Am I too fat to run?

Hi Im 42, havent done any serious exercise since summer 09 and have bout 80lbs to drop. I used to love running and want to get back into it but not sure if I should drop more weight first... The last time I tried to run my shins hurt really bad; dunno if that was down to the fat or because I wasnt wearing decent running shoes, just old trainers...

what du think?


  • kettlewitch
    kettlewitch Posts: 277 Member
    I wouldn't say you were too fat to run, just take it slowly. Maybe use the c25k programme? And get some decent running shoes. If you enjoy something you're more likely to stick to it. I've never run in my life!
  • davepat46
    I had the same trouble,remember:walk- jog- run and it will come back to you,don't set your goals to high to start with and enjoy.:glasses:
  • Go_Jenn_Go
    You're never too fat to start trying! Your shin trouble was probably caused by old shoes. Get yourself a decent (not necessarily top of the line in case you don't like it as much as you used to) pair of shoes and get back into it slowly. The Runner's World website probably has some good beginner training plans to get you warmed up. Good luck!
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    Hi, I would say there is no rush. Start by walking, then walk/jog...Dont be tempted to pick up where you left off. Gradually improve your fitness by taking one day at a time. Maybe just google a couch to 5K program and take it from there. I also used to run regularly then 2011 all went down hill,hardly did any form of exercise. Now Im back(started Dec 2011), i started by walking just around the block for 20min, then 30min then 50 min. It all depends on your fitness level. I now jog/walk for 1h20min 5days a week.

    All the best!
  • dj_stevie_c
    I think I can comment here.

    I was never a long distance runner but I was fast in small bursts, used to play a tough sport (American Football) when I started my fitness journey I could not, would not run as my knees were bearing too much weight and my back would hurt after a few steps, so I walked, and I walked, I found interesting places to do it I went to local forests, I eventually started cycling but now if I want I can go out for a 20-30min run without hurting my knees or my back.

    Build up to it, don't expect too much out of yourself and don't get discouraged by how 'bad' things my start off, I'm over the moon I can run for 20mins without stopping, that may not sound a lot to someone who runs a marathon but it's a lot to me!
  • Mmmporkrinds
    I agree with the other posters and would add: take the 5 or 10 minutes to warm up properly; stretch your muscles in your legs and maybe also a brisk five-minute or so brisk walk to warm up. Might prevent pains in your shins later (but I'm no expert). Good luck!!
  • Josedavid
    Josedavid Posts: 695 Member

    I was 142Kg and i began c25k programme. I finished it, then i moved to 8k runnings, then to 10k runnings, now i can run for 15k with, almost, no problem...

    I lost 26kg in the process and I am doing great! So... If i did it... YOU CAN!

    Take care of your knees, do not try to save money in the sport shoes and check with your attending doctor! thats all!

    Good luck and go for it!
  • islandjumper
    islandjumper Posts: 369 Member
    I'm in a similar boat right now. I've been going at this for about 3 weeks now. I run until I can't and I do something every day (even if it's just a walk). My goal is to get my lung capacity up so I can go more than a half a k. Get yourself a good pair of shoes and take it slow. If you only go 100 ft, so be it, walk and try again the next day. And treadmills are's so much easier and more interesting to go outside and run.
    I have noticed myself improving...slowly but surely.
    Good luck :)
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I started at 400 lbs. I didn't break speed records or run ultramarathons but I still did it.
  • uboom
    uboom Posts: 69 Member
    I'm a big fan of cycling, as it is low impact and you get lots of calories burned from it. Also swimming is great low impact option too.
  • goodmanco
    goodmanco Posts: 8 Member
    Try Laura's podcasts on your phone or iPod - it's very encouraging - you might enjoy running with them! C25K guides you all the way...

    All the best,

  • sammibob
    Thanks guys! Bought some running shoes today....... so excited to get started now!! Even if it will be slowly :)
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    The last time I was over wiehgt (before I had lost then regained) I stated off with the eliptical for 20 min with resestance, then after doing that for a couple months I was surprised to find myself running up this steep hill after my nephew with no problems, I wasnt even sweating, so I say get used to it with the eliptical and bike ridding, cuz if your not carful you may hurt your knees, lesten to your body it will tell ya =)
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    Nobody is "to fat" to run. You probably just ran too much for being out of shape. I did that once and sprained my knee. You need to take it slow. Start at a low distance and slow pace and work your way up. I have heard couch 2 5k is good for that!