P90X questions

Ok, I've been on the P90X workout and diet plan for only 3 days. I've gained 0.4 pounds. I know that's not a lot, but I'm wondering if I'm eating too much. I'm following what they said and it's about 1400 calories a day and I'm 5'10 180. I'm just trying not to get discouraged. I know something is working because I'm insanely sore. Thoughts?


  • I know when I did P90X I gained a little in the beginning too. That's normal. Give your body time to adjust and before you know you will see amazing results. Just be patient.
  • emcohen
    emcohen Posts: 46
    Too early to worry about losing weight after a couple of days! Could be that you're drinking a ton more water because of the workouts. I've had a lot of success with P90x. Keep at it!
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Its only been three days, my weight fluctuates daily, last night I was 60.1 kilos and today I'm 59.1 - a difference of two poinds overnight, I don't think so. Try to weight yourself less often, drink lots of water and keep going!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Ok, I've been on the P90X workout and diet plan for only 3 days. I've gained 0.4 pounds. I know that's not a lot, but I'm wondering if I'm eating too much. I'm following what they said and it's about 1400 calories a day and I'm 5'10 180. I'm just trying not to get discouraged. I know something is working because I'm insanely sore. Thoughts?

    There is no way you are following their plan as the lowest intake in the diet guide is 1800 calories. If anything your are not eating enough. If you only eat 1400 and burn 500 from one of the workouts you are only getting 900 cals to sustain your functions. The minimum you should be getting is 1200 plus what you burn, so in the case of burning 500, you should not go lower than 1700 (1200+500) but 1800 would still be better.

    Most likely the gain you are seeing is water retention in your muscles due to starting a new program. This happens as the new routine creates micro tears in the muscle and the water helps protect them. This water also aids in recovery. Once you get use to the routine your muscle will shed the excess water.

    So please eat more while on this program, if you don't fuel your body properly you will end up losing muscle mass.
  • deanmarino
    deanmarino Posts: 41 Member
    Stick with it, if you are eating right and doing the workouts the weight will come off, not to worry. Also do measurements, sometimes the scale does not give you the whole picture.

  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    I was still up 5 pounds after 30 days. My waist was shrinking though. Don't look at the scale. You will be building muscle and your muscles and body will be holding alot of water.
  • I agree that you should give it time. Here's an explanation of why it can happen: http://www.thefitclubnetwork.com/2011/03/p90x-and-weight-gain/

    If you continue to gain weight over a few weeks, then maybe you should adjust your diet.

    I lost weight and inches when I did full cycles of P90X, and I was already at my goal weight when I started. In addition to the P90X workouts, I did run four days per week, which might have contributed to that. But I ended up having to increase my calories by the middle of the program because I was losing too much.

    You will be amazed with your results. Stick with it. When you take your measurements the last week, I guarantee you will be ecstatic!
  • P90X has a tendacy to build muscle.....and muscle is weight.....Keep going! I loooooooooooooooove P90X
  • jennifermcornett
    jennifermcornett Posts: 159 Member
    It'll go down. You definitely need that many calories, so you are NOT eating too much. Just be patient. Weigh yourself at the end of week 1, and you'll be much more pleased. :)
    The first few days, your body is just going to try to recover from the shock of starting this program. When I first started it, I honestly thought I was stuck in bed all day on day 2, because I was so sore, but I managed to get up, and once I started doing the yoga segment in the Cardio DVD, I could feel my muscles loosening right up! Keep working hard, and drink plenty of water!!
  • Thanks for your support everyone! :)
  • btdublin
    btdublin Posts: 250 Member
    Ok, I've been on the P90X workout and diet plan for only 3 days. I've gained 0.4 pounds. I know that's not a lot, but I'm wondering if I'm eating too much. I'm following what they said and it's about 1400 calories a day and I'm 5'10 180. I'm just trying not to get discouraged. I know something is working because I'm insanely sore. Thoughts?

    Hey I started 3 days ago too! You have probably gained some muscle if anything, but 3 days is too short to judge. Could be retained water. You may not see rapid weight loss but your inches will prove it's working in a few weeks I believe.

    Think you need to eat more too, I am not eating enough with the P90X workouts and really need to start upping my cals so I don't hit the much discussed starvation mode.

