it was the only option besides a conveinence store.
  • vs1023
    vs1023 Posts: 417 Member
    Not a whole lot of nutrition shoved between two giant empty carbs. You could do worse, but you could absolutely do better!

    Totally agree.
  • mrskesler
    mrskesler Posts: 73 Member
    I don't think it's necessarily bad, unless like others point out, you load it with cheese, mayo, sauce etc.

    The Biggest Loser is paid to tell you it's good for you, for what it's worth...
  • olee67
    olee67 Posts: 208 Member
    In a pinch, it's not that bad for a quick meal. I perosnally think (with my goals in mind) that the oven roasted chicken on wheat is the best thing for ya. I do have swiss cheese on it, though.

    The down side is, EVERYTHING is processed. You don't see anyone grilling up that chicken breast, or, "oven roasting" it. But, even if you get a chicken breast sandwhich somewhere else that's made to order, chances are it's a "plumped" chicken breast.

    That reminds me, I have to take a package of chicken breasts out of the freezer...
  • 1996gtstang
    1996gtstang Posts: 279 Member
    using it to replace other fast food meals is a good choice(depending on what sub you get)
  • CuteAndCurvy83
    CuteAndCurvy83 Posts: 570 Member
    I wouldn't say it's "healthy" but I also think there are worse choices to be made, Subway is my choice for when I'm looking for "fast food"
  • Symphony6
    Symphony6 Posts: 116 Member
    There is HFCS in their 9 grain wheat bread. Just would like to reiterate that XD Anyway, if I want healthy 'fast food', I go for Extreme Pita. Wayyyy better for you.
  • Akijade
    Akijade Posts: 210 Member
    I like their salads, just be sure to ask for extra spinach. Some places really skimp on it. And with the sweet onion sauce for dressing, it's only around 200 calories. :D
  • Anayalata
    Anayalata Posts: 391 Member
    Don't always have the time to make a sandwich at home.

    Subway is delicious.

    Low in calories, if you don't get the meatball or premium subs, and they have the nutritional information on their site.

    High in sodium? Get over it. We're in a highly industrialized society where everything has to be preserved in some way so that mass companies can feed the masses.

    Don't eat it every day for every meal, but I think it'd be foolish to completely rule it out just because it's "Fast food"
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    Out of all the fast food chains, they're definitely the best, and they appear to be making progress on sodium, which is their biggest issue. Like others have said, there are definitely healthier things to eat. But if it's between Subway and another fast food chain (or a chain sit down restaurant for that matter), I'd say it's better for you.
  • Beezer322
    Beezer322 Posts: 69 Member
    Well since you can really make it however you want I'd say it's fine as long as you go with the whole wheat bread and mostly veggies and protein for the innards. skip the mayo and go for swiss cheese :)

    Since I'm a vegetarian, I always just get the veggie on whole grain without mayo, olive oil, or cheese. But everything else :)

    extra banana peppers!
  • shadowkitty22
    shadowkitty22 Posts: 495 Member
    Man how I miss spinach leaves on my subs, but sadly it's not something they do at the Subway over here in Korea. And I looked up the health info on the sub that I WANTED to get (Italian BMT on Italian Herbs & Cheese) because it's one of my favorites and it was freaking outrageous. So then I looked up the info for my other favorite (Ham on Honey Oat) and it wound up being 400 calories, 62 carbs, 9g fat and 20g protein. And that was with American cheese because without it, I only lost about 50 calories and I can totally spare 50 calories for some stinking cheese, especially since I don't eat Subway all that often anymore and work out more now than I used to as well.

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