I'm getting the vibe that I should just stop eating.

I feel like every single food on here gets shot down at some point. Don't eat low fat, that's unhealthy. Eat low fat, you'll lose weight. This has chemicals in it, that has chemicals in it. Only eat this type of sugar, never eat this type of sugar. Eat this much fat per day. Only eat this much fat per day. Carbs are bad, carbs are good. I'm literally like WHAT AM I ALLOWED TO EAT?!?! LETTUCE!?


  • slrose
    slrose Posts: 164 Member
    its like the salt and pepper thing. salt is bad, salt is bad pepper is good or bad or something...lol i really think the best way to figure it out is to analyze how ones own body feels after eating and while processing food...and yes, nothing in excess is best
  • nrvo
    nrvo Posts: 473 Member
    Lettuce doesn't have any real vitamins or nutrients. You're probably better off not eating at all.

    KIDDING! :tongue:
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    for real numbers..visit the fda,usda, and cdc websites..
  • theroadto100
    theroadto100 Posts: 209 Member
    I mean how about water!!! As long as it's not from a tap! Then again, plastic bottles are bad, too....... shoot.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I'm an everything in moderation person personally; I don't make any food off limits totally I just control portions. Generally I go for more protein because it keeps me full. Try not to let all the "diets" out there confuse you-- to start out just work on the calorie goal and the logging. You can get into the macros later. I never liked the "food x is evil" mindset myself.
  • I notice that too! Glad I am a nutrition major and no longer buying into myths xD
  • God it's depressing. Everything has to be clean and chemical free and all that rot. Just eat as you please as long as you don't go over your calories and get adequate nutrition, even if that nutrition has to come from a multivitamin somedays. Some days I feel like worm fish for breakfast, so I eat the worm fish.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    I didn't know half of what you already know at 20! Be thankful so you can live a longer healthier life! Stay informed & you will find your way!
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    Basically.you have to figure out what works for you. I have PCOS and insulin resistance..so wheat (grains) don't do well for me. Once you have figured out what works for you...then you will be giving your opinions...
  • Well, to be quite honest, I just read an article that would make us never want to eat again. Basically, there's really no way to get around chemicals and sugar, because sugar is in almost everything. Whether it's corn sugar or cane sugar, sugar is sugar. There's natural sugars in almost all foods, particularly fruits, as well. All the advice I can give after reading that article is just make sure you exercise. And if you can't exercise or don't want to exercise, greens and whole grains would be best. Organic foods really do do the justice they claim to do. It's really expensive to eat "healthy," I know, but fresh seemed to be the best way to go.

    Good luck!
  • its like the salt and pepper thing. salt is bad, salt is bad pepper is good or bad or something...lol i really think the best way to figure it out is to analyze how ones own body feels after eating and while processing food...and yes, nothing in excess is best

    ^ This. What works for me won't work for the next person, and what might work for someone else might not work for me. I follow what I've found works for me and I don't normally share what does unless someone asks my opinion on. The only opinion I've stood firm by is the posting about Paula Deen and that nobody should be eating some of the stuff she cooks.
  • DanaKinney
    DanaKinney Posts: 10 Member
    Opinions are that, just opinions! Most people are trying to be helpful when they give "theirs" and don't usually realize that we end up overloaded and pulled in every direction. On the other side of the coin, information can be a good thing (it's just a matter of applying it to ones own situation and making it work). Best of luck to you as you see your way through this maze of what to eat - at least you are on the journey.
  • jenlb99
    jenlb99 Posts: 213 Member
    Well, the problem is, the "science" changes. Not too long ago, coconut oil was "horrible" for you, and now it's one of the best oils for your health. Personally, I love it.

    My suggestion is to eat as naturally as possible (as little processing as possible), in a way that you will be able to maintain throughout your weight loss journey and for the rest of your life. Also, learn to cook and create much healthier versions of your favorite foods.

  • Leigh_D
    Leigh_D Posts: 356 Member
    After reading a couple dozen "diet" books, I recommend the following:

    "Eat for Health" by Dr. Joel Fuhrman
    "The Body Fat Solution" by Tom Venuto
    "Running & Fat Burning for Women" by Jeff & Barbara Galloway
  • Who cares what other people say? I am just starting and trying to keep everything in moderation. I still eat eggs and meats...use cheese in my cooking...it's all in how much we eat. I try to incorporate whole wheats and fibrous foods but it doesn't always happen. Ignore other people...even the FDA and government give mixed messages half the time. Do what is right for YOUR body and lifestyle...that's all that matters.
  • Clarecbear82
    Clarecbear82 Posts: 369 Member
    I don't listen to any of it and just eat everything in moderation seems to work for me. I think I would go crazy trying to keep up with all the different advice.
  • abrown4348
    abrown4348 Posts: 34 Member
    Lettuce doesn't have any real vitamins or nutrients. You're probably better off not eating at all.

    KIDDING! :tongue:

    HAHAHAHAHA!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • petreebird
    petreebird Posts: 344 Member
    I just took a quick look at your diary, hope you don't mind...and honestly, you're doing really well!! My only suggestion is to drink more water...maybe you do and just don't log it, just get some water in there...your doing really well, I think.
  • Upanddown
    Upanddown Posts: 35 Member
    So I started into reading everyone elses replies and stopped myself for fear I too would get confused...lol

    This is the way I look at it. There are 2 kinds of dieters out there.....those that diet to get skinny......and those that diet to get healthy.

    The ones that diet to get skinny pretty much eat lowcal....lowfat....artificial sweeteners..........whatever! They don't necassrily care about nutrition.....they just want to get thin!!! As long as it's low in everything including calories they'll do whatever it takes including starving themselves to get there!!!

    Then there's the dieter who wants to lose weight because their health is failing and not only do they have to trim down but they also need to get healthier or rid themselves of the onset of disease. These dieters definitely have a goal of losing weight but in the end they also need to get healthier so what they put in their body counts big time!!!! These are the ones that eat for nutrition....they generally eat all their food groups but from healthy sources.....they care about nutritional values in foods and need to make this a lifestyle change for the sake of livng longer!!

    Will both ways get you thinner? Absolutely!!!

    What you need to decide is which way is more important to you.
    If your only goal is to fit into that little black dress.....you'll probably pick the first.
    If you care about living a long and healthy life.....my suggestion would be the latter.

    Don't let everyone elses choices overwhelm you to exhaustion. Take what information you get from others and if it sounds like good advice or something that interests you.....google it!!! lol
    It's amazing what you can learn from others.......even those with crazy advice!!! lol

    Good luck in your journey.....I hope you able to clear your head and choose the path that leads you to your new thinner/healthier you =-)
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    Honestly, just figure out what works for you. I agree with those who say everything in moderation.