
Hello, I've always had this app on my phone but never put it to good use until recently. I decided on Dec 29 that it was time to lose a whole lotta weight. I'm 35 with two young kids and I figured I'd want to be around to watch them grow up. On December 29 I started running again, it had been a while as I had to get some extensive surgery on my ankle not to mention finishing up grad school has virtually led me to a near sedentary lifestyle. My starting weight was 264, today I am sitting at 253 after my weigh in from my cardio workout. I should also mention I'm 6 ft. 1 1/2 inches tall. My goal weight is around 185. After getting motivated, I think that goal weight is definitely in my sites. As far as my diet, I decided to mix some elements of Paleo with personal modifications. For one, I enjoy the taste of vinegar, so I include that with the salads I eat. I also use whey protein powder even though it is a dairy product. I've also adopted the organic (or clean food) practice. I try to buy organic produce and organic (or I guess free range) lean proteins. For protein I eat lots of Chicken breasts and fish and egg whites. The fish is challenging. I love it, but I'm concerned about mercury. So I mostly eat Tilapia (from what I've read it has the lowest levels of mercury) and then occassionally Ahi Tuna and Salmon. On 6 Jan I really started concentrating on my diet. I have eliminated everything processed; all grains; and all dairy. I eat around three meals a day that run between 300-500 calories per meal with a split of around 60% protein 25 fats% and 15% carbs. I also snack on pecans and if I really get the belly rumbles an EAS protein shake. Myfitnesspal as really helped me to stay honest in that regards. As far as exercise. My routine as of 6 Jan (prior to this I would run just to get acclimated to the feeling of running and it was rough starting out) is that I do cardio for 90 minutes a day consisting of running at a decent pace (keeping the HR between 135-160 range) for times a week and then one additional cardio session of 60 minutes.

Basically my routine breaks out like this:
Monday: 90 minute run
Tuesday: 90 minute run
Wednesday: off
Thursday: 90 minute run
Friday 90 minute run
Saturday: 60 minute jog or shuffle

I know it may seem with the excessive cardio and the fact that I'm only eating around 1500 calories a day may not be enough, but honestly, I feel great and never feel hungry. Just a bit exhausted from running, but by the time I wake up the next morning I'm pretty refreshed and ready to go again.

Well that's my story so far. To everyone else with fitness goals, good luck and stay motivated!


  • AgataZasada
    Hi there,

    That was a cool intro. I started my journey December 2011 and also just had the app. I also started to run again, and even signed up for a 1/2 marathon in August. I have never been able to complete a 5k without walking. My weight loss goal is 140lbs, but my stretch goal in 130lbs. I started at 220lbs and down 10 as of today! I kind of do a ducan/low carb/celiac diet, I essentially cannot have too many starchy foods or wheat.

    If you want to add me as a friend, that would be great!

  • jrdennis13
    Added. Definitely hang in there.