I'm not on a 'diet'- good or bad?

gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey all,

I'm working on losing this weight and getting into a healthy way of life. I look around on websites and talk to people but I feel like I'm the only person on Earth who's not on a 'diet' or using a specific program.

I'm not eating beet soup, no carb restrictions (just eating healthy ones), no diet pills or shakes, not even a protien replacement. I'm just eating better and keeping my calories less than what I exercise. I even eat whole fat versions of pizza and ice cream if I exercise for it.

Am I the only person who's losing weight without being on a program of some kind? Am I missing something?


  • Mango731
    Mango731 Posts: 6
    Don't think your alone. That's what I'm doing as well. The only different thing is that I am finally making myself liable for everything that I put in my body. The "food" diary on the website just helps me become accountable for that. No pills, crazy drinks, or anything but just me and assistance from my peers on this website! :smile:
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    I know I have changed my lifestyle to get myself healthy and in shape. I don't want to use the word "diet" because to me diet is something temporary until you get to where you want to be. I think that making a lifestyle change is more permanent. Plus, over the years, the term diet has such a bad connotation to it, that I don't want to use it unless I am talking about my dietary habits. Personally we are here to make lifestyle changes to our diet and that should be something that sticks with us for the rest of our lives.

    I think it depends on the person, but to me, I don't use that word to why I am losing weight and being healthy.
  • That is exactly what I am doing, as are a lot of people on this site. Some are trying different exercise programs, but for the most part we are all here to simply support each other in our attempts to live a healhy life and in doing so lose weight. You aren't missing anything - this is the place to be for what you are trying to do!:happy:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    That's what I'm doing - - - No plan, no diet, no programs orpoints or check-ins.

    I cook intelligent stuff. Still use some of my old recipes,,, dropped some, got some new ones. Biggest diff for me is how I load the plate. Use-ta be tons of spaghetti and a little broccoli, and now it's tons of broccoli and a little spaghetti.

    I think this is a better way to do it because it's a change I can live with permanently. It's not a "program" that I'm on for some limited period of time - after which I'll go back to "normal" (and gain all the weight back). This works, it's reasonable and livable. I'm diggin' it.
  • rabbit45
    rabbit45 Posts: 36
    Same for me - before mfp, I never really realized how many calories I was taking in. Now I simply track what I'm eating and am becoming more aware of what I need to cut back on and how to control my portions. I haven't necessarily stopped eating any of the "unhealthy" stuff I was eating before (well maybe a few things), I'm just compensating for it. For example, I fully intend on going out for a cheeseburger tonight (so bad, I know) but I had a very healthy breakfast and lunch and will exercise as well. I've realized that if I completely cut out all of the things I enjoy, this lifestyle change won't last very long.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Yeah I am not on a diet, I am eating healthier food choices. They do call anything going in your mouth a "diet" You doctor will always ask.. "What is your diet like"....not "What is your food consumption like". My nutritionist asks that......actually he says "What the hell are you feeding your body"?

    Counting cals both in and out has been the key for me. There were days that I would eat 1 time a day and my intake would be 900 cals....the next day I would eat 3 times at 3000 cals for the day...and wondered why I was so fat...or even gaining.....uh hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I eat often, the right foods with the occasional junk food (whole fat pizza and burger/fries) in moderation.

    My friends and family are all stressed when I come to visit....what will I feed you, I don't have any low cal diet food. I often have to tell them I can eat what you eat, I just have to make lil substitutions and variations is all............

    Congrats on feeding yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • no diet here!!! I just try to eat food that I know what the ingredients are...fresh fruit, veggies, whole grains....its tough especially when your craving cheetos!!!:laugh:
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Hey all,

    I'm working on losing this weight and getting into a healthy way of life. I look around on websites and talk to people but I feel like I'm the only person on Earth who's not on a 'diet' or using a specific program.

    I'm not eating beet soup, no carb restrictions (just eating healthy ones), no diet pills or shakes, not even a protien replacement. I'm just eating better and keeping my calories less than what I exercise. I even eat whole fat versions of pizza and ice cream if I exercise for it.

    Am I the only person who's losing weight without being on a program of some kind? Am I missing something?

    I just try to eat "healthy" no junk food, greasy food, try to eat lots of veggies, fruits, etc
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Hey all,

    I'm working on losing this weight and getting into a healthy way of life. I look around on websites and talk to people but I feel like I'm the only person on Earth who's not on a 'diet' or using a specific program.

    I'm not eating beet soup, no carb restrictions (just eating healthy ones), no diet pills or shakes, not even a protien replacement. I'm just eating better and keeping my calories less than what I exercise. I even eat whole fat versions of pizza and ice cream if I exercise for it.

    Am I the only person who's losing weight without being on a program of some kind? Am I missing something?

    I just try to eat "healthy" no junk food, greasy food, try to eat lots of veggies, fruits, etc
  • stratdl
    stratdl Posts: 303 Member
    A diet is the food you eat every day (i.e., the list of foods you consumed--nothing more, nothing less). What we do here every day is a lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle.

    If someone were to ask me what the "magic bullet" for weight loss and fitness is, I would answer, myfitnesspal.com, because it's the most reasonable, obtainable, and supportive thing I have ever used in my journey to become the healthiest me I can.

    Cheers to all of us! :drinker:
  • I'm not on a diet either. I eat what I want, just everything in moderation and portion control. When people ask if I am dieting, I tell them no, I am changing my lifestyle because that is what it is. When I reach my goal weight, I'm not going to go back to eating whatever I want and all that I want, thats what got me here in the 1st place! I feel bad for people who lean towards the fad diets (the newest I saw was the "negative calorie diet") for a quick fix to the weight because they are NOT healthy for your body and once you stop the diet, it all comes back. The only way to do it is through healthy eating and exercise, no cheating :-)
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    you are not alone, diets work........until you start to eat real food again. You have to learn to manage food choices in real life and a specific "diet" may not be sustainable long term.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    I'm not "on a diet" either - my diet is just healthy now. I do watch my carbs - because I have diabetes. That's the great thing about this place - you can find support for your needs!! I'm not technically low carb anymore - but I call it controlled carb. I try not to eat too much refined carbs and try to keep my net carbs below 100, preferably below 80. But that is because of my health issue.

    Glad to hear you have been successful and :drinker: heres to continued success and support!!
  • emiliabeth
    emiliabeth Posts: 40
    I've tried shakes and pills and points. While points helped me get the weight off, it only helped me keep it off for so long.

    Now I'm just tracking calories and eating whatever I want within reason. It's WAY better so far and I don't feel restricted at all. And I'm feeling good, too!
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    A diet is the food you eat every day (i.e., the list of foods you consumed--nothing more, nothing less). What we do here every day is a lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle.

    If someone were to ask me what the "magic bullet" for weight loss and fitness is, I would answer, myfitnesspal.com, because it's the most reasonable, obtainable, and supportive thing I have ever used in my journey to become the healthiest me I can.

    Cheers to all of us! :drinker:

    With that said..................Technically everyone is dieting if you are eating............

    Diet = what you eat.

    Americans have made the word "diet" negative, meaning to lose weight and not the real definition, to eat.
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    I'm not "on a diet" either - my diet is just healthy now. I do watch my carbs - because I have diabetes. That's the great thing about this place - you can find support for your needs!! I'm not technically low carb anymore - but I call it controlled carb. I try not to eat too much refined carbs and try to keep my net carbs below 100, preferably below 80. But that is because of my health issue.

    Glad to hear you have been successful and :drinker: heres to continued success and support!!

    This is me too..............

    Controlled carb is not negative either............for the most part it means eating foods that are more natural and not processed or refined.

    I am doing Atkins, climbing the carb ladder, which means every week, I am consuming a larger amount of carbs.

    I am diabetic also, along with being hypo-thyroid and controlling the refined and processed foods allows me to lose weight and keep my blood sugar in line.

    The sad part about me is, my body is so sensitive to sugar, white flour and other garbage carbs, that I don't even miss not having them now.
  • Well as seems to be the common answer I am doing the same as well. Just watch what I eat and portion control. I may have a burger or slice of pizza one day but account for it later in my workout or eat less at the rest of my meals. I try to only allow 1 day a week that I "cheat" but doesn't always work that way. And I love a glass of wine (or 2 :) ) When I get home from work. I just make sure that I don't go over my calories.
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    I don't feel I am on a diet either.
    I just watch what I eat and limit the not so good stuff but I still have it. Once in a while I even have junk food days where I just have whatever I want with no thought about whats in them.
    I do have occasions where I go out to the club with friends and I drink which may have caused me not to lose weight as quickly as some but its still coming off so I am happy :)
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    I think that most of the people on this site are about having a healthier lifestyle. I have people ask me what I do to lose weight and I tell them that I ate healthier and exercised. The funny thing is most people look confused or astonished like they expected me to tell them about this amazing new diet pill or program rather than common sense. :laugh: Just keep doing what you're doing. You'll be happier and healthier for it.
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    Thank you so much for your replies- I feel a lot less alone now!

    I really do think of this as a lifestyle not a diet. I know myself and I wouldn't stick to a diet long lol God made hamburgers for a reason! :laugh:

    One thing I've found now is that I LOVE to move! If I sit still too long I actually WANT to get up and do something. Who knew?
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