Ab workouts

I've been doing ab worouts for about 4 months and my belly has gone down a little but I would really love some advice on some serious ab busting workouts. I'm losing in other places alot faster than my stomach so I'm looking for something to really get things rolling.


  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Sorry but nothing you do will help you with this. You can work the muscles underneath but dropping your bodyfat is the only solution. Persistence is the key here, keep losing the fat and you will see fat loss from your midsection eventually.
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    What Rayman said. You can't spot lose fat. The only way to get rid of fat on your stomach is to lose it everywhere, and your body will eventually get rid of it on your stomach. More ab workouts won't help with anything but strengthening your core muscles, which is good for athleticism, but it alone won't give you a six pack.
  • lilybelle251
    Your abs are getting work so do not get discouraged. But the only way to see your abs is by losing the fat above them. You can do however many situps and crunches you like but your six pack is not going to show up until you lose the fat on top of the abdominals. I hope this helped. Also by mixing weight training and cardio together you will burn twice the fat! Good Luck!
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    overall body fat reduction is the only way to reduce belly fat.

    you could tho...try lowering your carbs, running, and avoiding stresses in your life.

    for women to see ab muscles we need to get down to around 15% body fat.

    no amount of ab exercises will give you a flat tummy. all it'll do is allow you do more ab exercises..meaning more reps.
  • Imani79
    Imani79 Posts: 20
    Maybe I should have said that differently. I workout 5 to 6 days a week plus crunches and sit ups. I understand about losing the fat I think I'm not doing enough in my mid section. Like...what can I do for my side because I don't feel like I have been working on those?
  • rydanip
    rydanip Posts: 62 Member
    I feel your pain. My midsection is my trouble are, as I am top heavy and it seems to always be the LAST place the fat wants to leave when weight loss happens. I will lose in my face first, chest, legs, arms, THEN stomach lol If you figure out a magic trick let me know!
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    Maybe I should have said that differently. I workout 5 to 6 days a week plus crunches and sit ups. I understand about losing the fat I think I'm not doing enough in my mid section. Like...what can I do for my side because I don't feel like I have been working on those?

    Russian Twists and Side planks are good exercises for the sides of your abs.
  • Imani79
    Imani79 Posts: 20
    Oh..ok! Stress is something I do have alot of. I think I'm wishing on a star because that 15% body fat seems very hard to get to..lol
  • Imani79
    Imani79 Posts: 20
    Maybe I should have said that differently. I workout 5 to 6 days a week plus crunches and sit ups. I understand about losing the fat I think I'm not doing enough in my mid section. Like...what can I do for my side because I don't feel like I have been working on those?

    Russian Twists and Side planks are good exercises for the sides of your abs.

    Thank you!
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    Ya, what they said. But, to answer your question...ab ripper x and then abs core plus.
  • waterwing
    waterwing Posts: 214 Member
    Running and pushups help quite a lot.. I have also found that keeping an eye on carbs.. as in avoiding white sugar/flour and paying attention to sodium intake works too. And lastly.. and sadly.. limiting alcohol.. tragic but true..
  • klowery2009
    Hi, what I would suggest doing is upping your cardio workouts and make sure you watch what you eat. All the ab exercises that you are doing are great, but that is building muscle under a layer of fat and the ONLY way to get rid of belly fat is cardio and diet. Sux, I know...but it will be well worth it!

    Lay on your side and do side crunches to work your obliques. Also, stand up tall and have 7-8 lbs weights in each hand and bend at the waist. Make sure you give yourself a deep bend. Also, planks are great for core strength. Get in a plank and make sure your butt is down, from that position, alternate pulling your knees in.

    These should help you but most importantly, watch your diet and make sure you get your cardio in.
  • mdollian
    mdollian Posts: 70 Member
    Your doing great don't be discouraged !! You can do it !!