Question about excess skin...for everyone who's lost A LOT o

So I have to ask..cause my curiosity is killing me! I have about 130-170 lbs to lose, I'm not sure which yet because it depends how much muscle I end up with :wink: But I was curious for people who have had about that much, what about all the extra skin? Is it still there? Anything help with it?

~Ari :flowerforyou:

Sorry if this was an odd question:laugh:


  • emvee
    emvee Posts: 3
    i'm also wondering not only about skin, but what about the ladies with cellulite? does that go away after a large weight loss?

    i know stretch marks won't but cellulite needs to go!
  • peacefuljewel
    peacefuljewel Posts: 9 Member
    While, I haven't lost that much. (I've lost about 25 lbs doing other things.) I have read that Skin brushing helps tighten up your skin. I've done it rather inconsistently and like it when I stick with it. It's also helped my cellulite.
    Magnesium Chloride (or Dead Sea Salt) baths are supposed to be really good for the skin because it feeds it and helps give it back it's elasticity.

  • HealthyEscape
    I don't think this is an odd question at all! I would love to know the answer as I am trying to lose 100lbs and worry about extra skin too. I saw on the biggest loser you could tell their skin was really loose because of the way it crinkled and stuff and I dont want that to be me! Granted, they lost 100+ in such a short, fast time that their body couldnt keep up, but still! I hope someone has an answer for this!
    MRSWESSON Posts: 107
    OMG I have been thinking the same thing...I've lost about 20 pounds so far, but my total weight loss will be about 100 pounds and I've had a C-Section before so I am sooo curious to know if I will have loose skin in my belly because it looks real loose and droopy where my C-Section was done and i don't know if that will go away when I loose weight or become worse! Def would like feedback on this topic as well!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Well so far in my loss, I dont have extra skin....I am losing slow and steady...we'll see what another 25 pounds will do
  • KimberlyKurtz
    Yes and no! I used to weigh 350 am down to 249 finally out of the 250. I notice that I have extra skin but the more I workout and tone up the more my skin starting to go back if that makes sense. I realized that I don't think my skin will ever be "tight". However I see those people who've lost weight like the one's from biggest loser and there skin looks good. Maybe someone else has a better answer then I do.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    I havn't lost nearly that much but I do have extra skin. I have noticed it is tightening up, very slowly though. I have it especially in my upper arms and thighs, but also a bit on my tummy. There are a lot of factors that will influence whether you end up with any at all, or how much you nd up with. These include skin elasticity, age and the rate at which you lose weight (slow and steady, ladies)

    Make sure you're drinking lots of water and eating your fats! Those help to maintain skin's elasticity, making it much more possible for it to "bounce back" after significant weight loss.
  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    Thanks for all the info =) I guess in the end it doesn't matter as long as I'm healthy but I would looooove to put on a bikini when I reach my goal, but I know I wouldn't if I had really unattractive loose skin :laugh:
  • Changeisgonnacome
    Hi everyone,

    As I said in another thread, my belly skin sagged for a bit but eventually was reabsorbed. This is a second HUGE weight loss plan for me. The first was done through starvation and clinical depression. I lost 57 lbs in a matter of a few months and my skin sagged as the loss was done much too quickly. This time, I've had some sagging which has been slowly disappearing. I think a good balance of diet and exercise and above all TIME is a big factor. I've seen people who lost a lot of weight (70lbs for one) who didn't require surgery and is no longer sagging. That said, everyone is different of course.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    It can take a year or two for your skin to catch up after a big weight loss. Age, genetics and diet will play a roll.

    Personally, I will worry about what to do when I have lost the weight, why worry about something you arent dealing with yet. Get the weight off and see how you look and then go from there :wink:
  • Happydays
    Happydays Posts: 6
    I found this on the Biggest Looser web site and am still looking for information on loose skin. I hope this helps::happy:

    The Truth About Cellulite
    What can you really do about it?**

    Cellulite is not a disease or medical problem, but rather a recognized cosmetic condition related to the underlying structure of the skin. It is basically fat tissue just under the skin that results in a lax, dimpled skin surface covering the thighs, buttocks, and hips. Though most prevalent in women, men have cellulite, too. Here are proven strategies for minimizing this condition:

    * Lose weight gradually to preserve your skin's suppleness.

    * Don't crash diet; it makes cellulite worse by reducing the skin's elasticity.

    * Employ targeted muscle development with exercises like squats and lunges to smooth out underlying flabby muscles.

    * Do at least 200 minutes a week of pure aerobic exercise, such as walking, in order to burn fat.

    * Promote the resilience of your skin by not smoking, avoiding excessive sun exposure, and getting plenty of antioxidants from fruits and vegetables...This is an excerpt of the full article. Find more resources at the BLC.
  • ltfrombc
    ltfrombc Posts: 22
    This is from the mesages boards of the Biggest Loser Club:

    The question asked:

    While we are exercising and learning to eat smarter and healthier everyday we are wondering if there are things to do or products to use to help tighten up excess skin as it develops due to weight loss.

    Answer from one of the BIggest Loser Club Fitness Experts:

    "As you lose weight you will see some "shrinking" or tightening of the skin thanks to elasticity. It happens slowly and is dependent on several variables like how overweight you are, how long you’ve been overweight, genetics, and your age.

    Good moisturizing and sun block habits and a healthy diet won't hurt, but none of these has been shown conclusively to make a big impact. The qualities of a healthy diet that Greg points to for skin health are:

    Drinking enough water and eating a diet rich in antioxidants like vitamin E (from plants), and essential oils from nuts and fish, is important to skin elasticity. Other nutrients, like vitamin C, found in citrus, strawberries, bell peppers, and other plant foods is important as well. It's a good idea to have a healthy balance of fats in your diet, including a good source of omega-3s.

    A combination of aerobic exercise and strength training will help reduce the fat under the skin and maintain or build muscle. This may improve the look of the skin over time by changing the shape of your body.

    Also, don't smoke. Smoking is linked to premature aging of the skin.

    And there are factors you cannot control like age (younger skin is more elastic) and genetics.

    There is no other way to deliberately shrink the skin in particular places besides surgery. And the same factors that I mentioned above will affect the final result of surgery as well.

    Have patience. It can take 6 months to a year after weight loss for the body to adjust to its new form. Your skin will look better after this adjustment period of time."

    Hope this helps:smile:
  • beyondchowhound
    beyondchowhound Posts: 2,102 Member
    This is a question that I asked in another thread. I am 57 and so have lost elasticity along with my 10 pounds. Not sure if I want to lose the next 20 pounds if my skin is just going to hang around. I do plan on trying arm and leg weights and sit ups but I think it's too late for me. hopefully not. Anyhow just wanted in this thread in case anyone has any fabulous ideas.
  • jtintx
    jtintx Posts: 445 Member
    To test your skin's elasticity, place your palm flat on a table, grab and pinch a fold of skin in the center of the back or your hand (parallel to your fingers), then let go. If it instantly returns back in place and lies flat you still have excellent elasticity to your skin.
  • beyondchowhound
    beyondchowhound Posts: 2,102 Member
    no it doesn't :cry: but I would like to get it back....too late?? Time machine?
  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    To test your skin's elasticity, place your palm flat on a table, grab and pinch a fold of skin in the center of the back or your hand (parallel to your fingers), then let go. If it instantly returns back in place and lies flat you still have excellent elasticity to your skin.

    Yay I have excellent elasticity!!!! :bigsmile: Thanks for all the info guys, I know it's probably a silly thing to worry about but I can't help myself!
  • beyondchowhound
    beyondchowhound Posts: 2,102 Member
    I don't think it's silly at all. Last year I had some and this year with the extra weight gain and loss, it's gone so I think if you're younger than 55 you don't really have to think about your elasticity. You have it!!Oh well. I will try working out with weights and possibly even going to the gym. Enjoy it while you have it I guess.