Hello everyone


I am a 26 yr old who is in need of a life change. I have no motivation though. I just don't want to get off the couch and it is literally killing me. I have health problems. Not fun for anyone. Worst thing is, my doctors don't know why, they say I shouldn't be where I am just solely on weight, in not super obese... Least look it. Although I am apparently 100 lbs over what is recommended. But I do not want to be 120lbs.

I have a wonderful son. I want to see him grow up.

I need help. Motivation. A friend. Anything.

My childs.father, whom I still foolishly love, has (and still trying to) cheated on me and calls me fat and unattractive... He won't touch me, look at me. I just want to feel... Worthwhile.

Enough of that.

I would love some support, a kick in the *kitten*, and to give support in return.

Good luck to all of and your journey. Here's to healthy living!


  • Raivynsblood
    Raivynsblood Posts: 68 Member
    Hey Serena! I'm 26 too, will be 27 next month. Ive been told for my height i should weigh between 145 and 165 lbs. I'd have to lose more than half my weight to do get there. I also seem to find myself sitting on the couch far too much. So I know where you're coming from. How old is your son? mine is 7 :) As you said, I want to see him grow up, graduate, marry. Im not just trying to get healthy for me anymore, its for him now. He's my motivation. What motivates you? I'm hoping to lose 100 pounds this year. If i do, I'm going to get pics taken with my son. It's been a while since we've done that :) So far this site seems to be helping. Guess we'll see how much when i weigh myself sunday lol.. best of luck to ya!
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    you'll find lots of help and advice on here don't worry. i already have and i thought i was quite motivated without this site
  • Hi! I am really sorry ti hear of your situation! I have struggled with weight since childhood and it has not gotten easier as an adult. I am 30 years old with 3 boys, 11, 8, and 22 months. I was at 197 on December 1st and I am down to 175 now. I only exercise 2 times per week but I am on a diet that is high protein and low carbs. It is really working for me. What kind of changes are you willing to make as far as eating habits and exercising? I bet your son would love to go to a local park/track and ride his scooter/bike while you walk the track. Let me know, I am here for you!