emotional eating

sometimes when i feel depress i cant help but eat..not only eat but, i eat fast too.. and afterwards i am starting to regret it. coz im ruining my diet. how can i cope up with this.......


  • sloanie1
    sloanie1 Posts: 276 Member
    Its a tough one, and something a lot of people deal with including me!! I tend to try and stop and think Ok am I really hungry, why am I doing this? maybe write down what I'm feeling, drink some water.....sometimes I just have no control at all and I have bad binge sessions, not necessarily junk food just food! I'm a diagnosed food addict and food is my "crack" My doctor told me that the reason we do it is for comfort (obviously) but it's a habit, we go back to it because it's familiar....it takes 21 days to break a habit, hope this helps..x
  • opajee
    opajee Posts: 69
    You're doing so great already. Think of the positive aspects in your life to help cheer you up.

    I too am an emotional/bored eater. I used to eat when I was bored, or when I'm angry/frustrated.
    What I do now when I am emotional is eat an orange or a fruit because the sweetness makes me happier.
    I listen to music that gets my body pumping and then I go work out. Sometimes taking a walk around the block to clear my mind really helps.
  • mizzy84
    mizzy84 Posts: 9 Member
    I am totally the same!! but i have been replacing the urge to stuf myself with food that i dont really need or truly want with a walk (even just up the street and back) or some kind of exercise even just a few mins makes me realise how i really dont want the food and i actually feel better. The other night i had that feeling at 3am when i couldnt sleep and i wasnt about to go and walk around the street at that time of night/morning so i walked into my back yard and ran in a few big circles and felt 100times better was just enough to get rid of my urge and re think what i was doing. stay strong and from what i can tell ( i am only new here ) there is always someone here thats willing to help get you through that moment! STAY STRONG and u will get through it!
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Figure out why you are depressed. Before you start to eat ask yourself why am i going to eat this? Is it because i am feeling sad or am I hungry ?
  • suztheq
    suztheq Posts: 168 Member
    Figure out why you are depressed. Before you start to eat ask yourself why am i going to eat this? Is it because i am feeling sad or am I hungry ?

    ^^^Agree 100%^^^