I am dreading the weekend coming…

I am new here, so please don’t be hard on me. I have started calorie-counting in Jan/2011, my weight then was around 215lbs, and despite of starting every day as a fresh I am still around 211lbs! It is probably because I wasn’t totally committed, would fall of the wagon here and then, with weekends being out of control, my exercising being eratic, but generally it feels like I was constantly on diet, constantly hungry, rarely overeating (I either calorie-counted or ate normally in my opinion), no drinking alcohol…. So feel really really upset about being the same fat cow in this year.

Started last week afresh with 211lbs, 5 days calorie-counting (1400 limit), 2 days normal (2200kcal, OK for my weight), one week later the same 211lbs. I feel like my motivation has completely dried out. I am still continuing this week, have done 3 days of Jillian Michaels 30d shred, 1 day running (cannot continue at the moment – my knee hurts), 4 days of 1500kcal (more because of workout), haven’t weighed myself but feel there will be no difference even if I weight myself.

Either my body is screwed up from dieting or I am doing something completely wrong. Everyone on here says that moving scale is the best motivation, but I haven’t experienced this for ages and really upset about that. On the other hand, I lost 33lbs by calorie counting when I was younger, so I must know what I am doing. Just find it sooo difficult this time… Especially when the weekend is coming.. if I eat normally I would not see any result despite of all weekdays on diet, and it is so hard to stay in control over the weekend…


  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I also have my most trouble during the weekend. I do drink alcohol and I am thinking that I may not be losing due to that. Have you found that being at home where there is a lot of junk food makes it hard to be good on the weekends? It is made more difficult if a spouse is there with us eating all that junk. Sorry, I don't have any answers for you...I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone.
  • alie5612
    i may be wrong saying this but my scales dont move very much but i know i am losing my clothes are baggy at the beginning i got upset that the scales werent showing but now i dont really bother to much drink loads of water and keep going it does happen and its a good feeling good luck
  • dooberbug
    Crystal, keep going! the math works - when calories in < calories used, you lose weight! Remember that the scale can fluctuate 3-5 pounds depending on the time of day, your hydration level, etc. Give it another couple of weeks before you decide you need to change something. Pounds can be pretty tenacious, but they'll see the writing on the wall and start melting away when you stick with your program.

    About ten years ago, I remember my first week on Weight Watchers - followed it nearly religiously, and when we got to weigh in, Mom had lost 2.5 pounds and I had... GAINED 3/4 pound! Stuck with it though, and ended up losing almost 80 pounds in two years.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    This way of life is 99% mental and 20% blood sweat and tears!

    Its simple really.
    You learn 3 numbers that can save your *kitten*.

    Goto Fat To Fit Radio (google it)
    Click on tools
    Click on "Military body fat calculator"
    Do the measurements every 2 weeks.
    click on "BMR calculator"
    Input the info and it spits out a tons of numbers.
    You eat the calories it tells you according to how much you work out a week.

    The Magic numbers to always know are:
    BMR <---never eat below it because it kills metabolism.
    TDEE <---This is your maintenance number and if you eat below TDEE you lose weight, above it youll gain.
    Body fat % <--- we really want this lower and lean mass to be higher in the end.

    Fat to Fits BMR calc gives you a calorie per day to eat that is 20% below TDEE.
    This is a sustainable diet and you shouldnt be hungry!

    Next you set MFP to custom settings.
    Click settings>goal>change goal>custom>continue.

    Set calories to what Fat to Fit suggests.
    Set protein to 1gram per lean body weight (you got this number from the body fat calc)
    Set fat to 30-35%
    Carbs should set itself to somewhere around 30-50%

    Eat this for 2 weeks to adjust and another 2 weeks to see results.
    Newb losses tend to be mostly water weight if you are drinking plenty per day.
    Eat non processed whole foods and dont be afraid to have a cheat day once a week where anything goes!

    Hugs and good luck!