I'm stuck! Need help! Getting frustrated :(



  • jennahiggins
    jennahiggins Posts: 56 Member
    Plateau's are rough. But like everyone else said changing your routine is crucial. It might help for you to add all of your calories into one week, then add your work out calories in. Eat 1400 calories one day and then the next 1700 calories (depending on your work out calories). Sometimes, it is the smallest change that we make in our eating that helps. I am at the same spot, I'll gain 5 to 6 and lose 5 to 6. I have medical problems that makes me gain up to 12 lbs in water retention, I've just had surgery so working out is a no for the rest of this week. I also find that I've had to change the foods I eat, I have been sticking to fruit, vegetables, yogurt, and jello, and if I have an occasional snack of something super sweet my body doesn't go into what I call the give me mode (give me everything I see).

    One more thing to watch, is hidden calories. I didn't realize how many calories just a little here or there will add up (didn't really think about the hidden calories either). Good Luck, it's so hard, but don't give up. I did, and I've had to start back all over again. So if you want to add me as a friend feel free.
  • Lorie66
    Lorie66 Posts: 66
    First off don't look at the scales..read your measurements.. You may be trading fat for muscle and that is where the true weight loss is. Even during the time your body takes a rest from dropping in numbers you are still technically loosing in inches.. Are you eating the calories you should be eating..when you plateau don't cut your calories back because that will only make things worse...up your calories a little and change your workout to using different muscles and you should start loosing in numbers again..When I was trying to loose weight this never failed. Also make sure you are getting enough sleep..that is as important as nutrition and exercise.
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    I would recommend checking out 4theking's posts in this thread:


    Good luck! :D
  • I am right there with you. Over the past 18 months, I have lost over 60 pounds and now since December I keep gaining and losing the same 6-7 pounds over and over. I have tried almost everything that I can think of. Now for the past 2 weeks that my family has been sick, I have starting thinking of giving up for awhile just to see if I need a break.

    I wish I had answers for you, but I don't even have them for myself.
    I hope you get back on track and I wish you lots of Luck!!
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    If you're doing the same exercises over and over, they're not nearly as hard as they used to be. Try something new. Weight training? A spin class? Intervals? Your body is comfortable with what you're doing so mix it up!
  • I've been at a plateau for awhile. I met with a personal trainer and a dietitian to figure it out, and both told me that I was eating too few calories! Last week of December I upped my calories by 100 (they tell you to do it slowly so your body has time to adjust). I gained 1 lb the first week, but then dropped it the next week. The past 2 weeks I've lost 1 lb each week! I have more energy, and I feel more satisfied. I definitely feel like I'm hitting it harder in my classes. It's great!

    Other tricks to speed up metabolic rate:

    *Drink green tea daily (I love mighty leaf tropical green tea. I make I huge batch of it iced and keep it in the fridge)
    *Eat spicy - spices like cayenne have been proven to increase metabolic rate
    *Don't skip out on strength training - the more muscle that you have the more calories you burn. This is way men lose weight much faster than women - because they naturally have much more muscle.
    *Make sure that the majority of the calories that you are eating are lean, wholesome and full of vitamins and fiber.

    Don't let it get you down girl! Swtich things up a little and push through this!
  • I can relate! I have not been able to really go below the weight numbers I am at since November 2011. I've done the up and down with calories and tried to keep some sort of excercise going only to stare at the same numbers on the scale. I went as far as buying another scale! lol. I know it's important to hang in there, keep making good habit choices for the most part so that you will endure the life time goals you have. I appreciate you sharing, it helps me to remember I am not along.
  • autumnh2009
    autumnh2009 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you everyone for the great advice and support, it's nice to have you all here for that! I readjusted some of the setting on my goals and realized that I didn't accurately have in the amount of exercises and length I planned to do each week. I also changed my goal weight because initially I wasn't even sure if I was going to make 20 lbs and my motivation and commitment surprised myself. I would love to make this journey one now of the healthiest person I've ever been and it's more than just losing some weight for my wedding now :). By doing this mfp has added in some more calories, so it very well could be that I have been consuming less than what I should be which in turn as brought my metabolism to a screeching snail speed. As my metabolism has a lot of other factors it already fights on a day to day basis, stress, sleep, etc. Once again than you everyone I will read through everyone's posts and take in the knowledge! What a fun adventure we are all on!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Pay attention when you hit the "complete this entry" button. What is MFP telling you? There is usually a statement that says "You'll way XXX amount in 5 weeks but you are under eating your calories and you could be sabotaging your weight loss"Are you under your calories due to adding more exercise? Do you need to give your body more fuel? Annnnnnnnnd, make sure you are getting enough rest. Your body needs rest to lose also.

