Ugh... discouraging first 2 weeks

Hey everyone...

I know I'm not supposed to lose a million pounds in 2 weeks but aren't you supposed to lose something? ANYTHING? I have been working out, and doing strength training everyday for the past two weeks and I haven't lost a pound ( I have been watching what I eat as well)! It is very frustrating:explode: :mad: To make matters worse, the muscle I've been gaining just seems to be pushing my fat out farther. So I;ve been working hard only to gain pounds of muscle that make me look fatter... great:grumble: Hope what they say about this getting easier is true!:angry:


  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Muscle burns fat .. give it time to do just that.
  • KimberlyKurtz
    I've been there too! When I started this site in May nothing was happening I'd gain weight from working out, lose weight only to gain it back. I think once my body got used to the change it's burning fat and I am losing weight. Hang in there and don't give up!!
  • skinnyTR
    skinnyTR Posts: 3
    Don't don't don't worry about the first two weeks. You are on a long-term path, not a short term path here. Crash diets show results more quickly but they are not sustainable and as soon as a person leaves the diet, BANG!!! Six weeks and they have gained all of the weight back and usually more to add to it. The real beauty of this plan is that you do not starve yourself, and if you stick to it you will become aware of everything you eat, and WHAT you eat will be more healthy and will be a SUSTAINABLE diet. Hang in there, it WILL work, but not overnight.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I can relate. My first two weeks, I worked so hard exercising and trying to eat right, always staying under my calories. At the end of week 1, I had gained 3 lbs. and was close to tears. Week 2 I lost two of the lbs. I had gained, so finished my first two weeks up one lb. I was very discouraged, thought about quitting, then decided to channel my frustration into determination instead. Week 3 I finally started to lose, and look at my ticker now, after 4 months of hard work. It will get better! And, yes, it seems a little easier now. Hang in there! We are cheering for you!!
  • staclo
    staclo Posts: 511 Member
    All I can say is...keep going!!!

    I didn't lose a single pound for FOUR weeks, while working out almost every day and keeping my calories to a net of between 1200-1300. Finally the other day, I inched down (pun not intended) a pound, and all the while, I've been losing inches. I didn't notice much at first, but I definitely notice the difference in my appearance now. Other people are noticing as well, but the scale isn't showing much difference.

    Stop letting the scale determine your attitude and do what is best for your body. It WILL reward you!! :flowerforyou:
  • pcbta
    pcbta Posts: 227
    How do your clothes fit? how much more healthy do you feel because of the workouts? Use your scale as a tool, but not to determine how you feel about your program. You may be having a "fat shift" that can happen as you build muscle initially...keep at it, it will burn offf!!!!

  • jeffwyeg
    jeffwyeg Posts: 105
    Hey everyone...

    I know I'm not supposed to lose a million pounds in 2 weeks but aren't you supposed to lose something? ANYTHING? I have been working out, and doing strength training everyday for the past two weeks and I haven't lost a pound ( I have been watching what I eat as well)! It is very frustrating:explode: :mad: To make matters worse, the muscle I've been gaining just seems to be pushing my fat out farther. So I;ve been working hard only to gain pounds of muscle that make me look fatter... great:grumble: Hope what they say about this getting easier is true!:angry:

    You say you're doing strength training...are you doing any cardio? When I first started my "journey" I asked a trainer at the gym about doing weights/strength training and he recommended I lay off the weights until I burn off some fat with cardio.

    33 pounds later, I think I'm finally ready to start hitting the weights to do some building/toning.

    Maybe give that a try?

    Jeff @ YEG