
fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
Who here does it, and what do you think?

I have two friends who have been to classes locally - different classes with different instructors, and both have come out saying it's just full of old ladies and is a bit lame. But then I hear people here raving about it, and really want to give it a go. So what do you think, people who have tried it? Is it just for old ladies, or is it a real workout?


  • daphnemoon
    daphnemoon Posts: 216 Member
    I used to do a lot of zumba as a way of getting back into exercising, I was pretty unfit and it was a major help to me in getting my first rung on the fitness ladder!

    Now I need something a bit more intense I only go once or twice a week as a cooldown after other classes. However, there are as many different types of classes as there are teachers, some are really intense and aerobic-based whereas others are more dancy and low-impact in comparison. Definitely try lots of different classes, and like anything you only get out what you put in. But as a note of comparison, I will burn half the calories in zumba that I do in my aerobics class (working at full pelt in zumba).

    It is a lot of fun though!
  • I do two classes a week with the same instructor at different venues. I love it! It's the only proper exercise (other than walking) I do so it's a good calorie burner.
    In one class, there are lots of older women, but the other is filled with teens up to 60 year olds. For £3 a session I think it's great value and I don't feel like I'm working out :)
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I used to do a lot of zumba as a way of getting back into exercising, I was pretty unfit and it was a major help to me in getting my first rung on the fitness ladder!

    Now I need something a bit more intense I only go once or twice a week as a cooldown after other classes. However, there are as many different types of classes as there are teachers, some are really intense and aerobic-based whereas others are more dancy and low-impact in comparison. Definitely try lots of different classes, and like anything you only get out what you put in. But as a note of comparison, I will burn half the calories in zumba that I do in my aerobics class (working at full pelt in zumba).

    It is a lot of fun though!

    That's interesting about the calories burned. I am primarily a runner, and only burn about 340 cals an hour doing high impact aerobics. Would this mean I only burn about 170 an hour doing zumba? That wouldn't be worth the time it took to get there!
  • I'm 24 and have been doing it fo about 2 weeks now, I used to dance as a teenager so I pick it up easy not sure on others?
    I did around 15minuets per day on my own at home using my Kinect I was so breathless after it but now I can manage 30 mins and feel great after it. The great thing about Zumba is you can control the intensity, I like to really push it and burn off the calories quickly, around 150 for 15-20 minutes. If you can stick it at high pace for an hour all the better :) And its great for muscle tone aswel, my arms are already feeling less saggy :P after just 2weeks xx
  • daphnemoon
    daphnemoon Posts: 216 Member
    That's interesting about the calories burned. I am primarily a runner, and only burn about 340 cals an hour doing high impact aerobics. Would this mean I only burn about 170 an hour doing zumba? That wouldn't be worth the time it took to get there!

    Hmm, I guess it depends on your level of fitness - you sound pretty fit to me so you might not find it to be a great calorie burner. The first time I did zumba I was only going to the gym about once a month (!) - and I was drenched with sweat and exhausted after about 5 mins! Don't know how I got through that first class. But yes, now I normally burn around 600 per hour doing body attack and zumba is half of that. I think it's one of those things that you'll either love or hate. But definitely give it a try! :)
  • It depends on the instructor, mine here in my hometown is amazing. It's like going to a dance club. Never feel like I'm working out but I am sweaty, sore and breathless. Check her out. !Sarah Fetcher! Not advertising for her but she is absolutely amazing. It's the highlight of my week. BTW I run and do step aerobics and this is class is a challenge for me.
  • CnocNaCu
    CnocNaCu Posts: 536 Member
    I do two classes a week with the same instructor at different venues. I love it! It's the only proper exercise (other than walking) I do so it's a good calorie burner.
    In one class, there are lots of older women, but the other is filled with teens up to 60 year olds. For £3 a session I think it's great value and I don't feel like I'm working out :)

    Thanks for your post, am glad I'm a teen according to you :flowerforyou:
    What I've noticed recently is that I might not look as sexy as the 20 somethings but when doing my workout I can kick their butt. Over 50 does NOT mean old or unfit. Thanks again, you made my day
  • jschuett12
    jschuett12 Posts: 15 Member
    Zumba was the first cardio I stuck with. I took my first class in the fall of 2010 and this past summer I got certified to teach! I love it! There are different levels so be sure your friends aren't going to Zumba Gold classes which are geared toward total beginners or the older crowd that don't want so much jumping and stuff. I burn around 450 cals in a 50 min class on average. Sometimes more but usually always at least that much! Zumba is set up to be interval cardio- warm up is 2-3 songs, then higher pace for 2-3 songs and then a recovery song (this does not mean slow! just not as jumpy/high cardio). I usually do use a bellydance song for recovery which keeps your abs engaged but allows your heart to come down a bit. Then repeat until you need to cool down 1-2 songs and then stretch. What I love about Zumba is the music! I am as white as you get so all these new styles of music have been opened up to me. Now I find myself listening to the Spanish stations for inspiration :) Also, I have no background of dance or fitness. I have always been overweight and since the summer have lost 35lbs by doing Zumba 3 or more times a week. I also teach Aqua Zumba which is so much fun too- there is also Zumba Toning and Zumba Atomic for kids!
  • Alicja_W
    Alicja_W Posts: 169
    well i wasn;t doing classes but i have zumba for kinect its just great ! i love it im sure classes are even more fun <3
  • try the link to work our cals burned http://www.zumbacalories.com i do cardio kick followed by Zumba and find it tones and really has helped change my body shape - I also do 5 hours of dancing a week but needed more as body was used to doing that! Like everything depends on instructor and class. give it a go! x
  • sirenvega
    sirenvega Posts: 43 Member
    Who here does it, and what do you think?

    I have two friends who have been to classes locally - different classes with different instructors, and both have come out saying it's just full of old ladies and is a bit lame. But then I hear people here raving about it, and really want to give it a go. So what do you think, people who have tried it? Is it just for old ladies, or is it a real workout?

    I do it and my class is awesome. I typically burn anywhere from 900 to 1000 calories an hour. The people in my class are anywhere from 18-50 years old... And some of those "old" women can really work it out!
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Most of my cardio is jogging. I do Zumba at my local YMCA once a week. I suck. Picture a blind, drunk, stoned ape wearing rollerskates attempting to dance and that's me. But the key thing for me is I enjoy it. It helps me get outta my comfort zone being one of 3 guys in a class with 30 women. I average 700-900 calories in 1hr and that's while wearing a HRM to track my calories burned.
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    It helps me get outta my comfort zone being one of 3 guys in a class with 30 women.

    You misquoted, You meant to say one of 3 guys in a planet with millions of women! - Buhahahaha :D

    You know I kid, have fun with it!
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    It helps me get outta my comfort zone being one of 3 guys in a class with 30 women.

    You misquoted, You meant to say one of 3 guys in a planet with millions of women! - Buhahahaha :D

    You know I kid, have fun with it!

    Lol. I do.
  • jackieb1977
    jackieb1977 Posts: 195 Member
    i have just come back from my frst class and it was a range of size and ages, it was great fun and i thoroughly recommended it, i would try a class and if you dont like i then find a diffrent one, that you like.