Mrs. Sneaky

Well, I did it again.

Friday night sitting in front of the telly, husband gone off to bed. Hmm, I'm feeling just a wee bit hungry.
I have a few calories left, I can eat two prunes. Half a bag later... well, I ate all those prunes, that means everything will flush nicely tomorrow morning. Lets have some tortilla chips, and oh cheese melted on top would be nice. So very quietly I opened the bag with a pair of scissors, (can't have hubbie calling from the bedroom "what are you getting into now?"), and very quietly I opened the fridge, and grated and hummed and popped the whole glorious cheesy thing in the microwave. Told the microwave to be quiet as it dinged. And then ate it all!

Now I don't want to put in on yesterday's entry, because it will look bad. We are getting our fitness equipment today. Does putting it together for hours on end and getting mad at each other because nothing is going together count as extra calories burned. Hee hee!

I'm feeling mad at myself this morning for giving into old habits and sneaking food.


  • redalee
    redalee Posts: 256 Member
    Well, I did it again.

    Friday night sitting in front of the telly, husband gone off to bed. Hmm, I'm feeling just a wee bit hungry.
    I have a few calories left, I can eat two prunes. Half a bag later... well, I ate all those prunes, that means everything will flush nicely tomorrow morning. Lets have some tortilla chips, and oh cheese melted on top would be nice. So very quietly I opened the bag with a pair of scissors, (can't have hubbie calling from the bedroom "what are you getting into now?"), and very quietly I opened the fridge, and grated and hummed and popped the whole glorious cheesy thing in the microwave. Told the microwave to be quiet as it dinged. And then ate it all!

    Now I don't want to put in on yesterday's entry, because it will look bad. We are getting our fitness equipment today. Does putting it together for hours on end and getting mad at each other because nothing is going together count as extra calories burned. Hee hee!

    I'm feeling mad at myself this morning for giving into old habits and sneaking food.
  • sturge161
    sturge161 Posts: 37 Member
    Well that just means that now you are going to have to be extra good for a stretch right? Keep trying and you will make it! Everyone falls off the wagon once in a while, the people who jump right back on and keep working are the ones who do the best in the long run.
  • pamelawh
    pamelawh Posts: 162 Member
    everyone is tempted. just reset the date of your goal. with this fitness equipment if you use it to challenge yourself shortly your body will put your goal into auto pilot and your mind won't be such a temptation like it is now. on the biggest loser program the personal trainers suggest instead of comfort eating replace it with exercise. so the next time you are tempted workout instead.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Boy, do I recognize myself in this.

    Here's something that works for me. I'm learning to ask myself "what are you really eating?" When I overeat, especially when I do it in secret, I'm eating boredom, anger, an unexpressed emotion, a celebration, frustration, etc...I think this is pretty common. This has led to some very hard moments for me, as I've had to actually feel the emotions that I'm having.

    On the physical side, how's your protein intake during the day? For me, I've found that less protein during the day equals more craving and overeating at night.

    That being said, today is a new day! Beating up on yourself is not the thing to do.
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    Hubby & the girls went to his aunts house yesterday and came back some some not-too-good-goodies... Well...... I had to have the chocolatey brownies that had chocolate frosting.... I can't remember when was the last time I had a brownie like that. I did feel a bit guilty as I was licking the frosting off of my fingers but I enjoyed every gobble.

    Now..... if only there were more.. just kidding!

    I felt so bloated about 30 minutes after eating them.
    I got it out of my system though.. I hope.

    Anywho... redalee.... your story was so cute & funny.
    I pictured every single thing and it was great!

    The guilt is just so heavy isn't it?
    We all fall off the wagon but we have help from the ones that stayed on so we can get back on.
  • redalee
    redalee Posts: 256 Member
    Thanks gals. My mom was a sneaker, and I am too, and not the running kind. I think the suggestion of working out next time I'm feeling hungry is a good one especially now since we'll have the exercise equipment available.
    And thanks for everyones support, it's nice to have feedback when you screw up!
  • pamelawh
    pamelawh Posts: 162 Member
    do you have your eye firmly affixed to your goal? and do you have your goal broken down into smaller goals that you will reward yourself and not with food when you achieve that buying a new workout outfit, or buying a new outfit or going to get your hair done or nails done and take a girl friend and make it a real fun day.
  • redalee
    redalee Posts: 256 Member
    Well we're going to the Congo in January to help build at an orphanage, and I want to be able to move quickly in case we run into trouble. I figured that would be pretty good incentive.
    But no, I haven't set myself any rewards. I should.
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    Building an orphange is reward enough.
    That's a much bigger reward than buying a new outfit.