    How did you find pylometrics? My legs are still sore.
  • rieson
    rieson Posts: 16 Member
    If you are following the nutritional plan and staying at your calorie level, you are fine. It is very common, especially for women, to gain when starting a new (and strenuous) workout program. I'm doing P90X right now and am in my second week. I gained the first week, and now I'm down. More importantly, I'm losing inches!!

    Stay the course and give it time ... it DOES work!! If you do not have a change in your inches or weight after 3 to 4 weeks, then you night need to make nutritional adjustments. Just be sure to eat enough calories, your body needs the fuel for this.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    P90X has a tendacy to build muscle.....and muscle is weight.....Keep going! I loooooooooooooooove P90X

    Hey I started 3 days ago too! You have probably gained some muscle if anything, but 3 days is too short to judge. Could be retained water. You may not see rapid weight loss but your inches will prove it's working in a few weeks I believe.

    Think you need to eat more too, I am not eating enough with the P90X workouts and really need to start upping my cals so I don't hit the much discussed starvation mode.

    How did you find pylometrics? My legs are still sore.

    There is no way she would build muscle only eating 1400 cals (900-1000 Net). And it takes weeks or months to gain any noticeable muscle, even on a caloric surplus.

    This is plain and simply water weight due to a new routine.
  • Chubbud1
    Chubbud1 Posts: 28 Member
    Ive been doing the P90X for almost 3 weeks now. I remember gaining a little bit of weight, but my clothes felt a lot looser. Now, Im taking weight off. Try not to worry too much about the gain. Drink your water, and watch your calories also. Ive heard a lot of people say that you should eat your calories because if you dont, your body goes into starvation mode and actually does not burn calories. Hang in there!
  • cgraylyon
    cgraylyon Posts: 292 Member
    Most likely the gain you are seeing is water retention in your muscles due to starting a new program. This happens as the new routine creates micro tears in the muscle and the water helps protect them. This water also aids in recovery. Once you get use to the routine your muscle will shed the excess water.

    This is exactly what I was going to say. It has happened to me every time I try a new workout.
    Slim in 6
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  • Chubbud1
    Chubbud1 Posts: 28 Member
    Plyo still kicks my butt. And I feel uncoordinated with Kempo X. :-)
  • jrodx2
    jrodx2 Posts: 203 Member
    First things first, don't get discouraged! You are only at the beginning of the program. I promise you will see the results you are looking for in time.

    My best advice for P90X is:
    1) Don't get back on the scale. Seriously. Take your inch measurements and then don't measure again until two weeks, at the very least. That is where you will see the real difference. Some people build up so much muscle that their weight never changes but they drop inches instead (since muscle weighs more than fat).
    2) Make sure you're eating enough. I know it may sound counterproductive but if you aren't eating enough, your body is storing the fat instead of creating muscle. This is not what you want.

    Best of luck!
  • eayal002
    eayal002 Posts: 186
    Don't change anything, as you begging building muscle you'll see an increase on the scale but I believe Tony tells you to put the scale away until next check in right?

    A trainer told my wife because she saw the scale go up when she started weight training, that for the first week or two once a woman begins working out there's an increased level of testosterone in a female body which leads to a very quick gain of weight usually about 5 lbs. Levels are normal after than time but those 1st 5lbs of muscle will help you burn fat.

    Put the scale away and "Bring it" :)
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Don't change anything, as you begging building muscle you'll see an increase on the scale but I believe Tony tells you to put the scale away until next check in right?

    A trainer told my wife because she saw the scale go up when she started weight training, that for the first week or two once a woman begins working out there's an increased level of testosterone in a female body which leads to a very quick gain of weight usually about 5 lbs. Levels are normal after than time but those 1st 5lbs of muscle will help you burn fat.

    Put the scale away and "Bring it" :)

    She will not be gaining muscle eating less than 1000 Net calories, she is more likely to lose muscle eating so little. And that initial weight gain is water weight in the muscles due to starting a new routine, not muscle, it would take 3-6 months for a woman to put on 5lbs of muscle.
  • For a 5'10, 180lb female, 1400cal/day sounds really low, especially if you are doing P90X.