Calories used doing exercies

Ive been on my walker for 15mins at a brisk pace, i checked the calories i had used, using the walkers programme and it said 44, i then put into my plan 15mins walk brisk pace and it tells me ive used 141...there surely cannot be such a huge difference can there...which number do i use...44 or 141


  • addisondisease
    addisondisease Posts: 664 Member
    44 if you want to drop weight... 141 if you are trying to cheat on your diet.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
  • JayneMR
    What worries me is...are all the exercise amounts wrong on the plan
  • tdupree71
    I suggest get a Polar heart rate monitor with a strap....Then you will have an accurate reading for calories burned!!
  • JayneMR
    Oh ok thank you
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Dont use terms like "brisk pace" use math. 15 minutes at 4 mph means you traveled 1 mile. That will give you a better burn rate to go by. That is more than likely what the machine is doing when calculating. Time / distance.

    Problem is everyone's deffinition of "brisk" is different. You have to use time and distance to get your speed. Then your speed and time for calorie burn. Subjective terms don't help, math isn't subjective though!
  • Josteyn
    Josteyn Posts: 44
    I reckon a brisk pace means you are pretty much at the limit of how fast you can go - and I use ankle and wrist weights as well. So mine will be 140 rather than 44...

    If you are just walking, not carrying shopping or getting out of breath, then use a slower amount from the calculator.
  • Josteyn
    Josteyn Posts: 44
    Oh, and it depends how heavy you are, of course! I am still 95 kg (15 stone), which means I use up more than someone weighing 70 kg (11 stone)...
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    If you are really walking about 3.5 miles per hour which is Brisk which for 15 min is about .75 (3/4) of a mile and you weigh over 250, the 141 is correct.

    Those you said get an HRM are correct that is the only real way to know what you are buring.

    I use the calcs on MFP and it has worked fine for me but you have to really think about your walking speed.

    Best of Luck!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Ive been on my walker for 15mins at a brisk pace, i checked the calories i had used, using the walkers programme and it said 44, i then put into my plan 15mins walk brisk pace and it tells me ive used 141...there surely cannot be such a huge difference can there...which number do i use...44 or 141
    I had to tweak the calorie burn rate to make this all work - to find my zone.

    I could not go with anything in the exercise data base - too many calories burned. I made up my own and added what I guessed each one should burn, and then tracked weight over a month. After some adjustments, I found my zone and all is well.
  • goddesselln
    I would guess that the difference also comes from how much you weigh. A heavier person will burn more calories walking at a brisk rate than a lighter one. The heart rate monitor would be your best bet - a great investment for you...
  • FiremanSam111
    I found this site useful for estimated calories burned, with a little math, you can adjust the figures for your own weight.