Coming from WW!

Hi all

Newb here, coming from Weight Watchers to MFP!

I was doing WW for about 6 months last year, and lost 4 stone(I was still about 2 stone away from goal!). I decided to relax a little at xmas and I've ended up putting on a stone!!!

I've decided to give MFP a go instead of WW mainly because it's free (xmas has left me skint!), but i've heard good things about it as well.

So here's to getting back on track!


  • leaso75581
    i left WW too, for the same financial reasons. i'm new to this site, and so far, i like how user-friiendly the site of luck to the both of us (for free!!) lol
  • arsenalbates
    arsenalbates Posts: 25 Member
    Surly once you know how weight watchers works you dont need to continue to pay. The only thing you get is the weighing in every week but you can get yourself a good pair of scales the the montly fee you pay them.

    Sorry about my little rant there lol

    Anyway welcome to MFP, add me as a friend :smile:
  • Laurieann137
    Laurieann137 Posts: 95 Member
    I lost 20lbs on weight watchers and then stopped. When I came on here I felt like I could do about the same kind of stuff for free. I love it it on here! If you will succeed!! Good Luck!!
  • Jacinta130
    Hi, i came from WW also for financial reasons and also i didn't get on with the nre points system.

    MFP is great, so much support from lots of people and plenty of motivation.

    Add me if you like and good luck : )
  • HeikkiLaukkanen
    HeikkiLaukkanen Posts: 123 Member
    Lots of us Weight Watcher's veterans here. I made goal weight and then thought the program was free. Well it was free with a *. You can attend meetings free but the website and app you'd have to continue to pay to use, albeit at a reduced rate. I promised my wife that the monthly bill would stop when I reached goal so I switched to MFP as my sister in law had done a few months prior.

    You won't catch me saying bad things about WW's, they taught me to eat right, were supportive, taught me about tracking, etc. But I can do much the same here. And frankly the app is more user friendly on my android phone than the WW's app was.

    Welcome aboard. Track track track!
  • deliak2010
    Welcome to MFP and best of luck on your weight loss journey!! I just went ahead and added you, I hope that's okay :)

    Look forward to seeing your success!
  • walterld
    I have done weight watchers a couple times. This last time I lost 30 lbs and actually kept it off. The new points system is so much better. But i am not to much for writing down what I eat. I also didn't want to pay to get weighed in. I love this site. all i do is type in what I ate and it brings it up on a list and I add it. It tracks your exercise and adds it to your daily calorie intake. i love that. Good luck. I am new to this site this week so add me as a friend and we can help each other.
  • gregavila
    gregavila Posts: 725 Member
    Another WW veteran here, lost 42 pounds when I did it. I find the MFP tracking as easy as the WW points system and am having success here too. All with non of the cost.