So disappointed

I'm so disappointed with myself, I've been completely off track for the last month and have gained 5lbs, and what's worse I knew it was happening but couldn't motivate myself to stop. I know what I need to do but I'm finding it so difficult to start again. I've been on this journey since April 07 and I'm tired. I know I shouldn't be waiting for an end but reaching my goal of a healthy weight is just so hard.

Some-one give me a wake-up call. I still have a long way to go.



  • BOOPIS67
    BOOPIS67 Posts: 19
    I have been going through the same thing..I don't know what happened and now I have to get back motivated. I work from home and my life and schedule should be on track. I was working out 5 days a week. I'm back on track...I have a long way to go but I look at this as a way of life..hopefully you have a plan to get started...I'm not waiting until Monday to start...I'm starting today! Let me know how it goes.
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Try not to be so hard on yourself and do your best to get back on track
    My advice, get out and keep busy...away from food
    I lost 27 pounds here last year and have put 5 back on, so I'm in the same boat and I know the horrible struggle u feel with not wanting to put the weight back on but not being able to get control of your eating

  • jodazary
    jodazary Posts: 144 Member
    i can so relate i signed up last year but in december i went thru a rough patch and fell off the wagon and gained back everything i had worked so hard for and more :( i finally hopped back on the wagon about 3 weeks ago and im doing great this time already lost 12 lbs so yes its rough but we can do it :flowerforyou:
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    Hi there,

    I just joined this site recenty and I just wanted to tell you that while you may be feeling "off track" right now, look how far you have come. I saw that you have lost 39lbs so far and that is AMAZING! Really top notch! I know sometimes it seems hard but obviously you are dedicated and it will come back slowly to you.

    I have a hard time making myself work out the 4-5x/week I commited myself too, so I actually went out and looked for other forms of excersice than just in a gym or at home. Maybe something different would help get you pumped up again to head for your goals :)

    The ones I looked into were team sports like baseball (lots of running if you minus the beer afterwards he he he) or horseback riding (lots of lower and upper body work) and even rollerblading is great :) I dont know if any of this helps you but I hope it atleast gives you food for thought and motivation :)

  • mccdl34
    mccdl34 Posts: 43 Member
    I've been going through the same thing for the last year. I gain, I lose, I gain... I'm tired of worrying about what I eat, I'm tired of entering what I eat (although I truly believe in myfitnesspal!), I'm tired of gaining and losing and gaining. But after reading your post, I thought about where I'm at compared to where I was 5 years ago. My guess is you can relate to some of these. I still weigh 30 pounds less than I did 5 years ago. My fat intake (and consequently my cholosterol) is much better. I look at nutrition labels now. I have a rough idea of how many calories something is before I eat it. I actually exercise now. Not enough, but more than I did. Five years ago I would bring a can of pop (soda) to work everyday and also visit the candy machine. Today I have no desire for pop, and I walk by the candy machine thinking "That looks good", but I don't feel a need to stop and get anything. My problem now is binging on the weekends. Realizing how far I've come makes me believe maybe I can control that behavior as well. So, the short version is, think about the successes you've had and the knowledge you've gained. Maybe that can help motivate you. And thanks for making me think of mine!
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    Weight loss comes with changes... which include food, exercise, sleep, water,etc.
    I am wondering if the changes you did make were too much for you. Some people want the weight loss so bad they don't eat anything they shouldn't, completely depriving themselves of things they enjoy. They overwork themselves exercising so it starts to feel like a chore more than something they want to do. This is something you would be able to evaluate better than me.

    I started on my weight loss adventure in November 2007 and lost about 40 lbs by March-April 2008. My job got very stressful and even though I was eating and exercising the same I slowly gained every pound of it back. I finally had enough of the stress from my job and quit in Nov 2008. It took me until January 2009 to rid myself of the stress my body was holding onto. Since then I have lost every pound I regained and then some for a total of 50lbs. My question with this is... did you really lose your motivation, has anything changed in your life or are you frustrated with a lack of more recent results?

    And I absolutely agree with mccdl34 in looking at far you have come.. not just in weight loss but in your overall health. I know my blood pressure was high and it sure isn't now. My food choices are low sodium mostly cause I want to keep my blood pressure normal and I hate retaining water.
    I am sure if you look at yourself you will be able to see some positive things you brought with you. Those things are all lifestyle changes which is what you want. You want to be able to make changes in your life that you are satisified with doing on a continual basis.

    I really hope you find the motivation you are looking for... more so I hope you find it within yourself :)