    MFP has been saying ill weigh 150 in 5 weeks for 8 months....im at 140 and my maintenance is 2500 calories.
    This is incorrect for most people so I would pay MFPs "youll weigh XXX" no mind.
  • hsk1019
    hsk1019 Posts: 235 Member
    Just to give you some words of encouragement, you are doing awesome!! Your weight loss since September is excellent!
  • Long2bme
    Long2bme Posts: 16 Member
    Hi there. You need to eat more. Plain and simple. 1400 calories is not enough to support a 154lb body, never mind lose the weight. Trust me on this. I've starved myself to get to goals never to achieve for more than a day or 2 before the weight goes back up. Once I started eating more of the right foods (think protein, complex carbs, good fats), the weight literally melted off. I'm 131.4 lbs as of today, 5ft tall, sit at a desk all day, have a gym in my home and workout 4-5x a week. 2 days HIIT and 2-3 days weights. My workouts are no more than 40 min. My goal is to eat 1600 calories per day, although I usually hover around 1400.

    Trust me on this. Eat more of the right foods and you will break that plateau.

    I do not eat my exercise calories.
  • GetFitE
    GetFitE Posts: 247 Member
    I am right there with you as far as the plateau goes. I have been bouncing back and forth with gaining and losing weight for the past YEAR. I also have changed both my diet AND my workout routine, and I've increased the amount of calories I eat now. I take saturday's off of dieting to give me those non-healthy foods I crave (although I still log). Since Jan 1, I've been doing JM 30 Day Shred 5 days a week, running 3 days a week, and another form of cardio (yoga, kickboxing, or spinning) the other 2 days of the week...I gained Dropped 5lbs in the first week, and have gained 3lbs back...so, I know how you feel...I need some major help too!

    **Just posting so you know you're not alone**
  • Edphil2
    Edphil2 Posts: 21
    Dont be discouraged! If you weren't exercising I could understand your frustration. But you are doing the right thing. By adding the exercise you are toning and firming your muscles.....hopefully adding some! You may still be dropping fat but adding a little muscle mass, and muscle weighs more than fat. Body transformation should be your focus much more than just the weight number on the scale. A strong, healthy, toned body is much more healthy than just a skinny one...and is more attractive too. With the exercise you may want to look at actually increasing your protein intake. Good luck and stick with it.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Hi there. You need to eat more. Plain and simple. 1400 calories is not enough to support a 154lb body, never mind lose the weight. Trust me on this. I've starved myself to get to goals never to achieve for more than a day or 2 before the weight goes back up. Once I started eating more of the right foods (think protein, complex carbs, good fats), the weight literally melted off. I'm 131.4 lbs as of today, 5ft tall, sit at a desk all day, have a gym in my home and workout 4-5x a week. 2 days HIIT and 2-3 days weights. My workouts are no more than 40 min. My goal is to eat 1600 calories per day, although I usually hover around 1400.

    Trust me on this. Eat more of the right foods and you will break that plateau.

    I do not eat my exercise calories.

    ^^^^HUGS to this woman!
    Most people are afraid to eat because they want to lose weight.
    Unfortunately if you eat to close to or under BMR youll slow metabolism.
    Check out http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/ and do the Military body fat calc and the BMR tool.
    I think youll be pleasantly surprised at how much you CAN eat to lose weight!
  • It's true, changing up your workouts gets other muscles you haven"t used in recent physical activities gives your body a boost. When others are eating a pizza, have a large plat of vegetables with your favorite low-fat dressing, that way you can munch away, and the calories your eating are very minimal. Eat like a King in the morning, a queen in the afternoon, and a pauper for dinner. Think of you plate as 1/2 vegetables and the other slit in half by protein and carbohydrates. Use a salad plate for your meals, the dinner plates are too big now a days. a large glass of water before each meal will help you feel fuller faster.

    Men are soooo lucky that they have more muscle mass and can burn their calories much faster than women. We drew the small straw on that one, but I don't believe all women want to be body builders anyway.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Women who are body builders have been lifting heavy for years.
    If you were to eat clean above TDEE for a year you would probably gain appx 12lbs.
    If you lift heavy you will gain mostly lean mass with some body fat.

    For instance we have Connie

    She weighs 114lbs and deadlifts over 200lbs for 4 reps.
    Heavy lifting 3 times a week for 20-40 mins?
    You betcha!

    Learning that compound lifts if you have the equipment can save time and energy and you rarely plateau.
  • epurucker82
    epurucker82 Posts: 46 Member
    Been there too!!! It took me about three weeks to break mine and it was so upsetting. My doctor told me the best thing to do is keep going and it will start going down. I did buy a Heart Monitor and realized that my heart rate drops really quick now if I don't keep up the pace and I also got a Fitbit which is a good way to get excited and keep you moving. Plus the fitbit can sync to your Fitness Pal App which is a plus. Good Luck!!!