I'm new here...

Hi all.
My name is Sandz and I need to lose about 13lbs by April ~ you may think "oh that's not a lot!" but at 5foot 2 tall 13lbs is a lot for my little self!!!
I need all the encouragement I can get for my bikini body by April :0)


  • nospigenilasor

    Im on here to get a bikini body too - Ove got until November to go, so a lot longer then you!

    A good recipe idea for quick weight loss is home made vegetable soup - just cook your favourite veggies and then blend them, have that for lunch with a couple of ryvita's and the weight should come off pretty quickly.

    Always make sure you have breakfast - Im having weetabix with skimmed milk at the moment... although I did have a bacon and egg sandwich this morning! ooops.

    Good luck!
  • LittleMissDoll
    My goal is 50 lbs by July...yeah right! But it's worth a shot! Good luck!
  • ukbondgirl
    Hi there.

    I just saw your comment and I wanted to let you know that you CAN and WILL achieve your goal. Of course, I don't know your weight or what your "ideal" weight should be, so this is just a guideline...

    If all you need to lode is 13 pounds, then it sounds to me like you simply need to get "in shape", rather than losing weight, per se. I have never been someone who would set foot in a gym, but with multiple sports injuries, being over 40 years old and 75 pounds overweight, it was "do or die" - literally.

    I have been going to the gym 5 days a week and have been averaging a 400 calorie burn for every 60 minutes of cardio exercise. If you reduce your caloric intake by just a small amount, and increase your exercise, you WILL lose weight, and what's more, you'll look fit, athletic and be toned.

    I have been on my diet since January 2nd and I now weigh 182, down from 198. I eat A LOT, and am never hungry, but I am eating well balanced meals with lots of nutrition and fiber; low carb; high protein.

    To lose weight safely, I can't recommend highly enough that you go and see your family doctor first. Make sure you are healthy and ask him/her about Optifast. OMG...it works so well, but I can't stand anything sweet so I couldn't stay on the plan. You may not qualify because it is designed for safe, fast weight loss (fasting, essentially) for people who are obese. He may just be able to make some sensible diet suggestions. Also, motivation is key...if you have medical insurance then your plan may cover you to join a gym, etc. Look into it.

    You look adorable in your photo and if you're that worried about your appearance, at your sweet age, then perhaps you should be hanging around people of a more HEALTHY weight. :-)

    Take care.
  • tanksu
    tanksu Posts: 19
    Hey Sandz,

    Keep at it and keep meeting your daily targets, in due time you will reach your goal. Simples.

    Best of luck!
  • Shannonnn92
    Shannonnn92 Posts: 86 Member
    I'm 5'2" also, my goal is to lose around 25-30lbs by my birthday at the end of July!
  • sandz2710
    You look adorable in your photo and if you're that worried about your appearance, at your sweet age, then perhaps you should be hanging around people of a more HEALTHY weight. :-)

    Take care.

    I hang around with people of all sorts of shapes and sizes :smile:
    I would just like to lose a bit of weight so I feel comfortable on my holiday.
    I am trying to eat better foods ~ I go to dance class and Zumba class, play badminton with my Mum and go on the exercise/dance games on the Wii quite often...
    So I am trying quite hard, I just think that my love of crisps/chocolate etc lets me down...I eat way too many carbs!!!
    I need to cut down on the carbs and see how that affects me I think...
    Thanks for all your nice welcome messages and I'm sure with help, support and a bit of tweaking of my everyday diet that I will manage my weight loss goal :happy:
  • Prozack1964
    hello and welcome here hope you have a great day