UGH! 20! lol

Im brand new and stuggling hard! I used to be OBESSED with weight for a while i got better and i got done to 155lbs and was feeling good, i started obessing again and somehow with tons of working out and a very restricted diet im gaining...steadily i might add, and to be honest its quite depressing, this was my last resort. im a 25 year old woman and would love to just feel good about myself again! i would love to not consume all my thoughts with food, excercise, and being thin! I would love to hear if any of you have any suggestions on what i could be doing wrong, im very strict with my calorie counting so i know mathmatically i shouldnt be gaining. thanks so much look foward to working with everyone!


  • mandi3370
    mandi3370 Posts: 5 Member
    If you are starving your body, its going into self defense and its going to store anything you eat that it doesnt immediately need. I too have struggled with this. I am really trying to make myself eat the 1200 calories. on my diary, i may still show a little under 1200 and thats because ive had a bite of this and that which i didnt count so im trying not to go over. if you are exercising, then you body needs even more fuel. there are some really good forum posts that discuss this topic. i actually weigh every morning to see how my body has reacted to the previous day's eatting and i have had better losses on the days where i ate at least and maybe a little more than my calorie goal. just make sure you are building muscle and loosing the fat and not loosing muscle. hope that helps.