early morning workout...eat before or after?



  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    Before. I don't get cramps and I read somewhere that you force your body to go into the fat stores rather than just rely on the breakfast energy to get you through it.
  • tannjam
    tannjam Posts: 109 Member
    No expert but was always told more effective to work out first then wait 1 hr before you eat. Supposed to burn more calories ..
    I will have half of a banana for a pre-workout snack and then the other half for after workout. Does that make sense? I works for me :happy:
  • judgejava
    Your body has enough glycogen stores from the last meal before bed for an early morning workout, if it is 45 mins or under it is fine to not eat first.

    If you are planning on a long and intense workout over 45 minutes then eat something about 45mins to an hour at least before your workout, something like a bagel and peanut butter and jam, for some fast acting sugars and some sustainable ones with a dash or protein.

    personally i can get up and run 12 miles without nothing in the tank at 5 am, but i usually dont, i usually eat about 5 some porridge and fruit, then run about an hour or hour and half later, anywhere from 4 to 16 miles on a mornring run, then have a recovery meal upon return.

    People often say working out early on an empty stomach will burn fat too, this is not strictly true, your body will use its available glycogen stores which unless you are starving yourself then you will have enough for like i said about 30 to 45 minutes workout, it takes a while for the body to tap into its fat stores during exercise.

  • GrahamBarwick
    no expert but men's health says to run on empty stomach in the morning, bettter for burning fat??? David Gandi (D&G Model) apparently trains that way too?
  • BetterCrazyThanLazy
    I work out at 5:30 AM so there is no way I will get up earlier to eat. I have half a cup of coffee and grab a bottle of water with me. It's too hard to work out right after you eat anyway, but everyone's body is different so do what works for you. I personally think that it's better to work out before you eat so your body burns stored fat for energy. It's not like you are running a marathon in the morning and need to fuel up before you do it....
  • jk0912
    jk0912 Posts: 8
    I usually eat after my workout. I ate first this morning and went for a run 45 minutes later and was cramping up a few minutes in. Never again. I do much better on an empty stomach.
  • rachemn
    rachemn Posts: 407 Member
    I can't within an hour before my workouts or I get a bad stomach ache. So if I'm working out in the morning, I'll usually have a protien shake about a half hour to an hour before. If I'm working out at night, I just make sure not to eat the hour prior. I think it's more of a preference thing...though I love the idea that if you don't eat you are burning stored fat!
  • judgejava
    no expert but men's health says to run on empty stomach in the morning, bettter for burning fat??? David Gandi (D&G Model) apparently trains that way too?

    yes and no. Only if you run/workout for longer than about 30 minutes at minimum, then it may tap into fat stores, depending on available glycogen.

    Also your body can metabolise protein for fuel also, (if you sweat and smell ammonia) that is why, when i trained in the heat i use to get it all the time as i was burning protein for fuel (food or muscle), fat usually takes a while during exercise before it is metabolised for energy
  • FatgutBgone
    FatgutBgone Posts: 73 Member
    If I am going to lift weights I try to have a shake and oatmeal or something an hour before. Then I eat my big meal after. I get sick if I eat too much before working out. I find that I store less fat if I eat right after working out and have better gains.

    Stay strong -[][][]
    [][][]- and live long.
  • ActiveGuy81
    ActiveGuy81 Posts: 705 Member
    It depends on the work out for me. I usually eat a banana or apple maybe some peanut butter. But would wait for an actual breakfast until after the workout.
  • GrahamBarwick
    no expert but men's health says to run on empty stomach in the morning, bettter for burning fat??? David Gandi (D&G Model) apparently trains that way too?

    yes and no. Only if you run/workout for longer than about 30 minutes at minimum, then it may tap into fat stores, depending on available glycogen.

    Also your body can metabolise protein for fuel also, (if you sweat and smell ammonia) that is why, when i trained in the heat i use to get it all the time as i was burning protein for fuel (food or muscle), fat usually takes a while during exercise before it is metabolised for energy

    agreed and i think i remember reading now fo example David Gandi runs for about an hour then will do circuits of abb training. Which is why they prob suggest he trains this way to burn fat
  • andreacord
    Jillian Michaels recently blogged that you should have something before and after a workout. I've personally been trying that this week because Jillian's stuff has always worked for me and I've found it works. I split it into two parts, something before and something after. Usually I would go on an empty stomach in the morning but I found that I wanted to eat a horse by the time I got back from the gym and ended up consuming probably 500 calories within the span of an hour. So something before and after works for me. If you get ravenous I'd say eat something small.
  • wantasmallbummum
    wantasmallbummum Posts: 45 Member
    I heard that you have to eat something to make your metabolism start working. Then you burn fat faster. If you dont eat anything it'll take longer to work, cos your body needs kickstarting. Dont know it true or not!
  • CallieM15
    CallieM15 Posts: 910 Member
    Im not a fitness/nutrition expert, but I wake up and do Jillian Michaels 30 Day shred at 5am, and I usually will eat a banana before (or 90 calorie special K bar) and then not eat after for about an hour-2. I never feel all that hungry after a workout for a while.
  • lizabelle83
    i have a protein shake before & eat something after :) it works for me but like previous posters have said everyone is different
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,638 Member
    Sometimes I eat, sometimes I don't but my best results have been where I eat something light (typically a granola bar or banana, no milk products because that can hurt my stomach) and drink a little water, then wait 30 mins to an hour before going to work out. After my workout I eat as soon as I feel hungry.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,638 Member
    Im not a fitness/nutrition expert, but I wake up and do Jillian Michaels 30 Day shred at 5am, and I usually will eat a banana before (or 90 calorie special K bar) and then not eat after for about an hour-2. I never feel all that hungry after a workout for a while.

    I agree with this chick!!! :)
  • Bean615
    Bean615 Posts: 132 Member
    i wake up at 5:30 and on my car ride to the gym i eat a tablespoon of natural peanut butter. then i work out and eat when i get to work.
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 489 Member
    Always after... workout at 5:00, which means I would have to eat at like 3:00 or 3:30... not happening.

    Me too!!! I like my sleep too much!:bigsmile: