Confused about eating exercise cals

I workout about 5-6 days a week but have set my activity level to sedentary. When I exercise, I log my calories burned and attempt to eat most of them back. If I set my activity level to more accurately reflect my activity, when I logged my exercise, wouldn't I still be expected to eat back my calories even though my starting calories for the day would already be greater. Confused about that!!


  • raisingbabyk
    raisingbabyk Posts: 442 Member
    Your activity level should be set for your regular daily activity, like depending on your job and things you would do in a normal day. Any exercise you do on top of that (that you go out of your way to work out, not cleaning or running after babies since that should be factored in when you chose your daily activity) you would log.
  • projhex
    projhex Posts: 23
    When you set your activity level it will give you a daily calorie allowance based on your BMR (basic metabolism rate).

    If you set your activity level more accurately then your base calorie allowance should be higher, before actual exercises are taken into account. Essentially, if you work out a lot, your body is always burning more calories and you metabolize faster than someone who is sedentary. The exercise calories are what you are burning white actually exercising, the BMR is the rest of the day.
  • LeahFerri
    LeahFerri Posts: 186 Member
    I think the activity level is supposed to reflect the activity that you do that you don't consider to be exercise. Like I have mine set to "lightly active" because my days tend to involve a lot of walking around. But when I go to the gym and bike, I don't consider that as part of my regular activity level, so it gets logged.
  • LMHinson15
    LMHinson15 Posts: 201 Member
    There's differing opinions, but my understanding is that planned "workouts" aren't counted as part of your "lifestyle" setting. If your lifestyle, other than working out, requires mostly sitting. Keep it set at sedentary.
  • KerryB1977
    KerryB1977 Posts: 86 Member
    Probably but I don't know for sure but on biggest loser they say not to eat back your exercise calories if you are trying to lose weight. Only eat them back when you are trying to maintain your weight. I never eat my exercise calories as I'm still trying to lose a considerable amount of weight.There are mixed reviews though so I say if your still losing weight at the rate you put into this system ex. 1/2 lb targeted weight loss then eat them back by all means. Hope this was helpful :happy: